******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Actually, the only refundable parts I have are only the most basic level of package needed to own the final release and get started. I have an Aurora, an Origin 300i and the free AMD racing package.

All the other investment has been in subscriptions and extras, as well as packages gifted to a couple of friends for Christmas. No refunds on any of that.

As stated, I'm still hoping for a good game... just that what I've seen so far hasn't been very inspiring.

You have no idea how hardcore a Timelord I am, bro!!! :p

Actually I just logged in and checked my Golden Ticket email (dated 11/09/2012) - I'd thought it was 10/10 as in October 2010, as that's what my ticket says in game.... It's actually 10th October 2012. Either my memory is going, or I'd never looked that closely. Apologies for that one.

Not really, at least not here.
SC is the first time I've even taken an interest in ongoing game dev. Usually I do just wait until it's out... if not until it's in a Steam sale, so I have a close interest in what my money/pledge is getting me versus what they've pledged me back.

Yes, and it's even a 'game' you can 'play'.... Do you have a 'computer' on which to 'play' it, though?
This is NOT a sale, by the way. It's a gift of money, pledged to let them do what they want in the way they want to, beholden to no publisher or anything. That is what your money is 'buying'.

Nothing will ever be fit for release, based on your attitude there - There will always be problems that no-one has found, until someone finds them.

OK, so on the misrecallection of one smaaaaaaaaaaaaall detail that I've not even looked at for several YEARS, you decide to kick off and lump me with the burden of several different posters opinions and make me the focus of your angst?

Yeah, whatver. Star Citizen is great. 'Buy' it and 'play' it NOW, because you 'can'....

God, you're gonna be fun if/when the bug-infested game goes live.... and even more fun if it falls flat on it's afterburner!!

Comical Ali, is that you? :eek:

I'll quickly brush aside those childish attempts to belittle the facts that disprove your initial statement, and the nursery-grade attempt at a bait & switch cry about being picked on for a teeny-weeny mistake, and clearly not what both of us spent 90% of our post on - your toxic statement being proven false.

What i find most amusing is that you've made 2 claims i've disproved with very little effort. You were wrong to say you bought it 2 years before it was even announced, you imply it was an honest mistake and you apologised. However the other claim, which mods have since come and deleted, and warned against continuing... you're still ignorantly persisting with. The statement you made knowing exactly what you were doing when you posted it, you're still willing to defend, despite all proof, despite mods deleting and warning against, you're still continuing like there isnt a hostile military presence occupying your city in a pretty weak face-saving exercise.

You've done what you came to do, you've disrupted the thread, which had been giving honest and accurate account of the state of development in order to allow someone to make an informed decision, which thankfully is exactly what they have done. If you're so adamant that your claim is factually accurate, then stop the thinly veiled attempts at nitpicking the facts with me to continue your claim, and address it exclusively to Stelly, not the proxies who've proven you wrong.
A few days ago in Cryengine Discord i was asked how to get Star Citizen assets into Cryengine 5.2.

Now this has surfaced......

Edit... actually this video is more than a year old, so nothing to do with that.

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Yeah, theres a dozen or more of those, by Teller iirc, all dating back to the summer leak in 2015. A shame for CIG, but actually did them more good than harm IMO cos the community was in a bit of a slump with how progress was going, and to see a ton of content they didnt even know existed was also being worked on, and only ~25% of the download went through before it was noticed and stopped, said theres a lot more going on we're not seeing and maybe we shouldnt be so down on things.
@ ttaskmaster, out of genuine interest what did you expect from this game and how does what its developing into differ from that?
I expected to be able to hop into a ship and fly off, complete missions and save the universe, feeling like a proper space hero, kinda like Wing Commander, Star Lancer, Freelancer etc.
What I'm finding is an increasingly complicated set-up with loads of fancy features, but a great lack in the basics - Things like the UI and the controls. It feels like TOPGUN in space, rather than an actual space sim.
I kinda lost interest when CGI forum people did actually start pulling out advanced manuals from Navy Fighter Weapons School in order to figure out how to fly well... I shouldn't have to go that far to play a game, surely? Elite has a bit of a curve, but this was looking insane.

It's not so much about what they're doing, as the way they're implementing it, if that makes sense?

No I've done that before too, the ticket is a bit pants in that it's not a date but looks like one :D
It actually says 10-10-10, which you'd think is Oct 10th 2010.... the first 10 is apparently 10am, I assume when the whole project went live.

Comical Ali, is that you? :eek:
Is that a TV reference, or something?

I'll quickly brush aside those childish attempts to belittle the facts that disprove your initial statement, and the nursery-grade attempt at a bait & switch cry about being picked on for a teeny-weeny mistake, and clearly not what both of us spent 90% of our post on - your toxic statement being proven false.
Seriously, have you not had breakfast this morning, or something?
OK, what would you like?
My backer number?
My full SC profile?
My account details and every single transaction to date?

What i find most amusing is that you've made 2 claims i've disproved with very little effort. You were wrong to say you bought it 2 years before it was even announced, you imply it was an honest mistake and you apologised.
I didn't actually care when I bought it, because it was so long ago I'd lost a lot of interest and the only thing I cared to vaguely recall was a ticket that said 10-10-10.
If you have some sort of problem with that, take it to the Mods and have me banned for misremembering something trivial, or take it to the Lord High Chris Roberts and have him delete my SC account for *DARING* to have a difference of opinion to you....
But whatever little crusade you're on, do it quiet-like, yeh?

However the other claim, which mods have since come and deleted, and warned against continuing... you're still ignorantly persisting with.
Sorry, WHICH other claim, now?
WHERE is my deleted post?
WHICH mod deleted it?
WHAT is the reason they deleted it?

There's nothing of mine got deleted up there I can see.
Think you should'a gone to Specsavers, mate...

You've done what you came to do, you've disrupted the thread,
Yeah, OK, whatever you say....

which had been giving honest and accurate account of the state of development in order to allow someone to make an informed decision, which thankfully is exactly what they have done.
Ohhhh, I think I remember you, now.... Months ago, with posts about constant server crashes, clipping through ship walls and being able to steal other people's ships, right?
That still happens, by the way.... I experienced it just the other day.

Wow, you're still holding on to that, are you?

If you're so adamant that your claim is factually accurate, then stop the thinly veiled attempts at nitpicking the facts with me to continue your claim, and address it exclusively to Stelly, not the proxies who've proven you wrong.
Dear Stelly - Star Citizen PTU is buggy crap and I don't like their UI, which is distressing Paul, here. Please address this. Thanks, Tasky.
You live in your own little paradox dont you, "Is that a TV reference" :D

You keep breaking posts down in order to persist with this childish nit-picking at irrelevant bits and ignoring the core of the post, that seems to be your level, as does asking me to show you something thats been deleted!

How about the post saying absolutely nothing more than "its vapourware"?
The one where the mod came in and warned against it, deleted, and you continued to defend :rolleyes:, and now rather than saying exactly what you claimed ("its vapourware") and sticking to your convictions you claimed were fair and accurate, you've conveniently changed your message. Astonishing.

Take your toxic mindset elsewhere, the fact that you've just dumped that hodge-podge of utter drivel, the vast majority of it having absolutely zero relevance to anything said, just so you can continue derailing this thread, which was obviously the intent when you decided people were discussing things sensibly and you'd throw in drivel that you yourself have proven is an outright lie, let alone everyone else has.

Things were being discussed honestly until you came along, nobody was making out everything was perfect and beyond criticism, but for whatever reason you'd rather create arguments and make statements you yourself prove arent true in the same post. Why you feel the need to create conflict and take things out of context to deflect from the nonsense you've previously said, i dont know, and nor do i care. Take it elsewhere.
You live in your own little paradox dont you, "Is that a TV reference" :D
It was a serious question.
I don't watch TV, so I don't get your reference.
What's your problem?

You keep breaking posts down in order to persist with this childish nit-picking at irrelevant bits and ignoring the core of the post, that seems to be your level, as does asking me to show you something thats been deleted!
The forum still shows that the post has been deleted, by which Mod and for what reason... You can always cite which post numbers it sits between and on what page...

How about the post saying absolutely nothing more than "its vapourware"?
Yeh, that wasn't even ME, you plum!!

I show three posts deleted, from Halfmad, TheMightyTen and Panos, with my 'vapourware definition' post in response to one of them mentioning it.
So get off your high horse, wind your neck in and go pester one of them about it.

you've conveniently changed your message. Astonishing.
Post number?

Things were being discussed honestly until you came along, nobody was making out everything was perfect and beyond criticism, but for whatever reason you'd rather create arguments and make statements you yourself prove arent true in the same post.
Do what now??
I expressed an honest opinion. How have I then disproved that?
SC for me, so far, has been characterised by exciting video's, rabid fans, rabid haters, and numerous delays. This thread and some of its more inane posts can be viewed as a microcosm for the wider hysteria. It's certainly entertaining, but with more akin to a first-world soap opera than a game, right now. There's a slim chance we'll see something of SQ42 next year, but SC looks to me to still be several years out. I'd like to say that I'll definitely be alive and playing it when it arrives, but Trump disagrees. So I'll keep my wallet closed, for now.
Just purchased the SQ42 package along with the multiplayer £46.80

Downloading now looking forward to a couple of hours as the wife and daughter have gone xmas shopping without me sigh :D

Handle is Y-it-Earp if anyone wants to show me the ropes on how to get stuck into it.
It was a serious question.
I don't watch TV, so I don't get your reference.
What's your problem?

The forum still shows that the post has been deleted, by which Mod and for what reason... You can always cite which post numbers it sits between and on what page...

Yeh, that wasn't even ME, you plum!!

I show three posts deleted, from Halfmad, TheMightyTen and Panos, with my 'vapourware definition' post in response to one of them mentioning it.
So get off your high horse, wind your neck in and go pester one of them about it.

Post number?

Do what now??
I expressed an honest opinion. How have I then disproved that?

If you dont get a reference, google it. Whats the advantage of asking and waiting for a reply so you can go on about that?

If it wasnt you who said it specifically, then fair enough, but you were the one who decided to bring a definition and back up that claim of "its vapourware", make the statement of backing it 6yrs ago, and due to the very nature of deleted posts, i couldnt check it was you but all comments pointed to it and your "its sounds like Star Citizen" certainly didnt imply otherwise, and neither have you mentioned in the past couple of posts it wasnt you... you just agreed and backed it up :rolleyes:

If you're going to turn into a slapped arse cos you didnt say it, only validated it, dont forget you said you were a backer in 2010. You could verify that statement, my verification was deleted. So dont get so smug, especially when you're still supporting that persons claim.

This thread is supposed to be for relevant & constructive comments on a subject, not outright lies or supporting them for that matter, or continuing to go on this charade of a dozen quotes of to say something stupid to brush off what you've previously said. You've derailed enough, go back under your bridge.
Come on guys don't want this thread deleted given I've only just joined to gather some information on how to play the game.

Well i took a look around my hanger and couldn't find the ship (didn't know you had to spawn it)

Took a go on the training mission without firefight and have no idea how to control it as i ended up in a spin and going everywhere.

I want to do some on foot exploring before i have a go at mastering the flight controls (may pick up a flight stick in future i used on way back when JSF was a thing)

But for now I'm lost as there isn't much of a tutorial going on from what I've seen so far and the game crashed on me when i entered into a elevator on the hanger.
If you dont get a reference, google it.
I really didn't care enough.

If it wasnt you who said it specifically, then fair enough
Apology accepted.

but you were the one who decided to bring a definition and back up that claim of "its vapourware"
Oh get a sense of humour...!!
It's a technicality.

neither have you mentioned in the past couple of posts it wasnt you... you just agreed and backed it up :rolleyes:
I didn't even understand exactly what your spitting hatred was referring to until you mentioned it...

If you're going to turn into a slapped arse cos you didnt say it, only validated it, dont forget you said you were a backer in 2010.
OK, so I got a date wrong. Big deal. So what?
The point was I've still been a backer from the start and have put a lot of money into it, rather than being someone who just bought in, expecting a completed game.

You could verify that statement, my verification was deleted.
So in the absence of any evidence, you decided to royally kick off anyway?

So dont get so smug, especially when you're still supporting that persons claim.
I really don't care either way.
As I have already said - If this turns out great, then great. If it fails, I won't be utterly surprised and completely devastated.

This thread is supposed to be for relevant & constructive comments on a subject
Did I not say that I'm still engaged with this, still playing around with the PTU and still hoping it turns out well?
I AM constructive... I am also realistic about the possibility that it may still fail, is all.

Just because I'm not gushing over every tiny detail like it's the best thing since sliced bread, you think that's justification to kick off??!!
Come on guys don't want this thread deleted given I've only just joined to gather some information on how to play the game.

Well i took a look around my hanger and couldn't find the ship (didn't know you had to spawn it)

Took a go on the training mission without firefight and have no idea how to control it as i ended up in a spin and going everywhere.

I want to do some on foot exploring before i have a go at mastering the flight controls (may pick up a flight stick in future i used on way back when JSF was a thing)

But for now I'm lost as there isn't much of a tutorial going on from what I've seen so far and the game crashed on me when i entered into a elevator on the hanger.

I'll try and find something, some form of tutorial for you when i have time later....
Cheers humbug

I've been trying it out for an hour or so and its pretty decent haven't even touched on anything other than basic flying and getting to figure out the controls (went to that small place where your going to be buying outfits and weapons) Grabbed a buggy and crashed it then it crashed my game.

Had some random invite me to his clan and they have some pretty hefty looking ships all looks good if the game doesn't crash every so often. Be great when they release a more stable alpha.
phrases I don't think it's the game crashing, usually it's the servers if it's in the PTU (public test universe) where you can chase after each other etc around Olisar/Crusader.

That part is heavily server reliant at the moment but they're working on the code for it.
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