*** Official OcUK Modded Minecraft + Vanilla Server - Now with guides and how to's***

the DYNMAP was quiet a nice addition to the forum, had a little nosy round on that earlier.

a question on the rail network (if its community driven instead of private), why not extend it north and south as well as all the way to the east.

The rail tracks you can see (Going west) are going to peoples bases in that direction. The rail station has a number of rails (6 in total) each going to people personal bases. I believe there is one free rail currently.

Has anyone worked out how to do summon battle chicken on ars magica 2 without cheating in a phylactory of battle chicken essence? Mythian posted a riddle to give some sort of a clue, but after a few hours I'm completely stumped, as is everyone else on the internet it seems

this is what he posted:
While silver spells are certain grammar,
This one too applauds.
Take the one spawned by a feather,
And writ it to maraud.

You'll need imbuements of true power:
and agility unsurpassed.
A rule of four will be your partner,
To reach your goal at last.
Dubs and I have finished the blazefarm. Access via the Nether. Rates seem favourable. You can either punch the damaged blazes or use a harming potion for a quicker kill. Using a Fort III sword results in much higher loot. You can use a harming potion with a loot III sword by throwing the potion and then swtiching to your loot sword before the potion hits. That way the blazes will die and yield fort III loot but your sword will take no damage ;)

Incidentally this works with any mob - shoot an arrow at a ghast and switch to your loot sword whilst the arrow is in flight. If you hit the ghast you'll get loot III loot even though your bow isn't loot III - I'm sure a lot of you already know that, but just making sure it's out there :)

15 mins afk with loot III

15 mins afk no loot

Cheers - Ham
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Commands, builds and stuff for the vanilla server:

There are some community chests at spawn – they include various items to help you get started. Feel free to use the gear, but don't be a gear hog ;) Replace the gear once you're up and running to help other new players.

/help gives you a list of commands

/sethome “name” sets a home. You can have three homes

/home “name” tps you to that home

/delhome “name” removes that home

/back tps you to your last position – useful for accessing death chests

Chests are now auto locked using the lwc plugin – you need to unlock them to use hoppers with them. Here are the lwc commands

/cpublic makes a chest public

/cprivate locks a chest to you

/cprivate “name” locks the chest to you and the named player/s

/cremove removes all permissions

you can also lock doors, gates, trapdoors and other stuff.

You can tp to another player or request them to tp to you:

/tpa “name” requests a tp to the named player

/tpahere “name” requests the named player tps to you

/tpaccept accepts the requests

/tpdeny denies the requests

/co i shows the last few block/chest interactions – useful for checking for griefers etc

/afk shows you as away from keyboard, but make sure you're in a safe location as mobs can attack and kill you whilst afk

The server is 1.7.9 but you can use 1.7.10 in your client if you want to use minimaps/optifine etc

If you vote for the server you get diamonds: https://minestatus.net/121262-linktart-vanilla-server & http://minecraft-mp.com/server/40308/vote/

You can also donate: either http://linktart.enjin.com/shop or do /buy in game.

Gravestone/death chest plugin is active – when you die all your gear is stored in a chest near a headstone ^_^

Skyblock is active: use:

/island create to create your island

/island home to tp to your island – NOTE empty your inventory before going to your skyblock island as your inventory will be wiped.

/island delete to delete your island

A few builds that you may find useful are:

Overworld: -

Iron Farm
Fishing Farm
Tree Farm
String Farm
Witch Farm (Red and glowstone powder, gunpowder, glass bottles, spider eyes, sticks and sugar)
Skelly bone farm

Instructions for the tree and fish farms are located on the builds with web addresses. The iron farm is fairly well stocked. The tree farm is a semi afk farm and the others are all fully afk farms.

There are also 2 autobrewer systems, although you will have to ask to use these – see ham or vdubs :)

Access to the String and Witch farms is via the nether – it's signposted. The other farms are N/W of spawn

Skelly farm is via the HamDub Highway rail track in the station at spawn.

The Nether: -

Blaze Farm
Gold, magmacream and Ghast Tear Farm

Both farms fully afk. Please read the instructions at the goldfarm to avoid damaging the farm. Both signposted in the nether.

The End

XP/Enderball farm

A very quick xp farm – accessed via the Nether – follow the signs.

As with all the farms I've built/been involved with they are free for all players to use. Leave a donation if you wish. If you're visiting an afk farm it's only polite to take the loot that you have afk'd yourself :)

There is a rail system West of spawn, but at the time of writing there is only one platform left. If there is enough demand the capacity could be increased.

Players from the 1.6.2 server – your old builds and chests are still in the old overworld. You can get there via the nether brick building East of spawn. All players – take note of the signs ;)

I'll edit/update this as and when new builds/stuff are built.

Cheers all – Ham :)
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Still unable to get on the RR server as i get the error " The following multiparts are not installed on this client : Frame "

tried multiple re-installs and still get the same error.

only thing i can think it would be is that mine version is updated to and according to the OP resonant rise is running
I haven't for a while so can't really say although there are a few bases dotted here and there that would suggest so.

To the mods, I don't know if it's possible but if there was a way to view which server was the most popular it might help new people decide where to go?
any news on a restart/new mod pack?

I've been keeping an eye on the 1.7.10 direwolf20 pack progress because a friend of mine will be starting a server for a few people using that pack. According to direwolf they are just waiting for "one mod with semi important worldgen" to update to 1.7.10 and for a bug or two to be fixed then it can be released.

The only mod I can find to fit those requirements from the 1.6.4 pack is qCraft, since that is only updated to 1.7.2. Unfortunately the developer of qCraft (dan200) seems to be far more interested in making his new game than updating qCraft to 1.7.10. I may have just missed the official 1.7.10 version though
got a list of the mods currently in the 1.7 version of direwolf?

Sadly not. People have been streaming alpha testing of the pack so some viewers have probably taken note of what showed up in NEI. A cursory google didn't turn up much, but then its been reported that not all the mods in testing will be in the pack anyway.
well for some unknown reason my Resonant Rise SP base has gone....Gutted is an understatement, well over 50hrs went into it, and all i have to show for it is my original hut i started with near the beginning
I just found a streamer who streams the DW20 1.7.10 pack, went to yesterdays stream and a random start point because no way am I watching 9 1/2 hours of minecraft in one sitting. The first thing the streamer said was that the pack was due for release at the end of October :D

Here's the link for anyone interested. The time you want is 0:59:00: http://www.twitch.tv/wyld/b/582236552

A cursory google confirms that Wyld is one of the guys who puts mod packs together for the FTB team, so he seems like a reasonably reliable source
Could i get whitelisted for this pack

Edit: Just had a look through what the mod pack includes, quite surprised its missing some quite popular mods like ARS Magica, Magical Crops and Mekanism
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just a quick one, the new Direwolf20 pack, everytime i go to the tab :
Thaumic Exploration

in creative it closes the game for me, i remember a similar problem with optifine and Tcontructor a while back. not sure if anyone else has this issue or if it will crash the server thats been set up.
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