!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

Initially, the mod tools will be released and then we will see some awesome things from the modding community.

Borderlands could have capatilised on modding but I don't think gearbox was keen on it. (did they? I was never interested enough to find out)
Initially, the mod tools will be released and then we will see some awesome things from the modding community.

Borderlands could have capatilised on modding but I don't think gearbox was keen on it. (did they? I was never interested enough to find out)

I have to admit that the mod tools release is something I keep forgetting about but also something that means that this game will be 100x more awesome than many other modern games.
Rage's engine (id tech 5) looks fantastic.

And within the hands of the modding community, it will be even better tbh.

Mods always increase the longevity of a game imo.

All I really know of Borderlands was hacked equipment. Custom scenario's would've been very cool. No idea what Gearboxes official standpoint was on modding but I guess they weren't all that bothered about supporting it.
Having to change the .ini just to turn off mouse smoothing was annoying.

As well as the FOV "fix." But gearbox are saying the second one will love the PC a little more... Marketing or not, I'll take it with a pinch of salt. :p
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Mouth smoothing? :p

The FoV reseting itself when you sprinted was a tad annoying.

It just felt very sluggish and not very responsive, I think it was mouse smoothing setting that was the culprit. :p

Even on full sensitivity it still felt horrible, so into the .ini I went. ;)

A tad!? :mad: :p

There is something strangely intriguing about the tech videos for this game. I don't have a damn clue what they're talking about but they just talk because they think what they're doing is awesome not because it'll help with marketing.

There is something strangely intriguing about the tech videos for this game. I don't have a damn clue what they're talking about but they just talk because they think what they're doing is awesome not because it'll help with marketing.

Yeah. That's what I love about those videos and Carmack's keynote too. They're really into the technology side of it and they look like they have to be quite strict with themselves to come out with the usual spiel about the storyline/marketing-speak.
Don't worry about it. There's nothing wrong with applying lipstick before you game.

I like my lips to be fresh and hydrated for gaming.


There is something strangely intriguing about the tech videos for this game. I don't have a damn clue what they're talking about but they just talk because they think what they're doing is awesome not because it'll help with marketing.

Definitely, I've read a couple interviews and Carmack just goes on and on and on about every single god damn technology out today. He's an intelligent man, with a **** ton to offer for video game engines.
I have to admit that the mod tools release is something I keep forgetting about but also something that means that this game will be 100x more awesome than many other modern games.

I'm looking forward to them immensely. Not enough games come with them so readily available "out of the box" as it were. :) I can't wait to have a dabble. I get a big feeling a lot of devs sort of begrudge giving you them, or make a half arsed job of the tools.

I know what you all mean about the technical videos. I remember watching some making of DVDs and then playing with mod tools when I was younger, I can't say I'd still be into games heavily now if I hadn't had that interest in the technology sparked back then. :)
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Thanks for producing a ridiculous summary to an article that states nothing of the sort. :rolleyes:

Standard PC gamer guff removing quotes from context of the interview to sensationalise a subject. End of the day, Rage still looks gorgeous graphically on the PC thanks to what Carmack and his team have achieved.

The whole thing makes no sense.

See above. I'm sure if they'd actually included the whole interview rather than picking specifics it would make much more sense.
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