******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

How do you land the ship if you aren't on a landing pad? I travelled to Corvex Shipping Hub and I could see some flat sections where someone seemed to have landed their Mustang BETA. I tried all sorts to land my ship but I couldn't figure out how. So anyone can advise me how it's possible?

N to lower landing gear and then Ctrl to strafe down
Really interested in trying this out.

I have created an RSI account but i am very confused with the packages.

Which package is best bang for buck for checking this out SC and S42 access) ?

I get some of the prices are fund raising prices but i run crossfire on a 4k monitor and don't want to spend loads if xfire is not working.

PS if anyone can tell me if xfire works? I have had a read through the RSI forums but there seems to be so many conflicting views.
Really interested in trying this out.

I have created an RSI account but i am very confused with the packages.

Which package is best bang for buck for checking this out SC and S42 access) ?

I get some of the prices are fund raising prices but i run crossfire on a 4k monitor and don't want to spend loads if xfire is not working.

PS if anyone can tell me if xfire works? I have had a read through the RSI forums but there seems to be so many conflicting views.

Mustang Alpha Star Citizen + Squadron 42 Combo

You should assume Xfire doesn't work, i don't know if it does or not but it is in Alpha and constantly patched / updated.
Its planned to be game time, but sped up. Probably by like 8x or something like that.

I'll quote what i posted on our Org forums back in April...
I was just reading that one of the Devs (Matt Sherman - Technical Designer) has confirmed what had been suggested but never in a manner which excluded the possibility for other factors to influence it...
"Insurance expires based on time played, not time lapsed. This means that 6mo ship insurance included with a ship is worth 4320 hours of play-time, before you'd start paying for it in game-credits."

Thats a LOT of time, the standard starter ships come with 3mo, so 2160 hours. To put that into perspective, if you work a 40hr week, for a full year/52wks (no holidays) then thats 2080 hours, still with 3mo insurance.

Previously i dont think it was too clear whether in-game time would happen at like 4x speed, so its nice to have that clarified and specific figures make it hard to imagine any misunderstanding.
Yeah, any SC package lets you play the alpha. I think the *SQ42 only* one doesnt let you fly in the universe, because SC is the universe bit, that only gets the dogfighting module etc for now. But yeah, that one is everything as it comes.
I'll quote what i posted on our Org forums back in April...

People should also bare in mind that stock ships will be sub par fairly quickly as people overclock parts and insure those newer, rarer parts instead. So even LTI won't be that much use other than protecting ships you are unlikely to frequently use.
Well, it still protects the ship itself, just not any of the stuff that isnt stock. But yeah, that'd need upgrade insurance.

Its all nothing amounts though, for those that dont know, theres a few expenses within the game (all paid with game credits):
hull, upgrade & cargo insurance, hangar fees, landing fees, ship repairs, ammo (bullets, missiles), crew wages and potentially others ive forgotten, once all of those are added up, thats your running costs.
However its a GAME, in no way are they going to make simply playing the game a burden where you're working just to pay your bills, its a game not real life.

Also, CR has said before that realistically the cost of upgrading your ships components to the top-tier stuff it could take, the really high grade items, could easily cost us 4x more than the ship costs itself.
So if the ship is 1m UEC, those upgrades could cost 4m UEC. So in those circumstances, its easy to believe upgrade insurance could be 4x more expensive than hull insurance (aka 'Xmo Insurance' on ships). Meaning LTI (lifetime hull insurance), amongst a bunch of minor fees, is going to be a saving far smaller than what you'll be paying just for your upgrades.

Its all insignificant fees, its realism fluff, and its all paid for by doing something in-game.
Still doing it although not as frequently, going to power off the router entirely in a few minutes to see if it helps, doubt it will as it's likely line/exchange.

Aug 26 19:38:26 syslog: Line 0: VDSL2 link down
Aug 26 19:38:27 syslog: Clear IP addresses. IP connection DOWN.

Must admit, I really like what I've been playing. The community is really friendly also! Inviting me along in their bigger ships, taking me for gunner duty etc.

I enjoy just travelling out to Yele and going through the asteroid field. Don't understand the whole EA (electronic access? accessed via main menu).

Do they have somewhere on the website with a timeline for when they hope to achieve certain aspects of the game?
Anybody have any tips for Battle Royale? Flying a Super Hornet but can't seem to score many kills at all. Can hardly bring the shields down on Sabres for instance even if I'm pummelling them for a good 30 seconds. Any weapons/ components I should be eyeing with my REC?
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