Is this on the modded server or vanilla?? As im playing on the modded srrver atm(should have mentioned that) will be starting on the vanilla server soon though as i like to have a go at modded and un-modded
Haven't managed to start playing again as my computer's almost had it :'( still more than happy to contribute to server costs as I should be able to have it fixed soon.
Soon as it's sorted we'll see about doing that video and whatnot if you're still up for it Ham?
Hi All,
Sorry the last few days has been mental.
Can all whom said they will help fund the server reply to me using trust
It will be easer to work out the numbers and get things in place for the server setup.
you may also email me if it is easer yrthilian [at] gmail [dot] com
Once we know we can fund the server i will sort it out with FT and
get the transfear of it completed
The idea is £5 a month to cover the cost we need 9/10 memebr to help with this and we can make the server private again.
Sorry for my lack of reply the last few weeks been crazy and had no internet for the last 2 weeks
Does the modded server have a dynamic map? Seems like a ghost town.
Hi All,
So far we have 3 pledges
Maun £5 p/m
Hammit £5 p/m
Judochop £5 p/m
target is 45 a month
Modded server just crashedMy fault I think, attached a modem to an advanced computer which was attached via networking cable to a capacitor and a reactor