******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

What ships have that mate?

They are making variety, not just lots of multi-role ships now. Although storage I agree should feature on a vast majority with a small cargo grid. It should essentially be the "boot" of each craft.

Only one recently I can think of is the Guardian, but it has internal storage (not on a grid), can fit 4SCU in it unofficially and has storage externally too. however it's a heavy fighter, so not something you'd expect to do cargo runs in.
I was thinking of the Anvil Paladin when I typed that but there's been a few newer ones with poor layouts overall I feel. Paladin's corridors and room sizes. Guardian with that extra door and empty chamber behind the cockpit. The Intrepid's doors within doors.

You can throw boxes into most of them but not having them on a cargo grid, at least currently, is asking for trouble.
Paladin is a mess, not entirely sure what the point of it is - much like the Cutlass Steel tbh.

But there are so many other options available I dont' think it matters, each to their own.
There is no way it's as accurate as kB+m or allows for such fine movements either.
To be honest as someone who has just jumped to hosas via some virpil alpha primes(nice sticks BTW) I would most differently say yes! I am an avid kb/mouse fan.

There is no way you can do the 6 dof with the precession of twin sticks with a kb/mouse simpal as that .
Monthly report.

Is there an equivalent of that but for like stuff that is upcoming or whatever?
Paladin is a mess, not entirely sure what the point of it is - much like the Cutlass Steel tbh.

But there are so many other options available I dont' think it matters, each to their own.

Yes and no, there's only two gunships. That is medium sized ship for 1-3 people, with large guns for area denial or for taking on larger ships. Redeemer (nerfed into the ground currently) and the being worked on Paladin. For small scale fleet battles the Redeemer used to be a ton of fun, I often was in a gunners seat with a handful of fighters with us. The Paladin looks to be aimed purely at area denial. Fighters and Redeemers clear the skies of faster moving targets and the Paladin then holds the position. Jumptown etc.
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Monthly report.

It certainly makes it sound like RTGI, Weather, rain etc is 12 months out not 4yrs out along with the terrain and biome generation system which is cool. Hopefully get another star system by 2026 CitCon then.
It certainly makes it sound like RTGI, Weather, rain etc is 12 months out not 4yrs out along with the terrain and biome generation system which is cool. Hopefully get another star system by 2026 CitCon then.

My hope is 1.0 at Citcon 2026 but i have a feeling 2025 is going to be another year of not much happening turning what was originally a one year time scale for what was citcon 2023 in to 3 or more years.
My hope is 1.0 at Citcon 2026 but i have a feeling 2025 is going to be another year of not much happening turning what was originally a one year time scale for what was citcon 2023 in to 3 or more years.
Lol gosh that is optimism. 1.0 is honestly likely to be more like 2030. They only managed half of what was announced at CitCon 2023 to date. With half just missing and no ETA. 2025 is still SQ42, till that releases we will always be on not much happening in SC side. Tbh mind if they truly just stabilised what have now in 4.0 in future patches I would probably play it a few times a month tbh as the FPS and flying and seeing locations for me is mostly enough. But SC 1.0 and what makes a game a game with what they suggesting, yeah I expect 4-5yrs realistically at this point. I don't get how they will get all those careers shown out there and 3 more star systems considering the time to date for what have.
I would still say the games in the best spot it's been in. I'm playing two-three times a week currently and it's enjoyable with Org. It's clear when the server starts to die so most of the time it's the small issues to deal with. It's the missing systems (armour etc.) and the iffy direction of ship balance they're going with which are problems.

I do agree though, we'll see SQ42 next year not 1.0. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they officially release 1.0 the second all the main features are in.

The careers could simply be an extension of the rep system which unlocks missions and crafting. Wouldn't take a lot to get that fleshed out.
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Not played since the update a day or so ago but one thing that was new that started happening for me is my FPS would drop to about 17 when I went into the shop on NB where you can get weapons etc after you come down from the habitats. As soon as I went back out, back to normal.
I would still say the games in the best spot it's been in. I'm playing two-three times a week currently and it's enjoyable with Org. It's clear when the server starts to die so most of the time it's the small issues to deal with. It's the missing systems (armour etc.) and the iffy direction of ship balance they're going with which are problems.

I do agree though, we'll see SQ42 next year not 1.0. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they officially release 1.0 the second all the main features are in.

The careers could simply be an extension of the rep system which unlocks missions and crafting. Wouldn't take a lot to get that fleshed out.
From the listed careers at CitCon there are at least a dozen that have zero mechanics to make work and missing critical features to make the missions to unlock at all, let alone the actual rep system needs to be completely created and noted as per a few years back. If you take the current careers and what could be made with current mechanics I think we only have about 2/3rds of the gameplay loops at less than tier 0 even.

There are years worth of time to get the main features in before 1.0 and then a few years to actually make those into gameplay loops I believe.
NB for life.

Monstertech plates arriving Fri, but no idea when joystick will arrive. I don't bother asking support, it comes when it comes.
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