also if I unlock a battle rifle with certs on eng will that only be available for my eng or will all of them have it?
Some brilliant new voice packs coming - TR Russian, NC Arnie impersonator (lol), Vanu Borg etc etc
Have you joined an outfit Hairyfeet?
If not then a decently active one should be able to solve your squad/decent fight problems at least. It's definitely a game that can be played solo/with mates for fun but being in a larger group adds a lot to it.
Many don't seem interested unless you can commit to evening hours (can't fault them for it) I can only play for a couple hours mid/late morning at the moment
There tends to be maybe 150-200 players between the 3 sides on at this time that are either fighting over 1/2 bases or scattered/ghost capping each other.
The games awesome its just the times I can play don't allow me to take advantage of what I'm looking for (I'd love to play evenings when theres 3000+ on each server)
Its free to play so I can always step back and try again when my schedule is more generous which I intend to... I still have like 15000 station cash just sitting there still too
One of the few things I picked up was that second burster for the max... so much fun when taking on grouped air units (overpowered!)
Couldn't agree more, however if I'm my base i will switch to my burster max (with both extended mags) and just wind them up a bit. usually it's still impossible to kill them but it just makes their life frustrating enough for them to sod off.Why do ESFs exist in this game? <snip>.