I believe (according to reddit) the 3,000 Km in the demo was a bug and should have read 3 Million Km, which would make sense as the gas giant is supposed to be larger then Jupiter and wouldn't noticeably change by moving 3K Km away as in the demo. Also those moons would be tiny.
'according to reddit' is half the problem
I know one person who kicked up a fuss about this ended up posting a retraction. But in all of that there were people claiming the M was miles, therefore perfectly normal... except its easily debunked when the quantum drive then says is 3000km when it previously showed 3,000,000m, which would be correct for meters and not miles.
Maybe it was a mistake, i mean there were glaring typos in the slides, these things happen and somehow dont get picked up in the rush to present. To folks like myself 3,000KM seems believable, maybe it means a huge sun would be half the size of earth if it was true, but im sure as it clearly already has, if there was a fundamental flaw it'll get brought up with a load of fuss (and usually outrage of monumental proportion) and acknowledged a day or 2 later and fixed.
I am skeptical about this game, but I would be a moron if I couldn't appreciate the ambition and magnificence of what they showed in that multicrew demo. It is mindblowing stuff, definition of pushing the envelope. I hope the final game will realize this potential, I really do. But even if it fails, I am still glad someone is even attempting things like this.
You know, i wish more people had the same attitude and recognition towards SC.
That was one of the main reasons i pledged to begin with. Im fed up of the gaming industry giants looking for maximum audience, playing it safe and repeating the same stuff. They were happy for things to shuffle along, building games upon the limitations of 4yr old systems and consoles, not 'pushing the envelope' as you say. I wasnt remotely interested in space before i discovered SC, in fact i've always had a pre-disposed disliking of almost everything with few exceptions (Star Wars & Red Dwarf) and yet i could see beyond that and connect with what was trying to be achieved here. Now i cant wait, and im watching stuff to fill the gap SC will hopefully fill.
The problem with stuff like this is that too often it fails to meet expectations, its too ambitious and things catch up with it eventually, and that burns the people who try to encourage change like this because people use it to make an example. At the moment im feeling really optimistic about everything, like we've backed a winner. Whether SC is a game for people or not, it'll hopefully open minds a little.