******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Perfect, thanks :D

I don't think I'm going to go for the Avenger Stalker. It is more a ship for bounty hunting or fighting. I want the exploration side. I didn't realise you could buy standalone ships, so I'm thinking of either Mustang BETA + SQ42 or go for the 315p + SQ42. Any thoughts?
Perfect, thanks :D

I don't think I'm going to go for the Avenger Stalker. It is more a ship for bounty hunting or fighting. I want the exploration side. I didn't realise you could buy standalone ships, so I'm thinking of either Mustang BETA + SQ42 or go for the 315p + SQ42. Any thoughts?

You need to think about the learning curve, the 315P is a nice ship, it has a jump engine on it but thats useless until the universe gets big enough to use it.

It only has Omisky VI fixed weapons on it, they are very difficult to use, tho you can change them for other weapons you buy or earn to loan for 7 game days in Arena Commander.

The Avenger also has a cargo hold, the 315P doesn't.

The Mustang BETA actually is a great little ship, it has gimballed weapons on the nose that are very easy to use and effective, it also comes with a (for the moment) useless jump drive, again no cargo, not that this is useful yet.

What you can do is buy the Mustang, if you don't like it upgrade it to the Avenger, don't like that upgrade that to the 315P

One other thing, if you go to Arena Commander and play a live spectrum match you earn REC, you can use that REC to loan ships and addons, the loan lasts for 7 game days, so you can use that to tryout ships before you buy.

Thanks, I've also been gathering opinions from the RSI community forum. Someone suggested I buy MUSTANG ALPHA STAR CITIZEN + SQUADRON 42 COMBO and then buy the upgrade to the BETA. Also suggested not to use the upgrade yet and wait for future updates.

Sounds like a good idea?

One other thing, if you go to Arena Commander and play a live spectrum match you earn REC, you can use that REC to loan ships and addons, the loan lasts for 7 game days, so you can use that to tryout ships before you buy.


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
Thanks, I've also been gathering opinions from the RSI community forum. Someone suggested I buy MUSTANG ALPHA STAR CITIZEN + SQUADRON 42 COMBO and then buy the upgrade to the BETA. Also suggested not to use the upgrade yet and wait for future updates.

Sounds like a good idea?

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah, The Alpha is the same ship as the BETA minus the jump drive, which you don't need yet, so it makes a lot of sense. :)

Something about the Jump Drive i'm talking about, aside from a couple of very small ships all have a drive that take you from planet to moon / planet in a system at 0.1 the speed of light, you need that now, 95% of ships have that, including all Mustangs.

there is another drive that fewer ship have, a much faster drive for travelling between systems, we don't have more than one star system yet, that is why its useless for the moment.
I think it safe to post another one of those fun pix used to tease Will now.

I melted my Carrack and a few others to grab the mega exploration pack due to the 6 LTI ships in one deal, makes sense, I'll simply upgrade them to what I want within that pack and to be honest it'll stop me melting as often.. maybe.

I'd never melt that Delta, it's an awesome ship anyway mate :D

Jeeze, you actually got the mega pack. The Starfarer kills any hope of that one for me, $175 melt value, $300 if i want it as part of that pack, so its near enough untouchable on my account, its the one ship that needs to be part of my hangar. Theres also too many ships for me to take advantage, i'd want to melt a couple of them to pay for CCUs on the others etc :D

At least this bundle is $85 cheaper than its ships values, has SC/SQ42 (dont really need it) and all the CCUs to the Orion & Reclaimer i can grab in a few months. Theres less doubt.
It also occured to me that it might be possible to buy that bundle, melt it into the buy-back bank. Not sure if they can, but it'd be handy, i like buying things on a whim with credit to take a look, like the Argo & Reliant.

I've still got hope that it might be possible to use what we now know about the Starfarers price increase and apply the same logic with the BMM. If its price hike is modest, it turns that Delta into a Sabre while still getting the 2 ships i want, and an increase close to the Starfarer, $10 shy of a Vanguard.
They've got all the money i can put in (money i certainly dont have these days) so now its just a case of getting the most out of it.
Ok, so what do I do now? ^.^ I've taken my little ship for a little fly but I haven't achieved much. How do I go faster so I can go out and explore different planets?
Ok, so what do I do now? ^.^ I've taken my little ship for a little fly but I haven't achieved much. How do I go faster so I can go out and explore different planets?

This to get you started...

In menu go to Universe, then Crusader and click launch.

Once you wake up go down the stairs and go through the door at the bottom of those stairs, you will see terminals, go up to one and press F, select your ship and one the ship is delivered use F To come away from terminal.

Find an airlock, (yellow doors) make sure you have a suit on, there is a machine next to the yellow doors where you can put your suit on or take it off, there is also one in your room, if you go in the airlock without a suit you will die, to activate the airlock and the machine find the panel and press F on the Use prompt.

Once outside find your ship, it will be highlighted in your view with a small circle.
To enter ship find the door and use F on the Use prompt.
Once in with the ship started press space to lift off, W for throttle, once a safe distance from objects to crash into press N to get out of landing mode..

Press F1 to bring up Mobiglass, click in big green window, on the left select a mission by clicking in to make a yellow dot on the right on the mission.
Its location will be highlighted in space, point your ship at it and press B, point your ship at the destination point until you get a circle round it, press F to activate the jump.

If pirates spawn press Y to lock on, mouse 1 in the main weapon, 2 secondary, use the little square over the target to aim.

S to slow down, speed and throttle indicators are centre left of your HUD, V cycles different speed modes.

A and D to role.

Alt+F to get out the seat

Those are the basics.

One other thing, the chatbox on the bottom right, its return to type into it, if you need help ask, you wont always get an answer but there are plenty there happy to help out.

And/Or join an Org, some are listed on page one of this thread.


To land press N, once over the blue designated landing pad, less than 50 feet above hold N, it will land you automatically. hold N till its done.
I've been reading more on the insurance and is it true that if you don't have insurance and something happened, you would lose your ship and have to repledge/buy a new ship? :eek:

This hasnt been definitively answered, but answering based on now and when the game is released - Until release, none of it matters. If they implement the actual insurance mechanic into the game tomorrow, you pay a few credits here and there. No money? earn some on someone elses ship. Dont pay the insurance and it blows up its gone... and then they wipe the alpha/beta slate clean and that ship is yours again. They cant take that away from you, you've bought it, its part of your account. So should the worst case scenario happen, wipes will bring it back anyway.

From release onwards, we dont know for certain, but every month of insurance that comes with a bought ship is worth 720hr of playing the game. You play for 5hrs, next time you play its got 715hrs left etc.
Those starter packs come with 3mo insurance, and to put that into perspective, thats 2160hrs of gameplay - working a 9-5, 5 days a week, 52wks a year, is 2080 hours!

However, in terms of the risk of losing something you've paid for, the strongest point i can make for that is - whats the justification for that possibility? Why would CIG want people to potentially have their backers spend money on something that can be wiped out, because you know thats a huge buzzkill story for the media - "SC backers can lose thousands of dollars worth of ships with 1 mistake!" that doesnt create hype and people flooding in to buy it.
Realism is the only argument for it being possible to lose them, that insurance isnt both a law and entirely automated in the 30th century - We have the capability to cover the known universe and more, but not direct debit an account when their payment expires, and lock out the ships ability to fly?

Most likely, any plausible case for being able to fly a ship without insurance and risk losing it, will come after you've intentionally ignored various warnings to ensure you know EXACTLY what you're doing. If you lose a $500 ship, you're an idiot. I'd expect automatic payments, warnings, and manual override type solutions to prevent it, and after that its in the players hands.

Its supposed to be an element of realism, seems a lot like its caused far more trouble than its worth tbh. Lifetime insurance (LTI) on all ships the first year, and the 2nd year if you were a backer the first year, never again though.... its back for concepts, but thats it, the argo is flyable, buy it for the first time.... with LTI!!
During that period of LTI being no more, people were paying 50% extra for ships from people who had them. Plus, like yourself, people question what insurance means, does it cost $$, could i lose my $$ ships??

But the best bit you probably havent realised about insurance... we're talking about HULL insurance, the basic ship! You add new weapons & fancy systems in there, thats not covered, theres more credits spent on upgrade insurance.... and did we mention cargo insurance?? :D
Its nothing, its going to be an insignificantly small amount, with a dozen other insignificantly small amounts, that all add up to a minor bill - and LTI saves you paying a fraction of that, as does the other free insurances.

If you've got this far, you're probably uninstalling it now, arent you? :D:D

Its messy, but so much of the complexity is just getting your head around it, its not drastic and its not going to make the game like working a 2nd job, because that just isnt fun. Its just a touch of realism, these things exist IRL, inject a touch of realism without having much of an impact.
as Paul has said the chances of you being able to do something which leads to the permanent loss of a ship is likely to be very slim. They've mentioned prompts and reminders as an option for preventing people leaving the hangar uninsured, but there's also more visual clues in how ships are viewed in game, especially with mobiglas etc

You're pretty much going to have to intentionally push through barriers to exit I'm an uninsured ship, what may be more of a risk I'd what you do and where, normal insurance won't cover destruction of a ship in certain circumstances, likely pirating etc but alternates may be available.
Oh so the insurance is in GAME time? That's awesome, the 6-month insurance on my Connie will keep me going for a while :)

Are the connie variants flyable yet? I've been wanting to upgrade to the Aquila for a while....
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Tried my warthog stick and mouse. I like that combo but the Warthog stick being right hand only is awkward to use in the left hand.

I've ordered a T16000m so can use it comfortably.
How do you land the ship if you aren't on a landing pad? I travelled to Corvex Shipping Hub and I could see some flat sections where someone seemed to have landed their Mustang BETA. I tried all sorts to land my ship but I couldn't figure out how. So anyone can advise me how it's possible?
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