yeah, i got all excited when i saw that, and then it sunk in why there werent any screenshots
Some RtV notes which are worth listing:
- Feb 14th, Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will no longer be SOLD together at the price of $45. Existing packages are not affected. If you want to buy either of the two, they will cost $45 each, however if you decide to buy both, the other one will be $15, bringing the total to $60. E.G. Buy Star Citizen for $45 and Squadron 42 is $15, Vice versa.
- Free Fly week has been extended till the 14th.
- Movable furniture in hangars will come when Persistence and Grabby hands are in.
- There are new ships additional ships in concept that we do not know of yet. (their/INNs words, not mine!!)
- The new Drake interceptor has been given the name: Drake "Monarch" and the writers are looking for community feedback.
- Caterpillar is getting a lot of love at the moment, but no progress will be shown quite yet, however it wont be too long, only a couple weeks estimated before results.
- Herald is in limbo due to the mechanics for it not being online and thus being in a low priority state.
- Starfarer was said to release in Jan, but there's a cutoff for when stuff can make it into patches and it didn't make it into 2.1. They don't have a date yet, but in the next couple patches it should appear.
- A concept for a firefighting ship is a possibility in the distant future, they like the idea a lot, but don't have time for it right now.
- Jump drives may or may not come standard with starter ships, however every standalone ship can equip one. Companion ships like the Argo, Merlin, and Archimedes support a larger ship and is the reason why they do not have Jump drives.
Not entirely sure what to make of the Starfarer comment. Not about the ship, about the rest of it. I thought the whole point of these monthly patches was that there would be 1 content patch and thats it, only minor glitch-fixing patches would come outside of that. So why would it have been in the 2.1 patch, and why 'next couple of patches'... doesnt make much sense to me.