Official Prey thread

Tommy B said:
Well it should be delivered first thing tomorrow morning. I can't wait!
Hope it rains :D

Mods, I don't understand why we don't just have a new thread for when people actually have the game. Rather than start at page 5 of one of these types of threads.

People who pre-ordered should get the game tomorrow. We're only on page 2. No need for a new thread.
Well I'd say I'm very dissapointed.

After a few hours of play, nothing has changed. It's so repetitious and I'm still clueless as to wtf is going on. I want to know who the aliens are, what they want, why they were killing people in that way, why there are souls of little kids running around trying to kill eachother. The game doesn't answer any of my questions, and I'm simply sitting here bored stupid going from A to B killing anything that moves and working my way through "puzzles" !?
Tommy B said:
Well I'd say I'm very dissapointed.

After a few hours of play, nothing has changed. It's so repetitious and I'm still clueless as to wtf is going on. I want to know who the aliens are, what they want, why they were killing people in that way, why there are souls of little kids running around trying to kill eachother. The game doesn't answer any of my questions, and I'm simply sitting here bored stupid going from A to B killing anything that moves and working my way through "puzzles" !?
Ouch, I think I will skip this game, I get very bored doing that :(
Dutch Guy said:
Ouch, I think I will skip this game, I get very bored doing that :(

All it really needs is some different environments and more explanation, but tbh there is nothing new that wasn't in the demo except vehicles.
Ive brought my lappie into to work to play it this afternoon, any way i can get widescreen working properly? it allows you to set 16:9 or 16:10 but the resolutiosn are still 1600x1200/1280x1024 etc.

Anyway to get 1680x1050 or 1920x1200?
InwardSinging said:
Ive brought my lappie into to work to play it this afternoon, any way i can get widescreen working properly? it allows you to set 16:9 or 16:10 but the resolutiosn are still 1600x1200/1280x1024 etc.

Anyway to get 1680x1050 or 1920x1200?

If you check the prey demo thread mate, a guy posted on how to edit the config file so you can run 1680x1050 etc.

And anymore input on the full game? really enjoyed the demo! Just at work at the moment so can't try it out! :(
Pac3y said:
If you check the prey demo thread mate, a guy posted on how to edit the config file so you can run 1680x1050 etc.

And anymore input on the full game? really enjoyed the demo! Just at work at the moment so can't try it out! :(

Will have a search for that now, thanks.

I never bothered playing the demo, just installed it and didnt notice how to get vsync working, so i waited till the full game. It actually is making me feel quite quezy though, with all the jumping from roof to floor - spinning round etc.

Runs amazingly well on my laptop though, 1600x1200 with AF, and ive not had any (well, apart from when the giant guy comes), drops below 60fps.
loving this game,although i cant see it being a long one.You do get to find out why the bad guys are attacking,and taking all these people
subzero said:
loving this game,although i cant see it being a long one.You do get to find out why the bad guys are attacking,and taking all these people

When?? I've just passed the bit with those flying thing and the other tribes red bird things.
I cant figure out where you are from your description lol,but i dont want to put spoilers on page 2.
I am at the moment working my way up a 300 mile tower type thing on a mission given me by someone i met aboard the ship who explained what was going on.I dont think i am on the ship anymore,but some where else maybe their home world.
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