This is ridiculous. I installed cat 11.10 and it's no better than 11.9, game just keeps freezing for several seconds about every 5 seconds. 11.8 worked but with stupidly low framerate. Is there some patch?
Also, why isn't it possible to skip the opening scene?
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I've only had to use my fists and pistol so far >< Maybe I should have set it to something harder than normal...
Mutants are terribly easy, just stand there and punch when they jump at you. Their head explodes!
download nvidia inspector and clock on the icon of 2 tools then edit the RAGE profile and click apply by default its forcing vsync to offGave this game another try, most problems have been fixed apart from something that I want to call screen tearing but can't be...i tried vsyn on off smart through nvidia panel nothing helps but anyways.
I'd agree with the sentiment that Normal isn't a challenge, Hard is probably best for most people... that said I've yet to die after 10 hours play.
Where's the cheapest place to get this?
The shotgun feels amazing! Welcome back ID! any idea when proper xfire drivers are available? This week somewhe ithink
People say its working flawlessley, well it doesnt work with sli or crossfire. So that's defo wrong. You have do disable the other card to get it to work with 2.
The shotgun feels amazing! Welcome back ID! any idea when proper xfire drivers are available? This week somewhe ithink
To be fair, for the amount of processing power the game requires, xfire or SLI won't be of any benefit.
No 16k textures in the game as far as I know.