****Official rFactor 2 Thread****

I am so slow in the game :D I did 7-10 laps in the meganes and was still 0.500 seconds off the last AI car ¬.¬

I've not tried an actual race yet as I don't think my heart could take it plus I have been pretty busy. I haven't been crazily impressed with rFactor 2 yet but I haven't put much time in to it and with the lack of mods (well durrrr it just came out!) it is missing most of the magic that rfactor has/had :p

I think the weather transactions are fantastic though! I was on Spa with my 60's F1 car and it was slightly over cast but still sunny, with the shadows getting darker and more frequent with odd bursts of sun light. Then here comes the light rain fall! One lap later it became far harder to see and the road becoming 10x more slippery. Looked awesome :D Subtle but awesome!

Should hop in my server ;) ill give you a race. AI seems a lot stronger than in RF1. I had the AI down to 90% and could just get a head of them. In rf1 and some mods i could have upto 120% :D
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Just for clarity I did similar controllers.ini changes that marc posted, think I set one to 5000 and the other to 4, also my wheel profile is different in that I have nothing on the spring and 25% on centreing.

What does the centreing spring actually do? i feel no difference :(

Theres a wet race on my server atm, anyone up for a wet track with slicks race?
What does the centreing spring actually do? i feel no difference :(

Theres a wet race on my server atm, anyone up for a wet track with slicks race?

Centreing spring is the bit that causes the wheel to auto-centre, with it off and not in a game you should be able to turn the wheel 90 degrees and it'll stay there, with 25% it'll 'slowly' go back to the centre. Games generally have something similar built in when driving so it doesn't really make much difference there (the force is a bit stronger I believe but not a problem), it just feels 'right' to me to have it on whilst turning it off completely was odd.
Centreing spring is the bit that causes the wheel to auto-centre, with it off and not in a game you should be able to turn the wheel 90 degrees and it'll stay there, with 25% it'll 'slowly' go back to the centre. Games generally have something similar built in when driving so it doesn't really make much difference there (the force is a bit stronger I believe but not a problem), it just feels 'right' to me to have it on whilst turning it off completely was odd.

ahh that makes sense thanks!
Got this yesterday, having fun driving classic 60's in spa

no idea how good i am against the A.I because on my timed laps one corner or the other i spin out.


might try the multiplayer but i fear it would be like the tortoise v.s the hare
me being the tortoise. :(
Anyone up for some bashing around mills metro in the meganes trying to get the fastest time? or a 5 lap race with immensely hard AI in the dark and rain with extremely strong winds and low temperatures?
I'll be up for a few races or a mess about later try the g27 out.

question tho do I new to reinstall the Logitech profiler going from my DFGT to the g27??

or can I just plug it in and use the same settings?
I'll be up for a few races or a mess about later try the g27 out.

question tho do I new to reinstall the Logitech profiler going from my DFGT to the g27??

or can I just plug it in and use the same settings?

Logitech are the king of plug and play :D just plug it in and away you go.
You may need to turn some settings down in rfactor though.

just dropped in but the way i kept losing control decided to leave before i caused you an accident. :p

Its a test server :P and invulnerability is on so its all good :D
Sorry, no doubt you have tried this. Have you tried setting the FFB to joystick?

Thanks for the reply, sorry, I should have given more detail.

Seems to be a known issue with the current build, just wondered if anyone found a way of getting it working via a tweek, 3rd party app etc.

The Logitech Rumblepad 2 apparently works fine.
Thanks for the reply, sorry, I should have given more detail.

Seems to be a known issue with the current build, just wondered if anyone found a way of getting it working via a tweek, 3rd party app etc.

The Logitech Rumblepad 2 apparently works fine.

I wouldnt know sorry, i could plug my 360 controller in to try but my settings for my g27 dont seem to save. I dont want to re assign them all again.
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