***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

Thanks Frapple... I will go and sign up now.

Not quite sure what 'mumble' is though... is it just another alternative server, or something a bit more than that?

It isn't any sort of 'cheat' by any chance, is it?

It's a voice chat program - makes playing games far easier than having to type everything out.

Have you got headphones & microphone / headset?
Yep don't worry about asking questions, i haven't stopped and i've played MMO's since 1998/1999. No one's told me to **** off yet!

Here are some generic MMO acronyms you'll be seeing plenty of (i've nicked these from somewhere else btw):

AFK: Away From Keyboard. When player is not near keyboard. WHY ISN'T THE PRIEST HEALING US?! -I think he is AFK
AH: Auction House. A place where players can sell and bid on stuff. Maybe you can buy it cheaper at the AH
AOE: Area of Effect. attacks/spells that affect a large area rather than a single target. Lets kill these monters with a fireball AOE spell
BoE: Bind on Equip. An item that attunes to you only once you have equipped it so you can trade it as long as you havent used it I can't use this item. But since it is a BOE, I can just sell it.
BoP: Bind on Pickup. An item that attunes to you once you have picked it up. I cannot trade you this item, since it is a BOP.
BRB: Be right back. Used to tell others you have to leave for a little but you will be right back. Gotta go walk the dogs, brb.
DOT: Damage over Time. attacks/spells that spread damage over time rather than doing it all at once. Even though the monster killed me, it died a few seconds later from my DOT spell
LfM: Looking for More. Used to tell in chat channels that you are looking to form a party LFM to go slay the dragon. Have a warrior and a priest already.
NPC: Non Player Character. Characters that are controlled by computer and not by other players. Go to the NPC in the capital city to get the quest!
PST: Please Send Tell. Asks to send a private message rather then in public chat.Want to buy a good sword, PST if you got one
PVE: Player vs Environment. Gameplay consisting of fighting monsters rather than other players. This game has good PVE
PVP: Player vs Player. Gameplay consisting of fighting other players rather than monsters.I like competing against others in PVP
PUG: Pick Up Group. A group with random people rather than ones you know. This is the last time I join a PUG. Nobody knew what they were doing and we all ended up dead in the first room of the dungeon
WTB: Want to Buy. Used to tell others you are looking for something and will pay for it.WTB a good weapon!
WTS: Want to Sell. Used to tell others you have somthing for sale. WTS a good weapon!!
WTT: Want to Trade. Used to tell others you want to trade an item for another one. WTT for a good weapon!!!

One thing it's important to know about is agro /threat, when you get too close to a mob (generic term for any of the enemies which aren't player controlled) it will agro you. If you are in a group and do a large damage spell you gain threat, if you gain too much the mob will agro you instead of the one it should be on; the tank. Same with healing, it generates threat. If you are grouped and find mobs keep coming for you tone it down a bit, let the tank generate threat and then gradually build up your damage. As such healers should try not to blow massive heals when the fight has just started. Especially with mulitple mobs.

Erm, that'll do for now, i'm bored at work lol. Will be on tonight if you want any help with anything.

Never forget one particular acronym used a lot in EvE which is GF (meaning Good Fight). Often used after a prolonged battle where everyone got a huge kick out of it, even if you lost. Anyway there we were (about 60 of us on TS) chatting away when the penny dropped with one of our guys as to what it actually meant. To paraphrase it went something like: "Ohhhhhhhhh so that's what it means! I always thought it meant Get ******! I always used to go spaz at people when they typed it to me in local chat."

Cue much laughter and derision on TS about said player's intelligence. :)
Another one to remember, regarding AoE (not sure yet if its used in Rift, but Daoc players will be very familiar with it) is PBAoE , Point Blank Area of Effect. Meaning something which affects an area, but only the area directly surrounding the caster rather than an area at range.

Another is GTG, although this can cause some confusion because for some people thats Good to go (as in , I'm all ready, lets move) and for other people thats Got to go (as in, I have to leave now)
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The only thing I don't like about this game is the instance design. Like it or not that was where WoW really excelled. Everything here looks like it could have been knocked up in 10 minutes flat.
The only thing I don't like about this game is the instance design. Like it or not that was where WoW really excelled. Everything here looks like it could have been knocked up in 10 minutes flat.

I cant really speak much about them, I've only done Iron Tombs, but I rather liked that, good atmosphere in it and I liked that it had different aspects to it rather than just tank and spank.
It's a voice chat program - makes playing games far easier than having to type everything out.

Have you got headphones & microphone / headset?

Well, I have a webcam and speakers, which I use for 'Skype', but I am in a study so don't interfere with anyone else in the household!
Well, I have a webcam and speakers, which I use for 'Skype', but I am in a study so don't interfere with anyone else in the household!

Cool cool, as long as we can't hear ourselves through your speakers when you're talking (i.e. getting feedback) then it should be all good!

Download and install mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ it's relatively straight forward to set up.

Details of the server (ip address, port, password etc) are in the Guild News forum in a Sticky Thread call 'Key Information'

Mumble also has an overlay so you can see who's talking in-game, but we'll sort that once you're in :)
Cool cool, as long as we can't hear ourselves through your speakers when you're talking (i.e. getting feedback) then it should be all good!

Download and install mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ it's relatively straight forward to set up.

Details of the server (ip address, port, password etc) are in the Guild News forum in a Sticky Thread call 'Key Information'

Mumble also has an overlay so you can see who's talking in-game, but we'll sort that once you're in :)

One thing of note is that I think you have to download the developer snapshot version, I tried the stable one and I couldnt connect to the mumble server, but as soon as I used the dev snapshot version I was fine.
Thanks all, but taking things step by step, I think I had better sort myself out a suitable 'character' first. My initial thoughts are to go for something like Guardian/Cleric/Warden which doesn't sound too agressive! ;)

Does that sound reasonable to start off with?
Quite annoying game in my opinion, you have to run/ride to the same place 2 or 3 times to do a quest chain or not. But there are just so many unavoidable mobs in the way it slows down the game so much, especially as a Mage. Which in my opinion should have a reasonable DPS, but doesn't you have to cast 1.5/2 secs then you only hit like 100s, were as an equally leveled warrior or rogue will kill them a lot quick(along with being able to actually with-stand hits). Last thing is there isnt many item drops that benefit a cloth wearer neither :/.
As you're first char Montala i'd pick something easy, unfortunately i'm not in a great position to recommend something as i've not been playing this game long but i would guess one with a pet which can take the damage for you or one which can heal and do lots of damage.
Quite annoying game in my opinion, you have to run/ride to the same place 2 or 3 times to do a quest chain or not. But there are just so many unavoidable mobs in the way it slows down the game so much, especially as a Mage. Which in my opinion should have a reasonable DPS, but doesn't you have to cast 1.5/2 secs then you only hit like 100s, were as an equally leveled warrior or rogue will kill them a lot quick(along with being able to actually with-stand hits). Last thing is there isnt many item drops that benefit a cloth wearer neither :/.

The game being slower is a good thing though in my opinion, happy to take as long as it takes to get to 50. I dont mind having to fight my way through mobs and back, kind of reminds me of travelling from one town to another in UO where the slightest bump from a mob dismounted you and you had to fight your way through :D

I've been finding that the cloth items my mage crafts have been better than most of the stuff thats dropped.
I've been finding that the cloth items my mage crafts have been better than most of the stuff thats dropped.

i find that they are a lot better especially when added the augments to them but dont you think the dps just isnt up to a good enough standard, wearing cloth gets you killed quicker therefore you should have more dps or equal to other classes. Mages just dont seem strong at all
i find that they are a lot better especially when added the augments to them but dont you think the dps just isnt up to a good enough standard, wearing cloth gets you killed quicker therefore you should have more dps or equal to other classes. Mages just dont seem strong at all

To be honest I'm not much of a stat hound really, I've honestly got no idea what my dps is like, I know that I have no trouble killing things with my mates so I'm fine :) could be that my dps is poor, or great, I don't really notice. I just blast whatever the person tanking is whacking, we've not had too much trouble so I'm a happy bunny :D
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Im not really a stat hound myself i just find the DPS of the mage quite poor, cant be my gear considering i crafted most of it :). Although i can survive a barrage of 2/3(possibly 4) mobs, i shall fiddle with the soul trees and see if there is a change!
Im not really a stat hound myself i just find the DPS of the mage quite poor, cant be my gear considering i crafted most of it :). Although i can survive a barrage of 2/3(possibly 4) mobs, i shall fiddle with the soul trees and see if there is a change!

I'm told by people at high levels that the strength of pyromancers is amongst the best in the game, sometimes hitting for several thousand points at a time. As I say though I don't know. I just don't notice my dps, we engage a target, my mates melee, I shoot, things die. :)
It doesn't look as if I shall be playing Rift for a few hours yet unfortunately! :(

The first thing it wanted to do was to download a 1.5 GB patch to version 1.1, which on my snail powered broadband (current download speed 116 KB/s) will take about 3 hours... providing of course the connection holds up for that long!
if you can stomach reading the forums there's all sorts of "discussion" on the highest dps classes, imho I can't see the point - if you can kill stuff and not die = viable to me. don't forget too that if you get far into a char you don't like, don't delete it, you can pick up quests to learn all the other souls in the calling so you can respec as often as you want.
if you can stomach reading the forums

Though best not to read the forums until after the free month is up and people cant post on it any more. Until then the forums are like the dregs of the world with people whining about every tiny little thing ranging from no health bars over peoples heads to higher level players can see through my stealth, I should be invisible to all of them no matter their level.
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