Think the last one was about 1-2 months ago.
Really wish today was still double XP as the last alert on Esamir was the best farm I had for a long while.
Hunting around the Traverse (Amp station side) and killing VS infantry that was scatted all over the place, pretty sure there was least 70+ all one side of a hill, was like gold mine of kills. Spammed the hell out of it with my fully certed Fury until they noticed me, so drove around further to the left and more until I was right behind them. Kept killing them and being killed myself a few times until there was only a small squad left that I personally wiped out, mostly Maxes and few medics/engineers.
The hunting ground moved towards a hill over the Snowshear tower side and I decided for the fun of it to drive right into the mass of infantry, cloaked in the first part, uncloaked and let rip with 9 shots of fury then cloaked and made it out of there. Got about 12 kills between road kills and the fury. The farm ended and I squad deployed to where my Outfit was farming the NC just around the Nott Amp Station.
Flashed it until I got killed then since everyone was getting Prowlers at the Crash site, I decided to pull mine and attacked the Geo site, was the only one using the light trim on my Prowler out of 100+ tanks there. lol
100's of NC was defending and I moved to the far left of the spawn room on the hills and deployed and started to fire at the spawn area. Must had fired least 300 tank rounds (least 3 ammo supplies for me at 92 rounds per fill). As the cap ended there we moved onto Nott Amp and finally Grey Shipping.
Decided to pull my Burster out there since there was so much NC air flying around, farmed the hell out of everything that flew which gave me the no1 spot for that battle.
Render distance dropped to about 50m in that battle. Couldn't even see anything leaving the NC Warpgate other then Galaxies and Libs. Reavers wouldn't show up until they was well within the dead zone for a Burster max, no esacpe then which isn't their fault since I guess they couldn't see anyone too until they was right on top of us. Been on both sides of that which really ruins the fun in PS2.
Got 2600+ certs at the moment and can't really decide what to spend them on, pretty much have everything I want upgraded which just leaves a few final levels for things. Still need final level for my shield and health for my Heavy, but that's 1500 points. Can't decide if the extra 5% health for 25% health is really worth it, same goes for the shield.
My Sundy really needs some upgrades, but I don't really pull it that often.