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*** Official OMG I've finally got my 5850 thread **

my Asus 5850 just arrived :D shame i don't have the rest of my rig here at uni with me! that's sitting at home with a x1300 in! You guys reckon I will notice much of a difference? :D
As far as voltage settings You will 100% be safe, Mine would run at 880mhz with that voltage
The auto fan settings may be a little low for the 5850 as the 5870 has a slightly better cooler, but it looks like You are using a manual fan anyway.

Long term I would be very surprised if there are any downsides to what You have done as the difference between the cards is a factory Hardware modification of the core and as such the risk of unlocking faulty shader units will not exist

Question, Is the card now reported as a 5870 ? , I don't know what will read it's hardware Id but there must be something ! , It would be intresting to know ;)

It still shows up as a 5800 with 1440 shaders in gpuz for example its just the clock/memory are set as they would be for a 5870, i do have the fan set higher using msi afterburner, the default clock shows as 400/1200 in ati catys.

It still shows up as a 5800 with 1440 shaders in gpuz for example its just the clock/memory are set as they would be for a 5870, i do have the fan set higher using msi afterburner, the default clock shows as 400/1200 in ati catys.

;) I forgot GPUZ shows shaders !...silly Me
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I would say the blank screen no boot is pci-e frequency in bios as i had that on nvidia and ati cards, the fan just sits at full whack and nothing it tends to come along with over clocking cpu etc in my experience, set it to manual 100 for example in the bios and the problem disappears, for a change this card actually doesn't do it, my old card 8800gts does it, the 4850 i had in before did it.

None of those links show anything really that couldn't be fixed with a bit of searching on the internet, so far i see 1 maybe 2 doa's thats it and i have certainly seen nothing on the net to show other wise, certainly nothing like i have seen in the past with one of the Nvidia cards that had major manufacturing issues.
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Theres 3 from here, the blank screen no boot one seems a common prob, theres also a 5870 thats decided to die as well in one of those threads above, and theres quite a few more.

What's the fuss? 3-10 cards out of god knows how many after 3 weeks is titchy? How many were sold that were perfectly fine? They all have warranties? :confused::confused:

Theres 3 from here, the blank screen no boot one seems a common prob, theres also a 5870 thats decided to die as well in one of those threads above, and theres quite a few more.

The blank screen problem, although a problem, doesn't stop the card from working. Mine doesn't output until my 2nd page of the bios boot it but it works fine and I can still get into the bios.

However, last night I installed my new psu and the problem has now gone away so not sure if the issue was a bad connection in pci-e socket, bad connection on the pci-e 6 pin leads or that some issue with my old psu and the power it supplies to the card.

Whatever it was is solved now and I wouldn't have sent the card back for that problem anyway.

And as said, it's hardly loads going back with faults. By my reckoning ocuk have now sold over 300 5850's of which they have had one return. 0.3% returns is hardly worth typing about, never mind putting you off buying one.
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Found my old Accelero off my 4870 at the back of a draw last night, bent a couple of fins and it fits perfect.

The fan on top is only 600rpm, with the GPU running at 1ghz, 1.3v it never goes over 54C in games and in absolute silence!

I have one of those coolers i never used still boxed up minus the ram heat sinks, i guess you still need those for it ?
No you don't need the ram sinks at all. Basically the standard cooler comes in 2 parts, a back plate that fits over the ram and vrms and then the heatsink bit which sits on the GPU.

Edit: If you look at this pic you can see what I mean: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/HIS/HD_5850/images/cooler2.jpg

You can undo all the screws on the cooler so the plastic case, copper heatsink and fan can all be removed from the plate allowing you to use it with the Accelero.
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