***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

Hi, I'm downloading this again as I need a decent mmo in my life.

Just wondering which server should I roll on thats got a decent population?

I played recently, I didn't get very far...up to this stone or something place on the defiant side. But there was no one around and it was lonely.

Bloodiron has a good population still. Also, if you were doing the starter quest then there will not be many there as it is instanced and not part of the real world.
Hmm the name Bloodiron rings a bell.

I think thats the server I was on! I must have seen 4 or 5 players during an hour of play.

I guess you did not leave the starter bit. You also have to understand that most people will not be in the starting instance or in the starting area. They will be doing high end stuff.

Once you make it through the portal, there will be more bods around.
Hi, I'm downloading this again as I need a decent mmo in my life.

Just wondering which server should I roll on thats got a decent population?

I played recently, I didn't get very far...up to this stone or something place on the defiant side. But there was no one around and it was lonely.

Bloodiron or Steampike is good, I'm Defiant on BI and Gaurdian on SP
Hi guys,

Just downloaded the client for this and going to give it another go. Never really played it properly when it first came out and then my graphics card died.

New rig now, so might as well play it for free to level 20!

Any server I should be aiming for incase I do decide to subscribe? How much is it to sub these days?
games dead :(

Yeah I read that a few weeks back but cant really comment. I know a few people still playing and they say it's fine so not really sure?

I played from beta and it was fun while it lasted. I would definitely sub again to try this expansion out.

7 new dungeons, 3 new raids :eek:
Wow, the expansion sounds amazing. Particularly:

Adventure across two huge new continents that more than triple the size of the existing world

I feel yet another resub coming on. :D
I cant get any information about this with being at work and they are blocking me!!!

Is there anything about new classes/races/roles lol I started and got to about level 32 but have not played for a while now. What is the End Game content like? Population, will this bring back more players?
From Massively :

Storm Legion will open up two new continents for play: Dusken (a horror-themed continent) and Brevane (which hosts the cradle of Telaran civilization). Another major city will join the map, the dual-faction town of Tempest Bay.

Each continent will feature its own storyline, with the promise by the devs that the term "story" will feature far more heavily than mere busy work. The main story of the expansion is driven by Crucia, the Queen of Storms, who's bringing her huge entourage to Telara through the Infinity Gate.

Players have much to anticipate when the expansion releases. In addition to the new continents, the expansion will increase the level cap to 60, add capes to our wardrobes, experiment with a player housing system called "dimensions," introduce seven new dungeons and three new raids, add a crafting tier, and see another Chronicle join the roster. Players will also get to play with four new souls, one for each calling (Warrior, Rogue, Mage, and Cleric). Finally, for the brave at heart, the expansion will bring the immense colossus to terrorize the realms, and these open-world colossus battles are supposed to be like nothing we've ever seen before.

That sounds like a pretty decent expansion tbh. I resubbed to keep myself occupied until GW2, but I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected.
It does look good. When's the expansion due?

They haven't said, but whoever got the exclusive (think it was Gamespot) reckon Autumn. :(

Anyway, I've resubbed! Gotta get some more level 50s before the expansion hits, innit? I have to say that it feels really good to be back; I always forget how good Rift is. Easily my favourite MMORPG since Guild Wars.
Just watched the live stream event they put on from E3, and this new expansion looks absolutely amazing! Artwork is incredible!

Love the game, but ran out of content as the world is currently quite small for an mmo game, but the two new continents should make it about right! =]
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