** Official ** Season 2010/2011 Pre-Season thread

^^^ I blame wenger. He keeps buying CMs and sticking them on the wings where they are very ineffective.

4-4 :(

We are pitiful.

Yup, I think Chamakh is quite decent, but ina 4-5-1 he seems to want to stick with, do we need another 80k a week player, who won't get many games, or are we going to push RVP or Chamakh wide , another player out of position rather than buying a good winger.

Thomas has looked great this preseason, really really VERY good.

I also fully expect Wenger to barley use Thomas, barely use Wilshire, barely use Ramsey when he's fit again, constantly drop Bendtner and Eboue, and barely play Vela. because they all looked fantastic in last years preseason, and looked leagues ahead of Diaby, Song, Denilson, Theo, and they all dissappeared for the season unless injuries forced Wenger.

Every single game Theo has been a complete turd in preseason, and Theo is still acting like he is brilliant, giving interviews about crying when he heard he wasn't in the England team, talking about how good it will be for Fabregas to stay and how great he think player X will do this year. He needs bringing down several pegs so he actually puts some effort in again. But yet, I completely expect Wenger to play him as much as possible, I also can't give you a single reason why.

Actually, I think Diaby back late from the world cup, and potentially playing Nasri and Fabregas alongside Song might actually make Wenger not bring Diaby back into the team, we can only pray. What I fear is Diaby will be brought in and Nasri will rotate, some games out wide, some games rested, some in the middle to rest Fabregas.
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Funny game, some dreadful defending. Wenger really needs at least another CB too, if he doesn't it'll be baffling

A positive is that Nasri looks amazing and Wilshere looks a really good box-to-box mf
Funny game, some dreadful defending. Wenger really needs at least another CB too, if he doesn't it'll be baffling

A positive is that Nasri looks amazing and Wilshere looks a really good box-to-box mf

Wilshire will barely play this year, and Nasri, I like the guy but Fabregas is taking that position when he's back because frankly, he's better. THe question is where will Nasri end up, on the wing, he's not bad there but he's not as good. This 4-5-1 doesn't work without extreme pace on the wings, wheres Arshavin going to play, still on the wing, who knows.

I think Sagna has to be benched and though Eboue has become I think our best right winger, by a mile we need him at right back, so Nasri/Arshavin will be our starting wingers in most games, good players, but not much happened in the first half with no pace on the wings.

Its just Wengers insistance on playing this stupid formation and certain, honestly, crap players that will likely undermine our season yet again. Even if we switch back to 4-4-2, we'll still just have way to many central players who aren't great on the wings to play them all that often. Frankly if Theo plays a large part of our season we have ZERO chance at anything, if he's benched, or you know, shot, and we send Diaby to the dog food factory we have an outside chance.

I think we desparately need a leader, in both DM and CB positions. We'll miss Gallas badly this year, everyone said he's still the captain even without the arm band, he told the defence what to do and when.

Jesus christ, our defending has been awful.
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5 goals conceded against a team like that? Arsenal must have their reserves on, surely?!

yup, unfortunately the first team have simply moved on from the club, City, Newcastle, and who the heck knows. I say draft Adam's back in, it can't be worse, Lauren for right back and Lehman, I miss the crazy guys antics anyway.
Arsenal where bringing on JET, Lansbury, where as they had full internationals coming on.

Yes, because being an international player instantly means you're a truly gifted player. They aren't a terrible team, but they certainly aren't good, they've conceded 5 in the second half against a misfiring team, JET scored and is better than at least two of the players who went off for us. Lansbury screwed up for one goal, the rest were mostly screwed up by "full international" players.

Edit:- oh well, pictures gone, must be over by now, methinks we conceded another and a certain Wenger was probably just seen walking away from the TV truck trying to whistle inconspicuously while you could see the power cable disconnected from the truck behind him, don't think he wanted to do any post game interviews :p
lol, that third one was not suspiciously missing an inline replay which would have showed Keane like 5 yards offside by any chance? :p

Not bad finishes but they seem more like truly awful defending than great Spurs play, did spurs create lots of other chances aswell or were they somewhat lucky to finish 3-2?
lol, that third one was not suspiciously missing an inline replay which would have showed Keane like 5 yards offside by any chance? :p

Not bad finishes but they seem more like truly awful defending than great Spurs play, did spurs create lots of other chances aswell or were they somewhat lucky to finish 3-2?

I'm sure the assistant would have spotted it if he had been *that* offside. :p
Keane had been sharp all game.

TBF, the two we conceded was down to poor defending too.

We brought on quite a few youngsters in the 2nd half like Naughton, Livermore, Rose etc and brought in Cudicini for Gomes.

We were creating loads of chances, particularly through Giovani and Keane. The 2nd half was pretty much all Spurs. It was an excellent performance IMO only let down by a little bit of disorganisation in defence early on.

Deserved the win without a shadow of a doubt. It was a really enjoyable match to watch.
Who are Arsenal playing?
Anyways i have been very impressed so far with the city players against Valencia....Boateng whipped a great cross in for barry for the goal and we have genuinely looked good all over....must say i was impressed by Silva for the 35mins he was on...
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