******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Damn, dat quantum drive :O :O :O

Holy crap that was cool.

As long as that's in it, then its my money well spent IMO

Other stuff was nice. Wasn't mind blowing, but shows that they have been working on a lot of the hard bits thus why its looked like nothing really has happened for 3 months or so.


I'd say shutupandtakemymoney.gif, but I'm not putting in any more now :P
Lots of ships back up for sale and 1000 Vanduul Glaives (if you defeat the new vanduul swarm you get an option to buy).

It's basically an upgraded Scythe from what I can tell, looks nice but I'm more tempted to melt small ships for large than chase after another smallish ship!
The retaliator base comes with LTI btw. $150 excl VAT (don't pay VAT if you're melting other ships). The modules are cheap enough and you don't have to buy them at the moment.
The planet side and multi-crew demos looked really good and we can clearly see big progress has been made since last year’s demos of the modules. Obviously there it’s still a lot more do on it and a lot of planets to create and populate (and the surrounding space/systems). The quantum drive looks good :)

I’ll reserve judgement of the FPS module until I can actually play it… the demo wasn’t that great though.

The retaliator base comes with LTI btw. $150 excl VAT (don't pay VAT if you're melting other ships). The modules are cheap enough and you don't have to buy them at the moment.

The modules also have LTI at the moment (when I looked last night they came with 24 months insurance).
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Nothing great in yesterdays presentation. Just another few bits cobbled together to lure gullible gamers into forking out money.
What marvels made your jaw drop in the demo yesterday then?

I really enjoyed the whole multiplayer demo, the quantum drive, explosion, the showcase of some of the basic ship interactions with the engineering panel etc.
Also enjoyed the zero G movement animations in and around the ships.

I enjoyed and was fairly impressed by the Zone system and the seamless transition and increasing area scale (something ED cant do without long warp loading). The details about the zone systems themselves and how gravity etc is handled and how its simplified things for them.

it was nice to see an update on the social module although not much of an update on the FPS one but that i expected.

Overall it shows how things are starting to come together and progress which is really good.

Downside as usual was the stream and presentation was awful.

Is that ok for you Derek?
I really enjoyed the whole multiplayer demo, the quantum drive, explosion, the showcase of some of the basic ship interactions with the engineering panel etc.
Also enjoyed the zero G movement animations in and around the ships.

I enjoyed and was fairly impressed by the Zone system and the seamless transition and increasing area scale (something ED cant do without long warp loading). The details about the zone systems themselves and how gravity etc is handled and how its simplified things for them.

it was nice to see an update on the social module although not much of an update on the FPS one but that i expected.

Overall it shows how things are starting to come together and progress which is really good.

Downside as usual was the stream and presentation was awful.

Is that ok for you Derek?

It's always best to mesmerise people with trinkets.
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