******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

PTU crashes on me, only ran it twice walking around the stations but both times after a while "Star Citizen.exe stopped working" or some crap like that, a crash....

This is a brand new CPU and Motherboard, i have not had that issue in other games but i'm still not sure if its just an unstable system.

Anyone else get crashing?
PTU crashes on me, only ran it twice walking around the stations but both times after a while "Star Citizen.exe stopped working" or some crap like that, a crash....

This is a brand new CPU and Motherboard, i have not had that issue in other games but i'm still not sure if its just an unstable system.

Anyone else get crashing?

from what I understand (haven't got access myself) everyone is getting the crashing...
PTU crashes on me, only ran it twice walking around the stations but both times after a while "Star Citizen.exe stopped working" or some crap like that, a crash....

This is a brand new CPU and Motherboard, i have not had that issue in other games but i'm still not sure if its just an unstable system.

Anyone else get crashing?

I cant even get into "Universe" on loading the map for Olisar, it just boots me back to the main menu again on the PTU.
But it is quite fun and very nice to look at when it does work! I love taking off and walking around my ship while other ships move around Port Olistar... pretty cool!
Not got the PTU yet !

* goes and sulks *

You can download it and run in "offline" mode.


It runs fine in offline mode as long as you leave the launcher open, I only had one crash to desktop and that was after about an hour playing. I went and had a look around the Covalex Shipping Hub and thought it was very immersive and atmospheric. Was almost expecting to see the shadow of an Alien behind me whilst EVAing around the dark corridors :)

I think most of the crashes are related to multiplayer and / or server side bugs now which is why it appears to be fine in offline / single player mode.
You aren't missing anything mate.....its so unstable and buggy, that unless you enjoy crashing and bug reporting, then waiting for it to go live will be better served.

+1, i haven't even been able to take my ship out of a spin from the new station yet, the furthest i got was as far as almost to the landing bay after ordering it, this before crashing.

i will keep trying, eventually i'll get to take it out. :D
i finally ventured into PTu at the weekend. 33gb d/l for the normal thing took me about 28 hours, signed up for PTU and had to download about 29gb over about 26hrs X-(
had same issues as others, numerous hiccups and locks, whole bunch of "Star Citizen has stopped working"s etc. got a new HOTAS on mon and had a bit play in the tutorial of the sim but the lockups were really annoyng.
i'm waiting for forum posts to say things are good, can't go through this whole 20+hr thing for patches just to find they're still rubbish.
Latest PTU patch is a pain, can't even make it to my ship anymore :( Keep getting this 'Grid Refcount != 0 - this should never happen!' bug after about 3 mins.
I installed this up for the first time yesterday in about a year, had forgotten I'd backed it for ~£150 in 2013.... Stupid feature creep.

Is it any closer to release yet? I tried the racing mode, was fun but almost impossible to control!

Also is there an Overclockers group etc to join?
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I installed this up for the first time yesterday in about a year, had forgotten I'd backed it for ~£150 in 2013.... Stupid feature creep.

Is it any closer to release yet? I tried the racing mode, was fun but almost impossible to control!

Also is there an Overclockers group etc to join?

See the original post for orgs mate there's a few to pick from: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18603648

Control wise it's a case of customising stuff and seeing what you think is best, also what ship you have can have an enormous impact on how well it flies. As with most skill based games though it takes a while to get good at it regardless from my experience, but then again I'm old and a bit **** at games :D

I'm just happy I managed to patch the damn thing last night, still haven't really tried PTU due to crashing issues but it looks amazing. Just by the time it'd patched last night I was very much of the mind set of.. oh sod it I'll just play ARK instead :p
I'm giving up on the PTU, can't keep up to date with patches on my garbage broadband - I'll just try to jump on an OCUKer stream instead :)

Also going to update the original post, it's well over due. If anyone wants something included let me know on here or via trust, especially additional orgs etc.
Latest patch seems better to me, still crashing but less often and I can get further in the Constellation now before it happens, only seems to be the constellation now as I can do other things in the smaller ships.

Anyone else falling through the floor of the cutlass?
I'm giving up on the PTU, can't keep up to date with patches on my garbage broadband - I'll just try to jump on an OCUKer stream instead :)

Also going to update the original post, it's well over due. If anyone wants something included let me know on here or via trust, especially additional orgs etc.

Once you're running the latest PTU it doesn't seem to take too long to update, although that might be due to the 3.5MB/s I get... shame I'm at the arse end of the world so latency is more awkward.
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