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*** Official OMG I've finally got my 5850 thread **

Ahhh what the hell, i couldn't resist as they've got some stock, just ordered the Sapphire 5850. :D

Lets start a pool, choose what day Loadsa's 5850 dies on , I'm going with next Wednesday ;)

You've got to remember on any usual week theres a few people with any old newly bought card with a problem, on weeks where sales are low for any particular type of card. in release weeks when people love to get new toys the sales are through the roof, 10times more cards sold, 10 times more people would normally have problems and post on a forum, not too surprising.

Add to that its often overclockers who want the newest stuff first, flashing bios's, overvolting, overclocking the bejesus out of these cards, no officially released final drivers, varying different systems, lots of people using this time to upgrade/install a new OS/game/other components and frankly, the number of problems seems minimal.
Add me to that list, I'm afraid. Well it's not DOA, but something sure isn't right...

When I power up, 9 times out of 10 the fan spins up to 100% and I get no picture, but Windows loads up fine, I can hear the chimes when it comes on. But on the 1 out of 10(ish) the fan starts up quiet, and it's all fine, even surving reboots. It only seems to happen when you physically switch the machine off.

I've currently been using it now for about 8 hours none stop, but everytime I power cycle I have to turn it off and on about 8 or 9 times before it works.

I'm on a rather old Asus P5N-E SLI and doing a quick google earlier quite a few people have this 100% fan and no signal problem (most Asus but some Gigabyte mobos), so I actually suspect the card is fine and it's my motherboard that's the issue.

I've installed lastes BIOS today and reset CMOS (also removed CPU OC), which had no effect, I've tried every way of conecting it to my TT 750 Tough Power PSU, again, no effect.

but as I say, I think the card is fine, and it's the mobo causing this, and possibly others' issues.

Regards Spec
Have you tried messing with the pci-express frequency in the bios setting it from auto to 100 for example, i have had this happen many times in the past and that always sorts it for me.
loads of course few of them will go puff , but they probably sold more then 300 so even if 10 cards of 300 are not working its still very good ratio. this conversation reminds me of 4870 when they were released , was it u that said they are not reliable as well ?
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loads of course few of them will go puff , but they probably sold more then 300 so even if 10 cards of 300 are not working its still very good ratio. this conversation reminds me of 4870 when they were released , was it u that said they are not reliable as well ?

That wasn't me (if you are on about me lol), i didn't know there were many faulty 4870's.

He was only looking for an excuse not to spend his money and he caved!

Yeap :(


Be well funny if he gets a DOA one! :D (obviously in a sort of sick way and I'd not wish that on anyone of course).

4870 will be straight back in if thats the case :D
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Well ive finally got mine, Sapphire 5850, but had a mare of a day. :p

First off, the card came this morning, but i refused the delivery as i didn't know it was my card, as it was a big LG DVD ReWriter box, so i asked the guy if it was the right one for me (as i couldn't see name or address on it), anyway, he looked around the box, found it, showed me it, so i said can yer not quickly open it see whats in, as i never ordered a writer, but he said no can't sorry, so i told him to take it away (it was after he'd gone, i realised i could have signed for it to check, and if it was wrong, they would have picked it back up). :D

I got onto the place i ordered from about it, told them the story, and they told me it may have been put in a different box (recycling or something), so ill check with the warehouse see if thats the case, and phone you back, so couple of minutes later phoned back, yup that was the case :p, so they said, phoned the delivery depot, and they going to see if they can get the guy to call back with it this afternoon, if not be Monday, so i said ok hairy muff. :p

Stroke of luck, he called back with it at half 2, so she'd finally arrived, and then thats where the fun started. :D

First off, i couldn't get the slot lock open on my new case Lexa Blackline), manual just said, just push the clip down to unlock, but she wouldn't budge, anyway after a good 10-15 minutes, i found how to do it, on the back of the case was a small screw holding a metal plate above the lock which was stopping me from getting it open, so sorted.

Then, i couldn't get me 4870 out, i couldn't get to the little white clip on the back of the pcie slot that you press down to flip the card up, so i thought, ill use me screwdriver to press it down (yes you know whats coming :p)

Did that, but i slipped didn't i, snapped the clip off, screwdriver straight into the mobo (yes you knew it was coming :D), thought thats it, ive killed the board now, comps ******, had a good look around it, but no gouges or nothing, looked fine, so thought PHEW.

Finally got the 5850 in, then i couldn't get the screwless plate back on the top (the doo-dah with the lever that i was trying to push down to unlock), so i had to dig out some old screws and fasten the cards back in the normal way, put it all back together and give it a quick switch on, and she booted fine, RELIEF. :D

Ran a couple of Resi 5 benchies just to put a bit of stress on her (to see if i had borked the board, as i was expecting a switch off or something), but she ran fine, so going to stick GTA on in a bit to put a bit more strss on it, see how she handles then (hopefully fine still).

Anyway, the scores with the 4870 at 1680x1050 were, Dx9 = 94.1, Dx10 = 75.1, with the 5850 in there, Dx9 = 129.5, with Dx10 getting 97.0, so quite an increase. :)

Now going to get some others tested, and to give it a bit more stress, to see if i do get any probs after the screwdriver slip.

SO WHAT A ******* DAY!!!! :D
Got mine today and it was an upgrade from a 4890, so wasnt really knowing how much of a performance gain i would get,anyway did a bit of gaming and ran a few benchies and have to say it is great ,smooth as silk and plays L4D with ease and all settings maxed out, might get another when the price comes down a little and x-fire them,

Very happy ;)
Well mine all went together well, I also couldn't get the screwless clip to close on the card so i had to get some old screws to fix it in place.
I changed up from an AGP x1650pro so massive change for me, Gta iv runs like a dream.

I will bench mark it when i am finished playing with the settings.Its a beast of a card i have an xclio a380 case so no problem for me but i can imagine some people may have an issue here.

Lol tbh sounds like you're incompetent!

Nah just one those days where nothing goes right, and you do daft things, we all get them :)

Only reason i couldn't get the lock off, was because it was a new case, and i never put this system together (as i couldn't be bothered doing it this time), and using the screwdriver on the clip, well was daft that, aint got a clue what i was doing there tbh, as i said, one of those daft days we all get :p

Blimey Loadsa, sounds like a right blonde day. :D

That was like listening to one of Mrs W's 'You wouldn't believe the day I've had' stories! :p

It certainly was, **** knows why as well, had a feeling it was going to be downhill when i had the card, then didn't, i knew i should have just went back to bed then :D

Well mine all went together well, I also couldn't get the screwless clip to close on the card so i had to get some old screws to fix it in place.
I changed up from an AGP x1650pro so massive change for me, Gta iv runs like a dream.

I will bench mark it when i am finished playing with the settings.Its a beast of a card i have an xclio a380 case so no problem for me but i can imagine some people may have an issue here.


Thats some performance increase there, one helluva boost, i only went from a 4870, and im even impressed with going from that, and yeah, GTA runs mighty fine, on the 4870 i got around 53 avg, and now with this, im avg about 61, so nice increase there again as well, seen as GTA's more on the CPU. :D

EDIT: Btw, im well impressed with these fans, don't know what they've done to them, but they totally silent, i can understand at idle as the core and memorys really low, so it doesn't need to spin so fast, but even underload, not a thing can be heard, no ERRRRRRR, nothing, and thats well strange for an ATi stock cooler :)
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Nah just one those days where nothing goes right, and you do daft things, we all get them :)

Only reason i couldn't get the lock off, was because it was a new case, and i never put this system together (as i couldn't be bothered doing it this time), and using the screwdriver on the clip, well was daft that, aint got a clue what i was doing there tbh, as i said, one of those daft days we all get :p

It certainly was, **** knows why as well, had a feeling it was going to be downhill when i had the card, then didn't, i knew i should have just went back to bed then :D

Thats some performance increase there, one helluva boost, i only went from a 4870, and im even impressed with going from that, and yeah, GTA runs mighty fine, on the 4870 i got around 53 avg, and now with this, im avg about 61, so nice increase there again as well, seen as GTA's more on the CPU. :D

EDIT: Btw, im well impressed with these fans, don't know what they've done to them, but they totally silent, i can understand at idle as the core and memorys really low, so it doesn't need to spin so fast, but even underload, not a thing can be heard, no ERRRRRRR, nothing, and thats well strange for an ATi stock cooler :)

You'll hear it tomorrow when you turn your PC on and it blasts away at 100% while you're looking at a blank screen saying Spec-Chum you jinxing BEEP!

hehe :)
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