******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

$100m backer rewards handed out today.

Did anyone get their Christmas Holiday Wreath last year? I didn't. :(

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The Xmas wreath is done every year, so you'll get plenty of chances :D
Havent gone to see the war bond though, i did notice that the CitizenCon poster was in there though, i know the trophy was in there but either i hadnt looked in the 'control room' type area (in R&Y hangar) so i wouldnt have seen it, or it was added fairly recently. Nice to see it in there though.
There was 2 CitCon trophies, one for attending, the other for being a subscriber at the time (they do them for PAX, Gamescom and CitizenCon).
The poster was only for attending though, you might be able to buy them from the subscriber store (or have someone buy it and gift it).

I'd imagine if they sell it then you can buy it in the PU. The attending trophy i think is just one of those meaningless unpurchasable items because ive seen people selling early event trophies for like $30-50. Not a fan of unobtainable items, even if they're of no purpose, but i guess thats why there are 'replica' ones that are a different colour (silver vs gold).
Every month they add 1 item of hangar flair. They've been doing alternate months where one is a scale ship model made by Takuetsu in a display cabinet, and the other month has been Puglisi artefacts, but i believe the Puglisi range has stopped and theres something new for next month (i think the next Takuetsu ship should be next weekend).

Other than that, i believe you get some REC each month (originally they said 2 days free access to a Scythe, but by the time they implemented the system they just gave everyone backdated REC to the equivalent of that).
The JumpPoint magazine is another one, but its not particularly hard to get hold of them regardless (the URL to access it, if someone gives it you, isnt even account secured etc). If theres an event then you get the trophy, if you subscriber for 1yr you get a 10% or 20% off voucher ($10/$20mo subs) and a thank you from the community i guess :D

Ive been trying to find an imgur gallery which had all the hangar flair, but i cant find it in my internet history so im not impressed.
Every month they add 1 item of hangar flair. They've been doing alternate months where one is a scale ship model made by Takuetsu in a display cabinet, and the other month has been Puglisi artefacts, but i believe the Puglisi range has stopped and theres something new for next month (i think the next Takuetsu ship should be next weekend).

Other than that, i believe you get some REC each month (originally they said 2 days free access to a Scythe, but by the time they implemented the system they just gave everyone backdated REC to the equivalent of that).
The JumpPoint magazine is another one, but its not particularly hard to get hold of them regardless (the URL to access it, if someone gives it you, isnt even account secured etc). If theres an event then you get the trophy, if you subscriber for 1yr you get a 10% or 20% off voucher ($10/$20mo subs) and a thank you from the community i guess :D

Ive been trying to find an imgur gallery which had all the hangar flair, but i cant find it in my internet history so im not impressed.

This i like.

Your Name in the Game!

If you subscribe for at least twelve months your name will be located somewhere in the Star Citizen world.
Yeah, thats just been added. Its just not enough in there for me personally to commit $120 to it.
My friend has done something like 9mo & 7mo, and i dont think that even entitles him to the 10% discount or the name in the game, despite the fact that it reads like it should do.
Ah... i'm not a subscriber.

I might look into it tho, anymore content?

edit: found it... https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/subscriptions

I've been an imperator sub for a few years, got to say I think anyone starting it now gets far, far less than we were promised at the start, they've really watered a lot of the stuff down. We've been told that if we were eligible for previous rewards like "create a pirate" we'll still get them - we'll see, I'm not convinced.

I do like the flair though, it's meaningless silly stuff but looks nice and especially in the two basic hangars really adds to them, not so much in R&Y and the 'roid hangar though, but I prefer the basic ones anyway..

I've got a few spare trophies, I usually gift the spare stuff to randoms in the org but haven't recently as, well I keep forgetting lol

Here's a really poor quality vid I did of the first 20 flairs:

unsurprisingly the calendar (hasn't been updated since) takes up the first minute or so..

Some screenies I just took of stuff in the R&Y:
Ship models, love how the latest patch makes one of the legs of the stand disappear lol:

Trophies and golden ticket:

Manchester citcon event poster from this year (I have it hanging in my room too as they gave away 1000 at the event):
Incidentally one of the devs in the company I work at e-mailed me on Monday asking if I flew an ASP, apparently he's really into Eve Dangerous and spotted my real name in the game, so that sort of perk does work. My name isn't common so he had a bit of a WTF moment lol
Incidentally one of the devs in the company I work at e-mailed me on Monday asking if I flew an ASP, apparently he's really into Eve Dangerous and spotted my real name in the game, so that sort of perk does work. My name isn't common so he had a bit of a WTF moment lol

lol, thats cool :D

I still havent hung my poster. I acquired a 2nd while i was there and got it signed for a mate in Norway and didnt tell him about it cos i wanted it to be a xmas present. Finally sent it to him around January 14th :o :(
I assumed it'd be easy to find a poster tube somewhere like WHSmiths or similar, and had some tubing in the garage that 'would do' so never really made much effort and then realised i couldnt find one and then the tubes i did have were too tight and were going to make it too hard to get it out again. Ended up just going on feabay and bought a tube for about £3 shipped ffs.
Interesting, during the Crusader PU launch funding increased dramatically, its now falling off again

Just goes to show what adding significant content does to the coffers.

Just stumbled upon an old tab with this post and never got around to responding to it. It'll be because they had a lot of sales in the run up to Xmas.

2.0 came out at the end of the Anniversary livestream towards the end of November, that kicked off a sale where most ships came with 3yr insurance and i think the Cruicible and P-72 were added too. Then December had yet another sale because of changing the €-$ exchange rate and letting people buy before they did so.
[update: The Holiday livestream also had the Reliant variants, and Avenger variants were added when the PU was up. We've also had the Vanguard hangar & flight ready with sales because of that, and the Sabre hangar ready and also sold. So plenty of things to buy]

I dont think its tailed off, i think its just the sales going back to more natural levels. Around $18-19m in 6 months though, not bad going at all.
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Incidentally one of the devs in the company I work at e-mailed me on Monday asking if I flew an ASP, apparently he's really into Eve Dangerous and spotted my real name in the game, so that sort of perk does work. My name isn't common so he had a bit of a WTF moment lol

Eve Dangerous? Sounds interesting a cross between EVE Online and Elite Dangerous??? :) :) :)

Looking forward to firing up SC again after being away for the last couple of weeks. Had fun in the loaner Vanguard Warden last time I loaded up, it was an absolute beast against the pirates at the comms arrays.
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