****Official rFactor 2 Thread****


rFactor 2 Beta is out. So we can start work on the WSGT2 mod as it is intended. We are not planning to rush development, and are now in what you would call " the exploration" part of the project. The Aston Martin One -77 has been the test subject of choice. We will keep you posted on further developments and findings. Note that the GT Cars will probably not be the first cars to be released. Once we feel we covered all the basics, we will start work on a CUP series car. The LOtus 2 Eleven might be our first choice. After that, we will release the WSGT in service packs. We will keep you posted.
As usual, all is well at RMT

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whats this? a new mod?

Its a mod that has been worked on for a few years. They have known rfactor 2 will come out since 2010 like all of us so they decided to spend time making a highly detailed mod. Now the rfactor 2 is out, they are testing it :)
They have not said when they are releasing. Im guessing they will release when rfactor 2 is out of its beta.
Me and Murray are racing against each other on mills metro in the meganes, in the night while its raining....its a whole new experience in sim racing online i can tell you that!
Loving this game, what I was hoping iracing would feel like! And it's still just in beta - so time for things to get even better still, nice!

Definitely the most realistic physics and force feedback I've experienced with the CSR Elite... iRacing is good, don't get me wrong... I just find some car behaviours to be frustratingly abnormal under certain conditions, especially off-track and trail braking.

Whereas rfactor2 cars behave as I would expect them to in real life... maybe a touch tail-happy in the fr3.5, but it could just be me getting used to the game.

Helps when you win your first race, too :D

Shaping up to be a fantastic game, didn't expect to like it quite so much as I wasn't too keen on rfactor1.
Its a mod that has been worked on for a few years. They have known rfactor 2 will come out since 2010 like all of us so they decided to spend time making a highly detailed mod. Now the rfactor 2 is out, they are testing it :)
They have not said when they are releasing. Im guessing they will release when rfactor 2 is out of its beta.

Will it have graphics like gt5?
The 360 pad is officially cow poo.

My analogue sticks have a crazy dead zone which is intermittent.

Going to try my PS2 Dual Shock pad.
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