******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Fair enough.....surprised you put so much money into something you feel is a scam?

Im confident it will be released, what state remains to be seen, but I personally feel it will be a very good game eventually.
Fair enough.....surprised you put so much money into something you feel is a scam?
I admit my feelings (and levels of investment) have changed somewhat over the last six years... Had I felt the same then as I do today, my level of investment would match... ie zero.

Im confident it will be released, what state remains to be seen, but I personally feel it will be a very good game eventually.
I'm confident they will have to release something, or else pay back all that money... and since they've obviously spent some, we will get something.

I may well be pleasantly surprised... but I don't hold any high hopes though and, based on what I've seen so far, it won't be as enjoyable as Elite has been. Perhaps not as dramatic a failure as No Mans Sky, but certainly not the BDSSE thing they keep touting.
What's throwing me so much is actually the high volume of guff they're putting out about how wonderful everyone is and what a swell job they've done these past two months in getting a whole drinks cabinet created... guff inversely proportional to amount of game actually to be shown for it.
The recent demo at [whatever gaming expo it was] that showed a mission is the first time I've seen anything from them that actually looks like a playable game.
ttaskmaster get a refund, you can still request them apparently. Then you can come back if/when it's out.

As far as Elite goes whether it's more fun or not is subjective, I find the alpha parts more fun than elite and I've got elite + all the expansions, I've probably spent 6x longer playing Star Citizen though.

Anyone who says people play the game, means they use the tech demo that is there since 2014. Shooting some AI ships in an arena. Do a race around a track, walk in an empty base, and walk in the hangar.

That's all the playable game.

@OP if you want to play now a space sim game, look towards Elite Dangerous with Horizons. Star Citizen at best will come out 2019 if not later.

Actually the PTU we've been playing (playing - as in like a game) has only been out since the end of 2015, so again - more misinformation and nonsense.

I'm constantly amazed at the effort people who dont' care about the game will put into saying how much they dont' care about the game. Keep it up folks, clearly there's no games you'd rather be playing :D
Computing, informal
noun: vapourware; noun: vaporware
Software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.

Sounds like Star Citizen to me.....

As for me, I have been chucking money at this game since 2010 (which suddenly sounds like a long time ago) and have plenty of Alpha level access, LTIs on my packages and all that.
Unless they updated something just last week, I can still only do what Panos was describing - Hangar, Arena, walkaround the planet, fly around the station.... that's assuming it doesn't crash out from the server, which seems to happen a lot, too.

Wow, you backed a full year before CR even started developing it, 2 years before it was announced. HARDCORE!!


Pretty much the typical ignorant nonsense being spouted by people who'll happily settle for half-arsed unimpressive products just so they can have it sooner. Claiming 'Vaporware' and even bringing up the definition which doesnt even come close to fitting their claim :D A) its available to 'buy', and B) if 'still being written' is vaporware then every single game would be considered vaporware until the day its released, and many of them are still being fixed after that too because they werent fit for release.

You're a rubbish troll, accept it and bore other people elsewhere.
**Come on guys play nice... I want this project to succeed as much as many in the world of gaming, but please have a sensible conversation about how it might fail, or is failing, or succeeding just calling it vapourware is not constructive**

Thanks for the information chaps, a good explanation and allowed me to make my mind up that i'll wait for a free fly time and see how it is before i throw £45 at it as i didn't realise it was THAT far away from completion looking at it.

Read a few good news pages so I'm all upto date (kinda) i'll be watching with interest.
ttaskmaster get a refund, you can still request them apparently. Then you can come back if/when it's out.
Actually, the only refundable parts I have are only the most basic level of package needed to own the final release and get started. I have an Aurora, an Origin 300i and the free AMD racing package.

All the other investment has been in subscriptions and extras, as well as packages gifted to a couple of friends for Christmas. No refunds on any of that.

As stated, I'm still hoping for a good game... just that what I've seen so far hasn't been very inspiring.

Wow, you backed a full year before CR even started developing it, 2 years before it was announced. HARDCORE!!
You have no idea how hardcore a Timelord I am, bro!!! :p

Actually I just logged in and checked my Golden Ticket email (dated 11/09/2012) - I'd thought it was 10/10 as in October 2010, as that's what my ticket says in game.... It's actually 10th October 2012. Either my memory is going, or I'd never looked that closely. Apologies for that one.

Pretty much the typical ignorant nonsense being spouted by people who'll happily settle for half-arsed unimpressive products just so they can have it sooner.
Not really, at least not here.
SC is the first time I've even taken an interest in ongoing game dev. Usually I do just wait until it's out... if not until it's in a Steam sale, so I have a close interest in what my money/pledge is getting me versus what they've pledged me back.

A) its available to 'buy',
Yes, and it's even a 'game' you can 'play'.... Do you have a 'computer' on which to 'play' it, though?
This is NOT a sale, by the way. It's a gift of money, pledged to let them do what they want in the way they want to, beholden to no publisher or anything. That is what your money is 'buying'.

B) if 'still being written' is vaporware then every single game would be considered vaporware until the day its released, and many of them are still being fixed after that too because they werent fit for release.
Nothing will ever be fit for release, based on your attitude there - There will always be problems that no-one has found, until someone finds them.

You're a rubbish troll, accept it and bore other people elsewhere.
OK, so on the misrecallection of one smaaaaaaaaaaaaall detail that I've not even looked at for several YEARS, you decide to kick off and lump me with the burden of several different posters opinions and make me the focus of your angst?

Yeah, whatver. Star Citizen is great. 'Buy' it and 'play' it NOW, because you 'can'....

God, you're gonna be fun if/when the bug-infested game goes live.... and even more fun if it falls flat on it's afterburner!!
@ ttaskmaster, out of genuine interest what did you expect from this game and how does what its developing into differ from that?
Waiting for 2.6 to hit.

Its a huge patch still being fleshed out, Star Marine, Item System 2.0, a whole mass of tweaks, new content and improvements.... IMO its not going to be this year, at least not live this year, but still close, probably January or February close.
Its a huge patch still being fleshed out, Star Marine, Item System 2.0, a whole mass of tweaks, new content and improvements.... IMO its not going to be this year, at least not live this year, but still close, probably January or February close.

Yeah. SC is very different game. I really enjoy the whole spaceships and pew pew lasers and then the infantry.

Me and a friend would just go criminal and kill anyone on sight, but that got boring.

I can wait as I got the package free with my AMD graphics card some years ago.
Yeah. SC is very different game. I really enjoy the whole spaceships and pew pew lasers and then the infantry.

Me and a friend would just go criminal and kill anyone on sight, but that got boring.

I can wait as I got the package free with my AMD graphics card some years ago.


I actually signed up in Feb 2013, didn't have a ship tho, was not sure of it, i had an Aurora Pirate Skin just to be an official backer, i thought it might be a scam but i was very much interested, not since Alpha 2.0, that convinced me.
Since then i have spent my own money on other ships, The Mustang Omega is a good ship but kinda focused on just the one thing, being silly fast, having said that it can be a good little fighter, as long as you can avoid getting hit, its fragile.

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Actually I just logged in and checked my Golden Ticket email (dated 11/09/2012) - I'd thought it was 10/10 as in October 2010, as that's what my ticket says in game.... It's actually 10th October 2012. Either my memory is going, or I'd never looked that closely. Apologies for that one.

No I've done that before too, the ticket is a bit pants in that it's not a date but looks like one :D

I'm with Humbug on 2.6 dropping, can't see it being soon unless they've been holding back on avocado testing it - which is possible.
Halfmad are you online tonight? its ok if not, i have been these last couple weeks but no ones turned up, BF1 and TF2 taken over i think.

If not i'll do something else...
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