*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

I don't think aoe weapon spam would be an issue if they made the artillery vehicles have very light armour, and take time to deploy/un-deploy. That way if an enemy tries to artillery spam you with lots of those vehicles you know that a good portion of their forces are tied in manning the artillery and defending them (as an attack by just 1 or 2 gunships could destroy them all if left unguarded). I think it should be possible to attack/defend with a great variety of strategies and artillery fire is part of that, which brings it's own unique forms of attack/defence and counters to it.
That's pretty much what the flail was, and it was nicely balanced. It's handheld stuff that would bug me, that bloody vanu lasher was bad enough :)

Flail fire was devastating, but it was never long until someone went hunting it. It took about 5 seconds to deploy, and couldn't fire at all when it was moving, and it was big and slow. Even in a seige, you'd generally get hit by stealthers when using them.
Last thing I want is a load of aoe weapon spam, it would ruin the whole experience. The flail at least had to set up and was completely vulnerable when it was firing, and the thumper and grenades were pretty low damage, so that you were generally better off equipping a direct fire weapon, and actually, you know, aiming at people.

Did you even use the thumper especially with unnerfed plasma grenades? that thing could two shot rexo with two direct hits if you didn't use a medkit and did considerable splash damage with a burning effect. Luckily they nerfed it in the thumper and people used frags instead which were slightly less annoying but still could kill nearly as fast. Heck even hand held plasma could nearly kill an agile in one hit! AOE weapons dominated the indoor zergs just look at the maelstrom which chained and when you have 50+ people in a stair well was insane, there were 15-20 kill streaks in the space of <10seconds if one was used at the right time.
I don't think aoe weapon spam would be an issue if they made the artillery vehicles have very light armour, and take time to deploy/un-deploy. That way if an enemy tries to artillery spam you with lots of those vehicles you know that a good portion of their forces are tied in manning the artillery and defending them (as an attack by just 1 or 2 gunships could destroy them all if left unguarded). I think it should be possible to attack/defend with a great variety of strategies and artillery fire is part of that, which brings it's own unique forms of attack/defence and counters to it.

The usage I've seen of artillery is it's very limited. It is nearly always maybe one or two guys -in artillery units- with no defence to speak of.
The usage I've seen of artillery is it's very limited. It is nearly always maybe one or two guys -in artillery units- with no defence to speak of.

We used to set up flail platoons - one squad of 7 flails + 3 laser designators, one squad of reavers above the flails and one squad of mosquitos circling to keep cloakers/os's at bay.

We totally owned any bases we barraged.
We used to set up flail platoons - one squad of 7 flails + 3 laser designators, one squad of reavers above the flails and one squad of mosquitos circling to keep cloakers/os's at bay.

We totally owned any bases we barraged.

Used to remind me a bit of Starship Troopers when the big plasma bugs launched :D
Did you even use the thumper especially with unnerfed plasma grenades? that thing could two shot rexo with two direct hits if you didn't use a medkit and did considerable splash damage with a burning effect. Luckily they nerfed it in the thumper and people used frags instead which were slightly less annoying but still could kill nearly as fast. Heck even hand held plasma could nearly kill an agile in one hit! AOE weapons dominated the indoor zergs just look at the maelstrom which chained and when you have 50+ people in a stair well was insane, there were 15-20 kill streaks in the space of <10seconds if one was used at the right time.

The thumper was immense! As you say pre-nerf + plasma!

The rocklets (miniature rockets) were good as well,
I jumped back into PS1 a few weeks back as Sony had given me 45 days of free game time for some reason.... it has to be said, it hasn't aged well.

Ran around for a while, tried to get back to grips with my setup etc and barely saw anyone else. Facility attacks were down to 1/2 people as opposed to hundreds, not the most engaging experience any more unfortunately.

Really looking forward to PS2 though.

Indeed, I'll have to give you a shout in game mate. Just grabbed a PC in anticipation of it.
Jeffy, if you're reading this thread contact me on steam or msn please!

I am really looking forward to this, if it's even 50% as awesome as PS1 it'll steal months of my life!
Hopefully this game delivers. Loved every minute of PS1. Shame that I'm no longer in touch with the outfit I was in back then. Looks like they no longer own their web domain either :(
Right I have my key associated with my Station account now but no sign of an email with a download link. Any idea how long that takes to come through?
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