*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

I'm loving it since the merge, fantastic fights everywhere. I don't seem to experience the lag others have seen.

I'll be honest, I haven't had hitching/lag/FPS drops for a long time (since early PU) login times were at around 3-4 minutes at one point, but once I was in it worked fine. But then I do regularly delete certain files after a big update and let them re download.

  • ActivityUserData.ini
  • InputProfiles.xml
  • LaunchPad-user.ini
  • LoadingScreen.xml
  • PlanetSide2.exe
  • SoundSettings.xml
  • UserOptions.ini
  • vivoxoal.dll
  • vivoxsdk.dll
I've had a higher ping at times and longer login times since the merge but no hitching that I've noticed.

In the past when they've had hitching issues it has been hardware dependent so just because you don't have it doesn't mean others won't. I'd say Nitram is completely right to feel as he does and should probably put in a complaint given that they've offered no compensation for the inconvenience this has caused to a large number of players. On the plus side it looks like it will be fixed in the patch this week, so fingers crossed.
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Well to be fair I am trollbaiting Nitram to a certain extent, but there was a touch of throwing the toys out of the pram about that post, particularly as the hitching bug 'that they have no intention of fixing' is actually being looked at.

The thing to remember about PS2 is that is must be an order of complexity above anything else out there at the moment. Developers shy away from 100s vs 100s games for good reason, and I'm just bloody glad the game actually exists and is basically free. I think Sony do a bloody good job of developing it, keeping it playable and adding features.
Patch notes. Actual patch has been delayed though:

A new NS vehicle is now available at standard aircraft terminals, the Valkyrie!

The Valkyrie is a six person aircraft used for close air support and transportation. It is crewed by a pilot and a forward gunner with room for four additional rumble seat passengers. These passengers sit in open seats on the side of the Valkyrie which allows them to use their personal equipment while in flight.

New Ribbons and Medals
Mentorship Ribbon - Awarded to players in a squad who are above BR 20. Awarded by being within 50m of a squadmate who is at or under BR 20 for every 200 squad bonus XP that squadmate earns.
Drill Sergeant Ribbon - Awarded to squad leaders. This ribbon is awarded every time a player under Battle Rank 20 gains a battle rank in the squad. Requires the squad leader to be within 300m of the player to receive the ribbon.
Squad Leadership Ribbon - Awarded to squad leaders. This ribbon is awarded for every 500 squad bonus XP generated by players in the squad. Requires the squad leader to be within 300m to receive credit towards the ribbon.
Platoon Leadership Ribbon - Awarded to Platoon leaders. This ribbon is awarded for every 3 squad leadership ribbons earned by other squad leaders in the platoon.
Platoon Conquest Ribbon - Awarded to Platoon Leaders. Ribbon is awarded for every 30 platoon members involved in a capture in the same region as the platoon leader. Partial credit is awarded, so platoons smaller than 30 can still receive the ribbon through more captures, and platoons larger than 30 can earn more credit towards the next ribbon. It requires at least 10 enemies to be present at the time of the capture in order to receive any credit.
Hossin Updates
The following Hossin bases are no longer under construction:
Edgewater Overlook
Last Hold
SRP Nanite Relay Station
Bridgewater Shipping Yard
The Offal Pit
Plus we fixed a ton of bugs.
Removed Adversarial Alerts and reverted to the previous alert implementation:
Alerts trigger based on time
Alerts have a maximum duration of 2 hours
The empire with the most territory control at the end of the alert wins and locks the continent
Weapons / Balance
Increased harasser resistance to canister rounds from 69% to 76%
Canister reticule is now NC colored
Vulcan reticule now uses a red circle (shotgun style)
PPA projectiles can no longer shoot through gate shields
NC08 Mag-Scatter: Toned down recoil when firing in iron sights
Gauss Prime (NC assault rifle directive reward)
Improved hip cone of fire
Crouch reduced from 2.0 to 1.8
Crouch-walking and stand reduced from 2.5 to 2.4
Running hip COF unchanged. Remains at 3.0
Faster equip time, from 0.78 to 0.75 seconds
Recoil min/max angle changed from 23/25 to 17.25/18.75
Fixed semi-auto fire mode having higher recoil than full-auto
19A Fortuna (NC carbine directive reward)
Fixed muzzle velocity being faster in the semi-auto fire mode
NC6A GODSAW (NC LMG directive reward)
Removed Barrel Attachment
Horizontal recoil increased from 0.14875 to 0.175
Cone of fire bloom per shot reduced from 0.168/0.084 Hip-fire/Aimed to 0.14/0.07
Added High Velocity Ammunition
The Moonshot (NC sniper rifle directive reward)
Long reload is faster, from 5.575 to 5.0 seconds
Short Reload is faster, from 4.72 to 3.86 seconds
Faster equip time, from 0.95 to 0.85 seconds
Stand-moving hip accuracy improved from 7.0 to 6.75
Crouch-moving hip accuracy reduced from 6.0 to 6.25
Minimum damage range reduced from 335 to 325 meters
The Executive (NC pistol directive reward)
Removed hip cone of fire penalty
Crouch and stand COF reduced from 1.2 to 1.0
Crouch-moving and stand-moving COF reduced from 1.8 to 1.5
T1A Unity (TR assault rifle directive reward)
Removed compensator
Replaced Velocity Ammunition with Soft Point Ammunition
TRAC-Shot (TR carbine directive reward)
Fixed muzzle velocity being faster in the semi-auto fire mode
T9A "Butcher" (TR LMG directie reward)
Removed barrel attachment
Hip cone of fire bloom reduced from 0.12 to 0.1
Aimed cone of fire bloom reduced from 0.06 to 0.05
Vertical recoil increased from 0.85 to 0.9
Horizontal min/max recoil increased from 0.19125/0.19125 to 0.225/0.225
Added Soft Point Ammunition
Bighorn .50M (TR Sniper directive reward)
Long reload is faster, from 5.575 to 5.0 seconds
Short Reload is faster, from 4.72 to 3.86 seconds
Faster equip time, from 0.95 to 0.85 seconds
Stand-moving hip accuracy improved from 7.0 to 6.75
Crouch-moving hip accuracy reduced from 6.0 to 6.25
Minimum damage range reduced from 335 to 325 meters
The President (TR pistol directive reward)
Removed hip cone of fire penalty
Crouch COF reduced from 1.2 to 1.0
Crouch-moving and standing COF reduced from 1.8 to 1.5
Stand-moving COF reduced from 2.4 to 2.0
Fixed muzzle audio not being suppressed when firing in semi-auto
Darkstar (VS assault rifle directive reward)
Removed High Velocity Ammunition
Added heat mechanic
Equip time lowered from 0.78 to 0.75 seconds
Hip COF improved
Crouch reduced from 2.0 to 1.8
Crouch-walking and stand reduced from 2.5 to 2.4
Recoil angle changed from 17/20 min/max to 12.75/15
Fixed semi-auto fire mode having higher recoil than full-auto
Eclipse VE3A (VS carbine directive reward)
Removed soft point ammunition
Added heat mechanic
Fixed the underbarrel shotgun not being equipped on the weapon in certain conditions
Betelgeuse 54-A (VS LMG directive reward)
Removed barrel attachment
Min/max horizontal recoil increased from 0.17/0.19125 to 0.2/0.225
Horizontal recoil tolerance increased from 0.85 to 0.9
Hip cone of fire bloom per shot reduced from 0.12 to 0.1
Aimed cone of fire bloom per shot reduced from 0.06 to 0.05
Added Soft Point Ammunition
This is going Live with the August update but was unintentional; it will be removed in a hotfix
Added heat mechanic
Parsec VX3-A (VS sniper rifle directive reward)
Long reload is faster, from 5.575 to 5.0 seconds
Short Reload is faster, from 4.72 to 3.86 seconds
Faster equip time, from 0.95 to 0.85 seconds
Stand-moving hip accuracy improved from 7.0 to 6.75
Crouch-moving hip accuracy reduced from 6.0 to 6.25
Minimum damage range reduced from 335 to 325 meters
The Immortal (VS pistol directive reward)
Removed hip cone of fire penalty
Crouch and stand COF reduced from 1.2 to 1.0
Crouch-moving and stand-moving COF reduced from 1.8 to 1.5
Quality of Life/Misc
Death Recap screen updates
Iterated to include buttons for changing your spawn point and quick spawning.
These buttons can now be mapped to specific keys.
The quick deploy button is now a toggle and was renamed Auto Spawn to indicate this functionality.
Sunderer Deployment shield now has an attachment visual and associated particle effects.
A new Hossin-themed camo bundle has been added to the Bundles section of the Depot.
Players will now be notified when the sunderer that they last spawned at has been damaged or destroyed.
Updated the seating locations on the Sunderer HUD image to be similar to where you actually sit in the vehicle.
Players are again invulnerable inside the Warp Gates.
Auraxium Decimator now has Auraxium explosion.
The Liberator and the Galaxy have had their physics updated with lower centers of gravity. They are now harder to flip over on less graceful takeoffs and landings.
Inverted reverse steering is now on by default for tanks.
The time and date of an outfit’s base capture has been added to the score screen.
It is now possible for up to 4 continents to unlock automatically based on server population. Previously, only up to 3 continents would unlock automatically.
All Auraxiam weapons now default to iron sights (6x scopes for sniper rifles) and have optics available for purchase.
NS AutoBlade now has Medals and Ribbons.
Outfits that have not had any player participation since January 1 have been removed.
Still reading? Good for you. Over halfway there!
PMC (Performance/Memory/Crashes)
Fixed an issue where players could end up in a bad state of hit registration after reloading and firing exactly as the reload ended.
Fixed an issue where objects from one zone would sometimes appear in a different zone.
Fixed a crash where textures could be unloaded while still in use.
Fixed an issue where graphical artifacts could appear after unlocking the machine.
Better management of terrain object memory.
Fixed a possible crash while loading actors.
Zone performance: Better tuning of some data structures.
Zone performance: Throttling client request for profile stats to a 30 second maximum.
Zone performance: Better caching of vehicles and other types of objects.
Zone Performance: Some fixes identified during profiling.
Zone Performance: Changes to object-to-object awareness system.
World performance: Better tuning of some data structures.
Fixed a hitch issue

Bugs Fixed
Everything listed below has been addressed
Fixed a bunch of stuck bugs on Amerish.
Special thanks to KleenexTRissues for finding nearly 100 Stuck Bugs on the Test Server!
Fixed a bunch of stuck bugs on Esamir.
Fixed an issue where hit detection would get into a bad state after switching weapons instantly after reload was completed.
Fixed Magrider PPA having incorrect icon in the depot.
Claymores will now be displayed correctly on the death recap screen.
[=] activates cruise control while player in chat or /bug screen
Amerish: Crux Mining Operation: Non-functioning gravity lift in front of a teleporter at /loc 1161.150 114.520 3135.640
Amerish: Lithcorp Secure Mine: Invisible gravity lift located in front of the spawn room teleporter
Amerish: Lithcorp Secure Mine: Players can get stuck in a hole in the mountains at /loc 1796.350586 162.261887 -1212.928589 1.491549
Amerish: Shrouded Skyway: Rock textures don't go to the ground near /loc 68.840 58.160 -3264.210
Amerish: Sungrey Amp: Spawn room tunnel shield is not aligned with exit
Fixed a handful of broken Grav Lifts on Amerish
Auraxium Armor: NC MAX has very little coverage in the back
Fixed the skinning on Auraxium Sunderer Lumifibers
Blank blue screen displays just before the initial loading screen
Charge ability meter is empty when players switch to/resupply MAXes
Client becomes unresponsive if it times out due to inactivity
Collision: When crouching next to any type of collision you cannot stand up till you move away from it
Coming soon camos are displaying on sale for 50% off
Commissioner: Reload does not play audio
Directive score displays incorrectly on death screen
Fixed the floating teleport room shields on Esamir Biolabs
Esamir: Freyr Amp Station: Gravity tunnel shield does not cover exit point properly
Collision can be breached here /loc 1083.680 18.840 -1602.570
Galaxy wing turrets now have collision
Players can clip into containers and shoot out
Tech Plants: Clipping through the walls at tech plants
Harasser: Other: Windshields have a permanent green/forest camo applied
Hossin: Chac Intel Hub: Deploying to this facility will spawn you directly on the capture point
Hossin: Chac Water Purification: Deploying at the facility spawns you underground
Hossin: Facility contention discrepancies on map
Hossin: Hurakan Western Pass: Spawn tube is on the same location as the teleporter
Hossin: Ixtab Power Regulation: the spawn room teleporter is in the wrong corner
IFF shields are inconsistent between spawn rooms and air towers
Extended Sunderer No Deploy area at East Canyon Checkpoint
Infiltrators can stay perma cloaked on a flash if entering the vehicle when activating cloak
Fixed missing word in the description of some proximity radars.
Mani Fortress point can be captured from the outside of the point room
Medics are unable to revive other players if they die on top of a vehicle pad
NC Weapon: Hawk GD-68: Weapon is missing tint mask
NC: AF-4A Bandit: Rail attachments clip through the weapon
NC: Combat Medics cannot equip Suits
NS Weapon: NS Annihilator: Glass eyepiece appears to be made of metal
NS-15M: Weapon is missing textures
Objects floating in the sky at random locations
Outfit Browser: Members online label is being displayed as a string
Fixed bug that caused the Phobos VX86 shotgun to appear completely black
POI: HUD elements can completely obscure PCs which inhibits gameplay
Quick Spawn: LMB or RMB also initiate quick respawn
Skin clips through the left side of the neck with open wasp helmet
Strange cache issue with previously viewed GUIs when interacting with terminals
The reload circle animation on the main HUD does not display for the Mosquito
TORQ-9: Fixed attachments showing a second unlock button after being purchased with SC
Tracking bug: Broken state on the death screen clicking through a revive attempt
Tutorial: IFF Shield is not the color of your faction
UI: Unnecessary facility icon displays on screen
Vivox: Audio chat does not work reliably
VR Room: NC15 Phoenix missile pass through dummies
Blast damage will now hit VR zone targets.
VR Training now has a description in the Warp Terminal.
VS: Magrider: Proton II PPA displays wrong icon on Item Purchase screens
VS: Pistol: Cerberus: Weapon is barely audible
VS: Weapons: Phaseshift VS-S charge animation is broken in 1P/3P
C4 sticking to infantry
Removed the NS banners at Eisa Mountain Pass
Fixed a bad LOD for the A30 Walker
Moved wall blocking access to turret at Ixtab.
Fixed the Smart-Choke attachment showing as a Suppressor before being unlocked on the the new NC08 Mag-Scatter pistol.
Fixed Spawn Beacon timer reduction certifications not applying to the squad leader.
Fixed Spawn Beacon timer resetting for the squad leader when other squad members spawn on the beacon.

Known Issues
Firing a Phoenix from a Valkyrie rumble seat may hit the Valkyrie you are in. Friends don't let friends fire wired guided missiles inside aircraft.
Decals on the Valkyrie may appear stretched.
We're looking into ways to help mitigate firing sway on the Valkyrie rumble seats.
PS4 codebase integration side effects:
There may be some new input issues (unable to map keys etc); we caught a lot of them but some may have slipped out
Visibility issues (objects not occluding properly); with our Umbra upgrade we may have some problems here where objects either occlude too much or not enough.

The PS2 team wants to thank the community for setting up the external bug tracking system (http://ps2issuetracker.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa). Our QA team has been referencing it extensively and multiple bugs have been logged that we didn't have tracked before. We appreciate the efforts to keep everyone up to date; thanks!
Got a few questions.

First off, SC. I am a monthly sub but I'm just wondering how I get my free SC every month? Do I need to redeem anything, or is it simply added to my account? I haven#t been a member for a month yet but I just checked my account and was told that my station cash "expires" in a few days. Que?

Secondly, any tips for the Lightning? I've certed up my Sundy and infantry to the point where the next upgrades are too expensive to bother with yet, and I suck at flying so I'd like to up my tank game a bit. Obviously survivability at this point is the most important aspect, as I just seem to get slaughtered every time I pull one of these. I'm also using the HEAT main gun with a few reload speed certs ploughed into it. I'm getting better slowly, but if anyone's got any tips, I'm all ears :)

As an aside, what are the odds of this running on a run of the mill HP Pavillion?

I think it's an i3 something or other, 8gb of RAM and an HD4000. I don't need high settings, if I'm able to pull a sunderer and drive it to somewhere where it'll make a difference, that'll do me nicely. It certainly beats doing nothing on night shifts.
You have to claim your SC in the profile page by clicking the button, make sure to do it each month or you lose it when it becomes available again.

Lightning tank, it all depends what weapon you be using and the battle.

My standard setup is the Rival Combat Chassis, you don't need the Racer since the Lightning tank is fast enough and without Rival you can't turn for crap.

Other then that, I use Auto-Repair and finally I switch between Fire Suppression System and Prox Radar and Zoom for everything.
Lovely, thanks. This profile page, is that in game or on the account site?

I can't get in game right now but can't find it on the site. I'm probably just being stupid :p
Secondly, any tips for the Lightning?

I'd cert the Skyguard if you have enough points.

Great for raking in XP, and it's always handy to spawn with one at a nearby base when your current spawns are camped by esf's / libs / gals.

It should run on an HP Pavillion, but you'd need everything set to low I'd expect. And stay away from large battles.

I managed to get around 35fps from an i5 Dell laptop I had around a year ago.
Ok great, I've been wondering about the Skyguard for a long time but something just doesn't sit right, it's probably the fact that it's not a dedicated AA unit but rather a tank with a silly turret on top. Still, should probably give it a go anyway.

It runs buttery smooth on this laptop too. Granted I have to play with everything to the lowest settings but after a couple of hours it was actually fairly doable, and because I felt I was on my hind legs for a while, I concentrated more on tank play as it's a bit more forgiving to those of us playing on less than optimal systems and I learned more about tanking than I did since I started playing.

On another note, one thing that's seriously starting to grate is the updates. I can handle updates no problem, but when you're dealing with a few gigs as often as this game does, it gets annoying fast. Doesn't help that at work I'm at the mercy of BT's wonderful "wish I was as fast as dial up" broadband!

I need to get into the habit of checking for updates at home, at least my zippy broadband will deal with it a bit faster.
Ok great, I've been wondering about the Skyguard for a long time but something just doesn't sit right, it's probably the fact that it's not a dedicated AA unit but rather a tank with a silly turret on top. Still, should probably give it a go anyway.

If you happen to find a good area / spot for using the Skyguard, I'd suggest making sure the front of the Lightning is facing behind you, if that makes sense.

Once libs, etc... know roughly where you are they will try & come in from the back, hoping to hit the softer rear armour.

If you start to take damage from an aircraft in from the rear then the stronger front armour will give you a bit more time.
Accelerate & you'll go under the lib. That should give you enough time to take it out / make it run.

Unless it has a belly / tail gunner that is. Then you're toast :)
I found that positioning the tank so that the rear is against a wall or mountain or something tends to help quite a bit.

I must be honest, the most frustrating thing in this game is by far the BR100 ESF pilots that just keep farming you over and over again. I bust out my lock on, what do the rest of my team do?

Infiltrator. Seriously...
that just keep farming you over and over again

If you getting farmed and I deem farming when the same player kills you twice, then you playing the game wrong and you should stop doing what you been doing the last times you was killed.

Running out in the open trying to shoot rockets at a tank that can easy kill you or some ESF that can bomb you with ease is playing the game wrong.
Bit annoyed to find when they actually have a sale on, my account shows 0 balance. Assuming they fix it before the end of the weekend, is there anything particularly useful to pick up early while discounted?

I've held off spending any as of yet aside from an additional character slot when I started

It certainly beats doing nothing on night shifts.

If you play regularly at night and like to always do big fights when you login might be worth your while making a character on the Emerald (US-east) server
I like that when the eu server goes into whack-a-mole ghost capping frenzy I can simply switch to it
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If you getting farmed and I deem farming when the same player kills you twice, then you playing the game wrong and you should stop doing what you been doing the last times you was killed.

Running out in the open trying to shoot rockets at a tank that can easy kill you or some ESF that can bomb you with ease is playing the game wrong.

It's not tanks, I am fairly proficient in taking out pesky tanks but rather ESFs. I find that they all have the same ***** mentality, constantly harrassing you but the second you get a lock on, they bugger off behind mountains. Basically, I hate anyone who flies ESFs. No interest in capping, just farming kills, and as soon as the going gets tough, they chicken out. Always the same story. They are in the same league as corner camping kiddies in CoD.

That said, I was on a mission this evening before the maintenance, myself and two burster maxes were defending a base and swatting them like flies. These guys would do the usual bombardment of rocket pods, fly away to repair, then come back and repeat. Eventually I got my lockon out and two burster maxes joined the party and these guys just dropped one after another. I really need to give a burster max a go, seems a pretty potent way of dealing with these spineless chickens.

One thing I must add, where does the Hawk shoot its rocket from? They seem to come from my feet as every time I am near a building, I always hit it, despite aiming far over the top of it. Annoying as hell.

What would you guys recommend for AA, a Skyguard or Burster Max?

I just want to shred ESFs all day long. Can't stand them. I have found my calling in this game.
If you want to do anti-air, then you need to fly. The NC and VS fly around in gank squads on Miller, so you be fine.

If you staying on the ground, Skyguard since you can move around but be prepared to get destroyed by my Fury Flash. :P
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