***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

Hi, just a few minutes ago i tried to log into the game using my password and username as well as the android authenticator but each time it fails . i double checked to see if my email and password is valid by logging into my rift account on the website and also to this forum and its fine.

The code generated by the android app seems to not be working for me anymore as the code it gives me seems invalid each time i enter it. i tried 10-20 times and still no joy.

is it a bug or issue with rift? How do i disable this authenticator? i went into my account and into the authenticator section and could not find a option to disable it but instead, gives me the option to apply it again? i then tried to apply it again and simply get a "an error has occured, please try again later"

any suggestions? thanks

If you are anxious to get it sorted out quickly, I see that Trion do have a support centre with a UK freephone number - 0800 2795224 or you could always email them from the link on this page.

Good luck!
Thanks you the three of you for your initial replies... it should be arriving tomorrow, so I might just 'dive in' then and see how it goes.

Probably best if I keep clear of any initial combat though, until I have explored some of the areas a bit first.

Just join mumble and keep asking questions, lots of folk more than happy to help!

Remember to sign up here (http://ocuk.guildlaunch.com/) and join us on the Shivermere server :)
Spending less and less time in-game now.

Leveling/questing is like pulling teeth - nothing new for me, I feel the same about all MMOs. I could handle that if it wasn't for the second reason: Defiant are absolutely ****ing useless in WFs. I don't even enter The Codex anymore, as I know it will just be a complete waste of time. I will have a go at the others, but 80% of the time I usually within 2 mins find myself tabbing out and browsing the internet until the inevitable loss.

Makes the game somewhere I don't want to be.
I'm getting quite into this now, not done a lot of pvp as i breezed through 15-20 very quickly, am now 25 reckon i'll be 30 by sunday. Did DM for the first time last night and loved it but i'm really looking forward to higher level dungeons / raids and PvP which isn't warfronts.

Agree about the world event, i've not seen anything of Phase 1 other than a couple of grey quests :s.
Is it me or is the event rather crap lol ;) or am I being a bit harsh ?

Being harsh imo, its an event which lasts for 10 days, this is the lowest phase of the event so no point in dishing out all the good stuff right now. Better to have a nice progressive build up to the climax. They could have just plonked in the end raid part and said there you go, thats the event, done. What do you mean you've all finished it on the first day??? Well sorry, thats all there is, you'll just have to do the same thing for the next 9 days. Instead they opted for the , better imo, progression of the event over a course of time leading towards the big end battle.

If it helps , just think of it in sexual terms, whereas the young and inexperienced person just jumps in and goes straight for the goal, the older and better experienced lover works their way to the goal via many earlier stages of play :p
Spending less and less time in-game now.

Leveling/questing is like pulling teeth - nothing new for me, I feel the same about all MMOs. I could handle that if it wasn't for the second reason: Defiant are absolutely ****ing useless in WFs. I don't even enter The Codex anymore, as I know it will just be a complete waste of time. I will have a go at the others, but 80% of the time I usually within 2 mins find myself tabbing out and browsing the internet until the inevitable loss.

Makes the game somewhere I don't want to be.

I get streaks usually, I can get a streak where I lose 20 WFs in a row and streaks where I win 20 WFs in a row. Ironically when I read the official forums I see Defiant players saying that Defiant are rubbish in PvP and Guardian players on the same server saying that Guardians are rubbish in PvP. Obviously they cant both be right :D

The funniest thing I have ever seen though was last night, a rift spawned for the event where instead of having to kill the mobs you had to cleanse them by luring them to a nearby stone. It was hilarious watching as all the players just went nuts killing them over and over and over, never actually progressing the rift. No matter how much people shouted that they needed to lure them not kill them, they just kept on killing. Just goes to show that give the average MMO'er anything more complex in a "quest" than, go here, kill x, and they struggle :D
Just join mumble and keep asking questions, lots of folk more than happy to help!

Remember to sign up here (http://ocuk.guildlaunch.com/) and join us on the Shivermere server :)

Thanks Frapple... I will go and sign up now.

Not quite sure what 'mumble' is though... is it just another alternative server, or something a bit more than that?

It isn't any sort of 'cheat' by any chance, is it?
Yep don't worry about asking questions, i haven't stopped and i've played MMO's since 1998/1999. No one's told me to **** off yet!

Here are some generic MMO acronyms you'll be seeing plenty of (i've nicked these from somewhere else btw):

AFK: Away From Keyboard. When player is not near keyboard. WHY ISN'T THE PRIEST HEALING US?! -I think he is AFK
AH: Auction House. A place where players can sell and bid on stuff. Maybe you can buy it cheaper at the AH
AOE: Area of Effect. attacks/spells that affect a large area rather than a single target. Lets kill these monters with a fireball AOE spell
BoE: Bind on Equip. An item that attunes to you only once you have equipped it so you can trade it as long as you havent used it I can't use this item. But since it is a BOE, I can just sell it.
BoP: Bind on Pickup. An item that attunes to you once you have picked it up. I cannot trade you this item, since it is a BOP.
BRB: Be right back. Used to tell others you have to leave for a little but you will be right back. Gotta go walk the dogs, brb.
DOT: Damage over Time. attacks/spells that spread damage over time rather than doing it all at once. Even though the monster killed me, it died a few seconds later from my DOT spell
LfM: Looking for More. Used to tell in chat channels that you are looking to form a party LFM to go slay the dragon. Have a warrior and a priest already.
NPC: Non Player Character. Characters that are controlled by computer and not by other players. Go to the NPC in the capital city to get the quest!
PST: Please Send Tell. Asks to send a private message rather then in public chat.Want to buy a good sword, PST if you got one
PVE: Player vs Environment. Gameplay consisting of fighting monsters rather than other players. This game has good PVE
PVP: Player vs Player. Gameplay consisting of fighting other players rather than monsters.I like competing against others in PVP
PUG: Pick Up Group. A group with random people rather than ones you know. This is the last time I join a PUG. Nobody knew what they were doing and we all ended up dead in the first room of the dungeon
WTB: Want to Buy. Used to tell others you are looking for something and will pay for it.WTB a good weapon!
WTS: Want to Sell. Used to tell others you have somthing for sale. WTS a good weapon!!
WTT: Want to Trade. Used to tell others you want to trade an item for another one. WTT for a good weapon!!!

One thing it's important to know about is agro /threat, when you get too close to a mob (generic term for any of the enemies which aren't player controlled) it will agro you. If you are in a group and do a large damage spell you gain threat, if you gain too much the mob will agro you instead of the one it should be on; the tank. Same with healing, it generates threat. If you are grouped and find mobs keep coming for you tone it down a bit, let the tank generate threat and then gradually build up your damage. As such healers should try not to blow massive heals when the fight has just started. Especially with mulitple mobs.

Erm, that'll do for now, i'm bored at work lol. Will be on tonight if you want any help with anything.
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