******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Was a great sale, allowed me to get all the ships that I think I want, as well as loads of CCU's in case I change my mind.

I had a lot of store credits saved up after buying the Polaris when it was on sale and melting it (Just so I have the option to buy it in the future.)

The only ships I had before, that were set in stone were the Carrack, Caterpillar and the Reliant Kore.

This sale allowed me to just about complete my fleet. After the sale, I think I pretty much have everything I want for the full game.
  • 300i
  • Reliant skirmisher (Or Kore, haven't decided yet)
  • Cutlass Black (might swap back to the Drake Herald which I originally had during the sale)
  • Prospector
  • Sabre
  • Merchantman
  • Constellation Aquila
  • Caterpillar
  • Carrack
Picture form:


Every ship is LTI :)

The plan is to have the cutlass black in my loadout for now, but i'm waiting to see the final look, instead of just the grey box version briefly shown :)

Took me a while to figure out the loadout I wanted, even went at far as downloading the pictures for some of the ships I was considering and stitching them together to create the ship loadouts with the total amount I would need for them.


Spent far too much on this game! I really hope the game is everything that I have always wanted, but it really is shaping up to be just that!

EDIT - Forgot to add the 300i to my loadout, bought it again as it was the first ever ship I pledged for, plus it is getting a rework soon!

I ended up nailing down a all the special edition fighters bar the Titan, a Reclaimer and an Orion in the sale.

I then immediately melted the Orion when I remembered I had a caterpillar pack I could use to upgrade from and thus make use of the increased CCU value it now has, but can't do that till Jan as I need a buy back token to do it.

I am done now with the existing ship line up, I don't want anything else that is currently on offer or in concept, the only things I will be looking at adding is new concepts, even then I'm not doubling up on professions or ship types.
Harry feel free to pop on discord now and then, don't need a mic etc as most of the time we're not in voice comms just chatting in the main channel and posting nonsense :P
"I am done now with the existing ship line up.."

Yes, yes you are.

Until the next concept sale ;)

No with the current ships I am.

New concepts only now, I currently have 11 ships from the existing line up, I mulled over exactly what I wanted this sale and got it all.
Wait....so that is the real monetary cost of those ships??

Nope thats the amount pledged towards development - the ships are merely a gift for doing so, you can earn every single one in-game if/when it's ever out.

Irony is there's a lot of people now with ships they can't possibly fly as they don't have enough friends, org mates or npcs available to do so. :p
Ok. Forgive me if I am missing something here, but why?!

Sure, I get the game is in development and the money goes towards it. Sure, the game looks awesome and, if it delivers on it's vision, plays awesome. But the price of a very good gaming machine for 6-7 internet spaceships?!

Also, how is this supposed to make less well-off - and I'm sure some would argue less insane - people want to play the game when it eventually comes out. I sure as hell ain't warming to the idea of buying and spending time on a game where people have already got a bunch of the best stuff by dropping a stack of cash on it.

Sure, I would drop a few quid on a PLEX every couple of months in EVE, just to give my wallet a boost after an expensive PvP campaign, but this is just crazy!

Again, excuse me if I have missed something here and I am sure there will be fans who will leap into defence mode and there will be folks who will have had this discussion many times before....but surely this is P2W hitting it's pinnacle, coupled with the most ingenious money-making scheme in gaming history.

I just don't...


Additionally a few things:

1. All gear on ships right now is considered at a quality level of 1 out of 10 with the exception of the 890J which is considered 3/10 by the developers - basically everything these ships start with is garbage once the game is up and running. Equipment can be overclocked by players, with a risk of damaging it, it can be researched etc too. So custom gear is incredibly important which is why stock ships like those bought will likely be rather pants a few months in.

2. Owning a thing doesn't mean you can fly a thing or fly it well, this is proven plenty of times by us playing in alpha. Having enough crew is one thing but being able to afford to insure the changes (new gear) you've put on ships, fuel, insure cargo etc are another. Whilst they'll be small charges for most of these you won't see enormous fleets out run by one person early in the game.

3. It's cash rich / time poor people who seem to be pledging the most, those people won't actually be playing anywhere near as much as Johnny unemployed in his starter craft and it won't be long until Johnny is ahead of them and hasn't thrown anywhere near as much into the development.

4. There's a cap on the amount of in-game currency you can buy post release, no more ship sales etc. So once the game goes live that's it.

5. Nothing that is given to players for pledge money now can't be earned in game later. No barriers, no imaginary walls, just get in and earn it.
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Additionally a few things:

1. All gear on ships right now is considered at a quality level of 1 out of 10 with the exception of the 890J which is considered 3/10 by the developers - basically everything these ships start with is garbage once the game is up and running. Equipment can be overclocked by players, with a risk of damaging it, it can be researched etc too. So custom gear is incredibly important which is why stock ships like those bought will likely be rather pants a few months in.

2. Owning a thing doesn't mean you can fly a thing or fly it well, this is proven plenty of times by us playing in alpha. Having enough crew is one thing but being able to afford to insure the changes (new gear) you've put on ships, fuel, insure cargo etc are another. Whilst they'll be small charges for most of these you won't see enormous fleets out run by one person early in the game.

3. It's cash rich / time poor people who seem to be pledging the most, those people won't actually be playing anywhere near as much as Johnny unemployed in his starter craft and it won't be long until Johnny is ahead of them and hasn't thrown anywhere near as much into the development.

4. There's a cap on the amount of in-game currency you can buy post release, no more ship sales etc. So once the game goes live that's it.

5. Nothing that is given to players for pledge money now can't be earned in game later. No barriers, no imaginary walls, just get in and earn it.

Thanks for the reply.

All that info doesn't change one thing, though...

Jim, who is willing to pay thousands of pounds, will have in-game assets that Joe, who isn't willing or able to invest cash, won't have when the game launches. Joe will have to earn it by playing the game.

Anyone who states that is 1) not an advantage, or 2) not defeating the object of gaming (especially PvP gaming) in general, really needs to go and have a re-think on their definitions of words like competition and challenge. These things are, afterall, the ultimate essence of gaming, are they not...? This model (and many others....I'm not just hating on this game here) clearly gives an advantage to those willing to open their wallets.

The other thing that really doesn't make sense to me is why someone would pay thousands of pounds on a game. I mean, I have lost count of the thousands of hours of enjoyment that I have had from games such as Civ and the like over the years. Do I think that they're worth paying £2,000 for? Christ no! That would be insane! Hell, I played EVE for 11 years and didn't spend half that amount. I'm not slating the folks that have paid that kind of money. People are, of course, free to spend their cash on what they like. I just can't see the logic behind it. Especially since the game is still in early development.
Nobody is saying it's not an advantage, even in the video I posted it's clearly started it is - a starting advantage. That's if you're in a position to use it (crew wise etc).

Likewise this isn't just a pvp game, it's also pve and the players make up 1/10th of the persistent universe, you'll actually have to find someone who wants to attack you to - this isn't likely to be a heavy PVP game in most areas, whilst it'll happen there are consequences to doing it, just like in Eve and just like Eve it'll take a long time for players to get to grips with exactly how the reputation mechanic works as it's tweaked etc. (I played Eve when it first came out for a few years.) Apart from anything else there isn't a "win" in star citizen - there's no end goal, like Eve and there's nothing stopping you just nicking one of the ships someone bought..

There are a lot of fans of Chris Roberts early work - many of those people who played his early games, were the same people who played Richard Garriot (Ultima Online) and David Braben (Elite) and are now older, richer and want a Chris Roberts game. Most of them seem to have played Freelancer and found it wanting, they are sick of seeing the same old games year in, year out recycled and not pushing the boundaries of gaming. They want something better. That's why they're pledging, some people don't value cars much, don't value skiing holidays etc. We all spend our money in different ways.

I know one person who's put in over $50,000 into Star Citizen and frankly it's peanuts to him. The game has some incredibly wealthy private backers and the irony is that most of them, like my mate won't even be able to fly 90% of the stuff he's bought without paying an in-game crew or set of players to help him out. As someone said earlier on Reddit today, the way things are the wealthiest player credit wise after a few weeks will be that new guy who rocks up no the cheapest pledge and hires himself out to crew other peoples ships for them lol

From my perspective I've played the alpha for around 700 hours now, I value triple A titles as value for money if I can get £1/hour out of them, so 30 hours out of a 30 quid game. I'm actually well and truly into the plus side for Star citizen already.

Look I doubt you'd ever back and I respect why you wouldn't - you clearly think it's pay2win. Fair enough, there are literally over a million people already pledged who clearly don't agree. I dont', I know within 6 months the people "playing to win" with far more free time than myself will be miles ahead of me and I'll never level that playing ground without help from friends.
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