******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I find it much easier not to follow development very closely these days.I just have a look at the (horrendous) forums occasionally.
Now that Chris is back in LA after his 66 day SQ42 performance capture shoot he's had some time to have a chat with Ben for a new 10 For The Chairman.

It's 1h 26mins long :cool:

00:00:00 - Introduction and Squadron 42 Update
00:19:39 - What is the status of Star Marine?
00:31:08 - Have you been in contact with the team?
00:34:12 - Why is there stuff in the leak we haven't seen?
00:38:20 - What are your thoughts on controller balance?
00:46:57 - What's the story behind recent staff departures?
00:54:09 - Why isn't the concept ship I bought playable, yet?
00:58:48 - Why do you still have concept sales?
01:02:28 - How has Star Citizen changed since the beginning?
01:14:11 - Is Star Citizen impossible to finish?
01:24:41 - What's next for Star Citizen?

There is also a new Letter from the Chairman covering a bit on SQ42, Star Marine and the development of Star Citizen.
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Now that Chris is back in LA after his 66 day SQ42 performance capture shoot he's had some time to have a chat with Ben for a new 10 For The Chairman.

It's 1h 26mins long :cool:

00:00:00 - Introduction and Squadron 42 Update
00:19:39 - What is the status of Star Marine?
00:31:08 - Have you been in contact with the team?
00:34:12 - Why is there stuff in the leak we haven't seen?
00:38:20 - What are your thoughts on controller balance?
00:46:57 - What's the story behind recent staff departures?
00:54:09 - Why isn't the concept ship I bought playable, yet?
00:58:48 - Why do you still have concept sales?
01:02:28 - How has Star Citizen changed since the beginning?
01:14:11 - Is Star Citizen impossible to finish?
01:24:41 - What's next for Star Citizen?

There is also a new Letter from the Chairman covering a bit on SQ42, Star Marine and the development of Star Citizen.

Well, I watched it all... Good info in there really, especially the Star Marine details.

Regardless of doubts surrounding the FPS team, CR and the other designers are on point enough to know where the limitations are and not budge on their target quality. Beyond that they also have their other studios assisting on the FPS system too, with Cloud Imperium Frankfurt housing a bunch ex-Crytek Frankfurt (main studio) staffers - if knowing the engine isn't enough, they're also experienced with the intricacies of fps development. It makes me feel more relaxed over the delay and the rationale behind it.
Has this game even been released to the public yet?

It's only around 3 years into development, so no.

The first release to expect will be 'Squadron 42', which is the first of several standalone story episodes. It's supposed to clock in at ~20 hours of content, with full mocap and dialogue, etc. That won't be out 'til mid-late 2016 from what can be ascertained this early on. After that will come the full multiplayer 'persistent universe', and though unofficially slated for 2016 it's more likely be 2017. The additional story content will come along over the years following, as it's primarily handled by their UK studio in parallel to the main content.

If you consider that some of the biggest (I don't mean procedural) games out there take upwards of 5 years to develop -- often with smaller scope and depth than Star Citizen -- I don't think it's at all shocking that we're nowhere near finished yet at only 3 years into it's development. If this were a publisher funded title (never would have happened), then it's quite likely this wouldn't have been officially announced yet. With this being crowd funded the development has to be quite transparent, and it is, which is also why you hear about all the nitty-gritty in the gaming press, whether it's good or bad.
With all what been going on with the trollster Derek Smart I kinda hear some of his points but at end of the day we put money into the game because it something we dream of playing.

Not up to him to try white knight us and tell Chris Roberts how to run the show.. CR done more and better releases then Derek cruisersh** franchise.
It's only around 3 years into development, so no.

The first release to expect will be 'Squadron 42', which is the first of several standalone story episodes. It's supposed to clock in at ~20 hours of content, with full mocap and dialogue, etc. That won't be out 'til mid-late 2016 from what can be ascertained this early on. After that will come the full multiplayer 'persistent universe', and though unofficially slated for 2016 it's more likely be 2017. The additional story content will come along over the years following, as it's primarily handled by their UK studio in parallel to the main content.

If you consider that some of the biggest (I don't mean procedural) games out there take upwards of 5 years to develop -- often with smaller scope and depth than Star Citizen -- I don't think it's at all shocking that we're nowhere near finished yet at only 3 years into it's development. If this were a publisher funded title (never would have happened), then it's quite likely this wouldn't have been officially announced yet. With this being crowd funded the development has to be quite transparent, and it is, which is also why you hear about all the nitty-gritty in the gaming press, whether it's good or bad.

I wasn't having a bash, I think it looks frecking amazing. I was just a bit confused because it says its got like 900000 star citizens already, I presume which are those that have paid for the privilege of testing, thus support the development with hard cash in whatever stage of development it is currently in.

Is it an open world multiplayer game? react with anybody sort of thing? do whatever you want? because if it is then that's right up my back passage, i mean street.
That's what it's going to be yes.

At the moment it's pretty much just fly around on a tiny map, multilayer dog fighting, multilayer racing, single player "you vs swarm of weak ships" and soon multilayer first person shooter.

It's kinda fun at the moment, but there's not a whole lot to keep you coming back until something new comes out.
P52 Merlin is in the hangar for those who have certain ships or you can throw $24 (inc VAT) for a stand alone ship (3 months insurance).

Had a fly of it last night as it was a loaner for my Carrack and it's pretty sweet, it'll be interesting to see what weapon configs people can squeeze onto it.

The sneak peek made me laugh:

tl:dr so far

Social module this month

Star marine the month after

Both had pretty looking live (not pre-canned) previews.

Spend moar dollar
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