Well, pretty much finished with this game, it had flashes of pure brilliance in places, then other places just a horrid mess. The textures from afar looked amazing and seamless – the tech is there but boy did this game look ugly in places… and get ugly real fast when you were upclose in tunnels etc.. Races were for one part the best looking graphics..
It ran surprisingly well on even modest hardware, my ATI laptop GPU didn’t seem to struggle too much with it in the end, was a chore to get it up and running however was it worth it..?? I think it was to actually see what the fuss was about, the gunfire in the game was spot on, guns felt heavy had good action to them and the game overall was enjoyable if somewhat predicable in places. It was without doubt the lamest story ever, but that’s id software for you… Quake – Strogg?? Need I say more?
It was if anything typical id, and apart from the low res textures and ugly graphics up close and rather lame story and boring parts to the game, it is classic FPS and its enjoyable but sadly unlike Quake – easily forgettable other then you’ll remember it for having excellent looking sky – that never moves lol and great open spaces but ugly up close..
Rather like a super model. Looks fantastic in glossy, strip away the makeup and airbrushes and you’re left with a rather thin and blotchy girl which is rather bland and nothing special..