******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

What ships have that mate?

They are making variety, not just lots of multi-role ships now. Although storage I agree should feature on a vast majority with a small cargo grid. It should essentially be the "boot" of each craft.

Only one recently I can think of is the Guardian, but it has internal storage (not on a grid), can fit 4SCU in it unofficially and has storage externally too. however it's a heavy fighter, so not something you'd expect to do cargo runs in.
I was thinking of the Anvil Paladin when I typed that but there's been a few newer ones with poor layouts overall I feel. Paladin's corridors and room sizes. Guardian with that extra door and empty chamber behind the cockpit. The Intrepid's doors within doors.

You can throw boxes into most of them but not having them on a cargo grid, at least currently, is asking for trouble.
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