*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

I'm assuming thats 45 days game time?
Why dont you post a players link so people can see how you got your score?
Membership and boosters or what?

I've bogged down in the early 70s, I have everything unlocked i want and im getting bored of zerg fights so ive been running & playing in smaller spec ops'y single squad units harassing and pre securing bases. dropped my SPM to about a 3rd of what it was but i have more fun.

Doubt I'll hit 100 before my membership ends now though, but i may keep it anyway for the resources. I find it funny listening to people who havent spent a peny on the game complaining that they cant spawn ESFs every 30 seconds like a bunch of entitled little brats.

I dont get how people expect to play what is a TBH a AAA game without paying and get the full expereince.
Congrats! :) But why rest now? The battle never ends! Get back on the front line! Don't play for titles or rank, play to kill kill kill! :D

Thank you. Yeah am still going to play, love this game too much, but I don't feel so stressed anymore, it's been my own little goal to become the 4th in the Outfit to reach BR100 faster then anyone else. :p

Well done dude.
Are you still rolling with the BMC ?

Thank you. Yeah still with BMC. Though you might see me play with the Goons and OCB squads.

I'm assuming thats 45 days game time?
Why dont you post a players link so people can see how you got your score?
Membership and boosters or what?

I've bogged down in the early 70s, I have everything unlocked i want and im getting bored of zerg fights so ive been running & playing in smaller spec ops'y single squad units harassing and pre securing bases. dropped my SPM to about a 3rd of what it was but i have more fun.

Doubt I'll hit 100 before my membership ends now though, but i may keep it anyway for the resources. I find it funny listening to people who havent spent a peny on the game complaining that they cant spawn ESFs every 30 seconds like a bunch of entitled little brats.

I dont get how people expect to play what is a TBH a AAA game without paying and get the full expereince.

Yeah once you get above BR50 you should have the main equipment unlocked and at BR70 you should have them maxed. At BR90 you should have everything you use maxed out and be unlocking luxury items and equipment. Don't think I could play this game without paying for things, but since I have everything I want maxed out am now happy to unlock weapons with certs. I use SOE for Boosters and Helmets and stuff. :p Personally think it's wise to spend a little money when you first start to unlock the main weapons and use certs later on.

I reached BR100 using a 6 month membership and 50% XP boosters, sometimes the 100% XP boosters and spending many hours playing in the double/triple XP days. I don't play like Daddy or any other "farmer" but I do have my favourite weapons and vehicles which are the Clocked Fury Flash, Prowler HEAT/AP and Rocket Pods with M14.

For the last two or three weeks, I been driving a Buggy while my friend guns for me, weapons used are the Vulcan and Marauder, more Vulcan usage lately since it's fun to see vehicles explode. Other day, we took out 5 Lightnings in a group in 2 or 3 minutes. :D

BR99 to BR100 was a up hill climb, it's the same as going from BR99 to BR100, took me just over a week I think.
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I never understood why the ranks stop at 100. I mean, why not just carry on past 100? That way there would ALWAYS be more ranks to get to.
Ive been thinking of subbing for a while, never liked this when I first got it. But now im playing NC with friends really enjoying it.

I go away for 2 weeks end of the month so wont be subbing yet. But when I come back and winter starts to set in its something I'd like to do. One i feel bad im playing such a good game and not supporting it. 2 I really need some station cash as getting 1000 certs for certain weapons and unlocks will take me an age.

Whats the cheapest and easiest way for me to go about this ? Just buying some station cash or subbing for a few months?
My bad, I meant going from BR99 to BR100.

Whats the cheapest and easiest way for me to go about this ? Just buying some station cash or subbing for a few months?

I find the 6+ month membership is the best, since it gives you 50% XP and 50% Resources boosts then you use SC to buy the 50% XP boosters so you earn 100% XP.

Station Cash is really cheap on eBay. :p
I bought like 5 of the 5000 SC nvidia codes back when they were giving them away with cards. They're few and far between now though and cost more than when there were loads for sale obviously.

The codes had to be the american ones too as the EU codes just gave you a bundle of items.

This isn't a bad price for 2500 SC:


Also another thing to note, make sure your account is SOE as that uses station cash, prosieben accounts use something called sevencash.
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How do I know what account I have. I'd rather buy from the MM than ebay. I'd rather get aids than buy from ebay to be honest.
How do I know what account I have. I'd rather buy from the MM than ebay. I'd rather get aids than buy from ebay to be honest.

Go to the SOE website and login with the same details, if it lets you in then your account is SOE. You'll have a hard time finding any PS2 codes on the MM now, as I said the codes that used to come with nvidia cards have mostly ran out.

That guys ebay reviews look good, plenty of people have left positive feedback saying their codes worked just fine.
You are always welcome in a Goon squad dude.

Thanks bro, if I wasn't in BMC, I would had joined Goons. :D

Yesterday was pretty awesome, I somehow found myself in the right spots all the time with a Prowler with a Marauder. I rolled my Prowler next to the Ammo Tower with a view of the one doorways to the east side Generator room and just spammed it none stop with 15 grenades per load for about three minutes while NC did their best to defend it while it overloaded.

The kills and XP messages was ticking away none stop as I was firing away. I honestly couldn't believe it was happening. I honestly farmed that entire squad/platoon, honestly shocked that I didn't get C4/Mined or something, though I did catch one or two sneaking up but the Marauder to their face said NOPE.

Few minutes later on, NC rushed through the vehicle shield in a huge group, talking about least 50+ or more. I was again sitting at the Ammo Tower and just kept firing and firing and firing. It was madness seeing they all die, get revived and die again while more kept running through, there was so many running through I just couldn't kill them all. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Same thing happened again when NC's Spec252 or something tried to take the Tower outside TR's warpgate, kinda silly since they didn't have a link and deployed a full platoon there. Anyway, rolled my Prowler outside the vehicle bay, killed a Lightning, combo killed the Sundy with other friendly forces and then spammed the Marauder till someone managed to C4 me.

I didn't care at that point, it was paradise and these moments is why I love Planetside 2. :D
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What is it with players doing the following.

  1. Shooting my Prowler with rifles?
  2. Shooting my Prowler/Buggy with Anti-Air Turrets at Medium/Long distance?
  3. Running towards my Prowler/Buggy with no Anti-Vehicle weapons or equipment?
For example, I had my Prowler deployed on this large hill where I could see everything around me for miles and I started to hear this "tink tink tink" so I went to third person and saw this little NC Light Assault right behind my tank shooting his rifle into my rear. So I jumped out and shot him in the face then /telled him, asking what he was doing and why did he think that was going to do anything? I got no reply. He was BR1.

Is there games out there that can kill tanks with rifles or something or are people really that stupid?

It's always low to mid ranked players that do this, it's boggles my mind.
What is it with players doing the following.

  1. Shooting my Prowler with rifles?
  2. Shooting my Prowler/Buggy with Anti-Air Turrets at Medium/Long distance?
  3. Running towards my Prowler/Buggy with no Anti-Vehicle weapons or equipment?
For example, I had my Prowler deployed on this large hill where I could see everything around me for miles and I started to hear this "tink tink tink" so I went to third person and saw this little NC Light Assault right behind my tank shooting his rifle into my rear. So I jumped out and shot him in the face

Is there games out there that can kill tanks with rifles or something or are people really that stupid?

It's always low to mid ranked players that do this, it's boggles my mind.

Maybe he got confused LOL as sometimes people shoot at the Sunderer so as to get a lift He might of thought you were a taxi
TR LMGs need some looking at.

Reducing the nerfs on the Carv-S...to make it actually useful...
Increasing the MSW-R usefulness against SMG/Shottyshooter ********.
Creating the Advanced Compensator for the TMG-50 to outway its nerf, also for other guns and factions.
The Rhino is pretty decent, still mild compared to the competition though, needs the T32s upgrades.
The Bull is crap, really needs the Rhinos upgrades.
The Original Carv is still OK.
TR LMGs need some looking at.

Reducing the nerfs on the Carv-S...to make it actually useful...
Increasing the MSW-R usefulness against SMG/Shottyshooter ********.
Creating the Advanced Compensator for the TMG-50 to outway its nerf, also for other guns and factions.
The Rhino is pretty decent, still mild compared to the competition though, needs the T32s upgrades.
The Bull is crap, really needs the Rhinos upgrades.
The Original Carv is still OK.

No kidding, TR LMG's are bad compared to the other two factions with NC's being the best. The Gauss Saw is god damn amazing, very controllable recoil, high damage, high fire fire and a large mag. God my life as a Heavy would be awesome with that weapon.

I'm still getting annoyed by I shot you once, so I get the kill credit even if you die by something else, it's retarded that because I fly my Mossy arse into some crystal rock that some BR2 with a Sniper rifle gets the kill even though it was the Burster that made me gtfo there.
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