******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Gosh this alpha is hard work crashes every 3-5 mins and reading the posts about how they are spending the funds on the business side of things golly.. There is munity onboard the RSI ship
+1 ^^^^

Phrases what hardware are you running? and what game mode? Crusader or Arena Commander?

The performance is likely to be a little off but its stable enough.
Playing crusader it wont even load into the ship at the moment without crashing to desktop it was running OKish before this so your right on with the server side i guess.

Just venting as i cant seem to get to grips with it after shelling out ££

EDIT: rant over managed to get it up and running I'm doing the repair arrays but get wiped out by pirates quickly in the aurora any tips? I'm locking on with T but not getting much momentum in terms of hits or downing the buggers not sure i have missiles equipped if so what key is it again to fire?

Hardware wise
i5 6600k
gtx 1070
16gb ddr4 ripjaw 2400mhz
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The aurora cant seem to load into a game not matter what i try anyone else having issues? Just kicks me back to desktop with crash report option.

This can happen but generally it doesn't.

Things you can try.

Run the launcher as Admin, left click > run as Admin.

Do you have any anti-virus software installed? that can be an issue, try running the game with Anti-Virus off to see if it is.

Another thing you do is verify the instillation, click on gear-cog > Analyse Game Files: Verify.


The Aurora comes in 5 variants, some with and some without missiles.

With Missiles.

Aurora LX

Aurora LN

Without Missiles

Aurora ES

Aurora MR

Aurora CL

Out of them all the Aurora LN is the best one.

You can add missile racks and missiles to all of them but you have to loan or buy them....

To loan them you need to earn REC in Arena Commander Spectrum Match, and then use that to rent them from the Electronic Access store.

Behring Quad Platform - REC

Thermyte TaskForce I - REC

Or you can buy them with real money, 1,000 UEC = $1.

Behring Quad Platform - UEC

Firestorm Spark I - UEC

But, if you really want a ship with missiles upgrade to the Aurora LN, it will cost you little more and you get a lot more Aurora in the LN.

My Advice is try to get along without missiles for now, before you spend any more money make-sure its what you want.

You can upgrade your ship here.... https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ship-upgrades.

This is my Discord https://discord.gg/dXp9X

Fell free to add yourself.... :)
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Cheers humbug

I just couldn't warm up to it in the end i had a refund which was easier than made out on websites. I know its alpha and i understand the downsides to that but not being able to get a steady game going wasn't cutting it for me so until they have had chance to test it on different hardware setups i'll pass on it for now.

I'll revisit this again some other time when i get my setup away into the office once its renovated and i can indulge on a flight stick.

Any mention of this going VR? it has a VR feel to it so I'm assuming they will code it in?
Cheers humbug

I just couldn't warm up to it in the end i had a refund which was easier than made out on websites. I know its alpha and i understand the downsides to that but not being able to get a steady game going wasn't cutting it for me so until they have had chance to test it on different hardware setups i'll pass on it for now.

I'll revisit this again some other time when i get my setup away into the office once its renovated and i can indulge on a flight stick.

Any mention of this going VR? it has a VR feel to it so I'm assuming they will code it in?

VR, yes, but thats probably one of the last stages of development, its best to get everything locked in before adding something like VR.

Anyway, No problem :) sorry it didn't workout for you at this time.
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