******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I have been running this 4K native (no upscaling) for a few days, it runs well so i took it to the most demanding place there is in Star Citizen, Loreville.

3840 X 2160P
Very High
Clouds: Very High

Runs ok, i don't have a frame rate counter running because that's not the point, does it feel ok without staring at a frame rate counter.. it is.

Not bad for a humble little RX 7800 XT, trouble is now i can't go back to 1440P because even on a 1440P screen it looks noticeably worse.

Again Loreville is as bad as it can get.

The inside of the Hospital is stunning.... 7:15

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I have been running this 4K native (no upscaling) for a few days, it runs well so i took it to the most demanding place there is in Star Citizen, Loreville.

3840 X 2160P
Very High
Clouds: Very High

Runs ok, i don't have a frame rate counter running because that's not the point, does it feel ok without staring at a frame rate counter.. it is.

Not bad for a humble little RX 7800 XT, trouble is now i can't go back to 1440P because even on a 1440P screen it looks noticeably worse.

Again Loreville is as bad as it can get.

The inside of the Hospital is stunning.... 7:15

I thought you did not have and game on 4k res and have a 1440p setup?
I thought you did not have and game on 4k res and have a 1440p setup?

What? i have a 1440P screen, despite this i game at 4K where i can as it still looks better even on a 1440P screen, eventually i will upgrade to 4K i guess, i'm waiting for OLED screens to get good enough that they don't burn in and don't cost more than the GPU.
What? i have a 1440P screen, despite this i game at 4K where i can as it still looks better even on a 1440P screen, eventually i will upgrade to 4K i guess, i'm waiting for OLED screens to get good enough that they don't burn in and don't cost more than the GPU.
What monitor costs over 1k? Hehe

I didn't know you can game at a higher resolution
What monitor costs over 1k? Hehe

I didn't know you can game at a higher resolution


Have they fixed the elevators yet?

Its hard to say....

The elevators as they currently are are part of the original transiting code, this code isn't compatible with Server Meshing, this is why they break, the people who wrote the original code are no longer with CIG, it was many years ago, so it can't really be fixed.
So what they are doing longer term is writing new code and scrapping the existing code, short term they are adding code that recognises when an elevator has broken and resets it, ok so from my experience of what is happening now is sometimes i press the button and the door opens in to void or doesn't arrive at all, on whatever the situation is i press the button again and a fully functional elevator arrives, this is consistent, for me.

I'm not going to say its working now because one of the problems with this is what works perfectly for one person is completely broken for the next.... you need to try it for yourself but they have been working hard on fixes and for me quite a lot of what was broken seems to be working ok now.
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Elevators continue to play peekaboo, and some just vanish mid-transit, which is fun. Always have your helment on, just in case.

My newest issue, apart from it mostly be a lot smoother than January/December, is my rear cargo module destroying the back of my Retaliator. Just need to save up 1.8 million for the front torp bay (Commander_Endz for anyone rich enough to donate towards the cause). I do like the ship, as I wanted something that could handle a group of us playing in, and maybe getting in some fights over in Pyro with. It's just a pain that something I thought they'd fixed, is actually broken when I buy it in-game.
Servers just gone down for maintenance, 2nd day in a row. Fingers crossed nothing new breaks.

Its actually about the 5'th time in 2 weeks, i do hope the reason for this isn't just clean-up, that they are putting in updates and fixes to the networking / server code.
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Its rendered 4K in the same way it is on a 4K screen, the driver just makes it fit on the smaller screen.

No it's not because when I play it at 4K there is no upscaling and downscaling going on, along with the all the fun such tech brings.
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