!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

Why are people talking about the scaling like a good thing, its got worse scaling than other console ports, who rather than spend years creating a scaling engine, make a simpler engine, then use simpler options and lower res textures on the console, and higher res textures on the PC, takes probably 1/10th of the time and looks better on every platform.

Heres the main issue, it DOESN'T scale properly, and thats the point of the engine. 6970 is not a new card, neither is a 5870, yet it can't detect what level of textures to use on these cards? It doesn't scale well, if the 7970 just came out and it didn't know how high up to scale, thats one thing, not being able to identify older cards is beyond a joke, and the fact is a lot of the scaling is supposed to be on the fly and benchmarked. If you see the error on startup window you'll see often that it benchmarks(on each start, because its retarded) response time of the game files to decide if the game is on HDD or a dvd/bluray, if thats about the only way they determine how much data can be streamed and what quality level to set the game at, frankly, its laughable.

A perfect scalable engine, WOULD SCALE, it would automatically use the highest res textures on a 2 or 3gb card, it doesn't, therefore as scalable engine, its a pretty big failure.

As for looking great on the console, rubbish, on the PC or console the terraine(most of it) looks quite good, almost all the object textures in the world that I assume aren't mega textures, are crap.

I also don't get why people think it looks different to other games, other than the distinct lack of quality in object textures, the "good" effects and textures look no better than other games, infact worse than quite a few games, and the bad textures are worse than things out on the PC a decade ago.

This is before you get into the mechanics of the game, the epic failure of the mechanics, enemies that are largely immune to damage...... if they are doing a falling animation or something, genius, one shot, damage, he stumbles as he stumbles, unload a clip into him, nothing, stops stumbling, one more shot, he's dead.

Level design being insanely linear, with incredibly poor handling driving parts inbetween, dumb AI in all driving parts of the game, ridiculous ease of having basically an infinate amount of the best ammo that makes the game stupendously easy.

its ok, inside the levels, but the enemies have barely changed from the first to the last level, with again any enemy having some special feature which is easily beaten with a certain type of ammo..... which is painfully easy to get more than you need.

It just doesn't work, its a VERY average game, with every good bit balanced out by a terrible bit. Gameplay, meh, easy, predictable, awful mechanics, graphics, the decent terraine and ok characters with the WOEFUL textures all over ruining it.
You know you can quick save at any point....

I seriously don't get how people are completing the game in such a short amount of time unless they are a) Using the bugged Steam times, b) sticking it on easy and sprinting through the game with blinkers on, c) missing a hell of a lot of content.

I'm near the end with 18 hours on the clock, but still with a load of side things to do.

mhmm i know hence I said "it autosaves", I don't have an impulse to save manually every 5 minutes I try to be emerged into the game, I only do so after I die and second time round make sure I save close the part I died at.

I was playing on normal and wingstick 1 shots pretty much anything, just make tons of them and steam through everything. I don't like games where you have to unload a whole magazine point blank at someone before they die (which rage is actually)
This is before you get into the mechanics of the game, the epic failure of the mechanics, enemies that are largely immune to damage...... if they are doing a falling animation or something, genius, one shot, damage, he stumbles as he stumbles, unload a clip into him, nothing, stops stumbling, one more shot, he's dead.

I can kill people fine while they are in an animation (which is basically all their movement in this game) :confused:
I can kill people fine while they are in an animation (which is basically all their movement in this game) :confused:

Yup, DM has brought this up before but others have pointed out that he's wrong. I've killed enemies in various animation states without issues too.

Some of his other points do have some validity, though they're somewhat exaggerated imo.
Probably the biggest failure here is our own expectation that id were really going to show case something special with this game/engine.

Invisible barriers / unmovable objects / limitation with movement (no tilt/lean or cover system) / Limited,no interaction with surroundings-environments / . . . .
Just been down the well to do something to do with some guys poisoning the water, didn't quicksave(it has caused ctd's a few times) and then i had a ctd anyway as i was coming out.

tbh i can't see myself doing it again any time soon, the game is just too repetitive. I have another side quest to do but even that is to go back to a place i have already been to twice.

I think the game showed promise early on, but it is distinctly average tbh. Even getting past some of the awful textures i don't think it is a particularly good game underneath, though i have enjoyed it in parts.

Invisible barriers / unmovable objects / limitation with movement (no tilt/lean or cover system) / Limited,no interaction with surroundings-environments / . . . .

Very disappointing:(
Enjoying it so far, 60 fps constant on my main PC and 30+ on my relatively weak m11x.

Also got to see it running on the 360, looks damn impressive for a 360 game and very smooth compared to other titles. I can see where the effort went :o

Ropey texture detail close up but overall the the environments seem very lush.
Looking at 10..20..30?GB+ patch to improve textures and that's just not worth bothering for what is primarily a game that's worth maybe one or two play-throughs at most. The megatexture tech in Rage is complete fail, you get a 20GB game with absolutely the worst environmental textures I have seen since the N64 days ' yes they are that bad ' admitadly they look OK from a distance, still it's a fun game marred badly by it's awful environment textures and lack of environment interaction.



One of the advantages of megatexture technology is it allows the game enviroment to be unique and not have to reuse texture tiles over and over. That's one of the reasons why the texture files are so large. For the vast majority of the game the textures are hi resolution, it's only incidental objects that have low resolution textures. So the game won't need a 30GB patch to upgrade the game to have hi resolution textures throughout.

And Rage isn't on it's own using lower resolution textures on incidental objects.
And Rage isn't on it's own using lower resolution textures on incidental objects.

Its not just incidental objects tho, while the game mostly looks fine from the perspective of a vehicle, up close in first person perspective a lot of stuff is about 1/4 res typically found in games and quite often you can see compression artifacts - which is weird as I thought they were using lossless DXT but apparently not.

Personally doesn't bother me tho as the overall environments are very detail rich to a level most games with conventional texture mapping don't get close.
RavenXXX2 must be on shrooms or something while playing RAGE to compare environment textures to N64 games...
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Hang on people, from what I can roughly make out we have a Game/engine that looks the same for all plan forms and it intelligently does it's best to run on a multitude of different PC setups.
Unfortunately the GFX company's have released quick fix drivers for battlefield 3 which have buggered this game up.

I think Carmack has done a remarkable Job on the tech side
I'm quite surprised on how angular things are, eg, around a bald head, not smoothly round, like a low polygon count or something. Even putting AF and AA on it didn't seem to improve it much. I though those were basic technical things that today's games had smoothed out. Also, beautiful sky and clouds, but it's static other than flocks of birds moving across it.
rage has some of the worst textures i have ever seen. quite shocking.

Textures are fine to me when they're working.

But come on, stuff like this?


And that's with the best arrangement of graphics settings I can find.

It can look even worse.

Wtf were they testing it on before release.
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