******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I'm ready for this..

What did everyone get during the sale then?

I picked up an Avenger Titan Renegade and 85X.

85X is no doubt going to get CCU'd into something, probably Carrack. Picked it up for LTI.

Gonna see what the ATR is like and may end up CCU'ing that for the redesigned Cutlass.
What did everyone get during the sale then?

I picked up an Avenger Titan Renegade and 85X.

85X is no doubt going to get CCU'd into something, probably Carrack. Picked it up for LTI.

Gonna see what the ATR is like and may end up CCU'ing that for the redesigned Cutlass.

The fighter variant of the Reliant, £50.

Anywho..... Evocati are testing 2.6 and Spectrum
All on store credit I got:

Terrapin -> Banu Merchantman ccu,
several $0 Dragonfly <-> Argo MPUV ccus and
a standalone 85x

I had melted my original standalone Carrack for the UEE Exploration pack back in August as it is much better "value for money" with how much you get compared with most other ship and game packages. Given the BMM could skyrocket in value once it is flight ready due to alien tax and features, I thought I'd pick up a relatively cheap ccu to it from the Terrapin as I might enjoy trade more than the gameplay in the Terrapin. It's also a damn good looking ship, second favourite just behind the Carrack. Not going to apply the ccu until 3.3 when the BMM and Carrack should both drop together according to the roadmap.

So currently I'm sitting on a Carrack, potential BMM, 3 dragonflies (UEE Exploration pack and Dragonfly Twin Pack) and an 85x. Will probably melt the 85x in the future and use that with remaining store credit for additional Carrack modules.
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What did everyone get during the sale then?

I picked up an Avenger Titan Renegade and 85X.

85X is no doubt going to get CCU'd into something, probably Carrack. Picked it up for LTI.

Gonna see what the ATR is like and may end up CCU'ing that for the redesigned Cutlass.

Also got an 85X - it does look sweet but yes probably end up CCU'ing it :)

I melted my Explorer pack which I bought previously so only have the following in my hangar currently and looking at rebuying my Caterpillar with LTI...

Terrapin LTI
Kruger P-72 Archimedes LTI
Reliant Mini Hauler LTI
Aurora MR Start Pack

I've got the upgrades for the Prospector and Bucaneer as well as those both look like a ship I could use, the only other one I'd like is the Freelancer...

I should really jump on sometime when you guys are on - my clan buddies don't really play this... well not yet they are keen to see what Star Marine is like however so that may increase the interest.

Also I've been spending way too many hours exploring in Elite Dangerous :D
On the sale i Upgraded 3 of my ships, I upgraded the following.

Saber to Saber Comet
Misc reliant - Drake herald
Freelancer Dur - Misc prospector

I now have a ship for almost every role so it worked out great. Cost me £39 for all three.

I think the rest of the ships that come out i'll go after in the PU but boy am i upset for not getting the prowler. Why does the sale always come so close to Xmas! DAMN U CIG!!

Excited for 2.6 but 3.0 is the big one for my self.
Some nice purchases guys :)

I think the BMM was the best ship for sale (for me personally) but my buddy who I'll no doubt be playing this game with most of the time bought one so I saw little point in getting another.

I want to see more on the module specs for the Caterpillar and what its capable of, may end up getting one of those too.

I just want them all :D
The only other ships kind of interesting me are the upcoming origin 600, potential Consolidated Outland "Freelancer" style ship, and a medium sized science ship.

They may cause me to melt and rearrange depending on features, although at this point I'm pretty much set waiting for the addition of different professions and gameplay in the coming year.
Didnt buy anything really, melted a Sabre which has always been just a temporary play-thing till other stuff is in game, and used the credits to buy some CCUs. I did a tally up the other day and it was 21 different CCUs.

Only 1 was purchase i'll definitely need - Starfarer to Orion. I actually need it from the Terrapin but i can Terrapin to Starfarer any day of the week, and this method means i dont need to commit $105 extra (130 total), only $25. That and similar savings means i can use those funds elsewhere till the Orion is in game.

The rest were purely speculative, waiting to see which ships go up in price. The $65 Reliant Skirmisher for example, was sold for $15 more than the base Reliant (Kore), but the Kore went up $15 to $65, meaning you could get the Kore and Skirmisher for the same price, or $0 CCU. Theres more chance of pigs flying than the Skirmisher being less than $75 if the Kore got a 30%/$15 bump without a spec change. So if i ultimately wanted a Hornet, buying a Kore at $65, CCU to Skirmisher, and im likely $10-15 closer to the Hornet while still only spending $65. Do the same with say the Herald if it goes up $10 from $85 to $95, and im another $10 closer without actually spending it.

With the UEE explorer pack savings and thrifty CCUs, i think i could probably end up with about $200 worth of unpaid for ships. Im basically taking advantage of CIG playing silly beggers with price increases to gouge backers and getting more for my money. I wouldnt be spending more so im not denying them money or costing them either, just getting more than i otherwise would if they kept fixed prices.

The BMM should shake things up though, cos no way is that still a $250 ship. That'll be in with the $300-350s like the Carrack, Reclaimer, Endeavour etc. Its large and alien, both used as an excuse to inflate prices.
Was a great sale, allowed me to get all the ships that I think I want, as well as loads of CCU's in case I change my mind.

I had a lot of store credits saved up after buying the Polaris when it was on sale and melting it (Just so I have the option to buy it in the future.)

The only ships I had before, that were set in stone were the Carrack, Caterpillar and the Reliant Kore.

This sale allowed me to just about complete my fleet. After the sale, I think I pretty much have everything I want for the full game.
  • 300i
  • Reliant skirmisher (Or Kore, haven't decided yet)
  • Cutlass Black (might swap back to the Drake Herald which I originally had during the sale)
  • Prospector
  • Sabre
  • Merchantman
  • Constellation Aquila
  • Caterpillar
  • Carrack
Picture form:


Every ship is LTI :)

The plan is to have the cutlass black in my loadout for now, but i'm waiting to see the final look, instead of just the grey box version briefly shown :)

Took me a while to figure out the loadout I wanted, even went at far as downloading the pictures for some of the ships I was considering and stitching them together to create the ship loadouts with the total amount I would need for them.


Spent far too much on this game! I really hope the game is everything that I have always wanted, but it really is shaping up to be just that!

EDIT - Forgot to add the 300i to my loadout, bought it again as it was the first ever ship I pledged for, plus it is getting a rework soon!
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Wow some serious money been spent on this game! I only have a game package, just waiting for star marine and I'll reinstall it

I still can't believe I've spent as much as I have, it just keeps adding up from small ship upgrades. I originally had the 300i Bounty Hunter pledge, and it just went up and up from there!

I see it as pledging towards the development of the game that I have always wanted and that the ships I get are as a thank you, rather than looking at it is "Must have new ship!".
I still can't believe I've spent as much as I have, it just keeps adding up from small ship upgrades. I originally had the 300i Bounty Hunter pledge, and it just went up and up from there!

I see it as pledging towards the development of the game that I have always wanted and that the ships I get are as a thank you, rather than looking at it is "Must have new ship!".

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Started with the Bounty Hunter, then as more info came out and the development took off I jumped in with both feet. I don't get Christmas presents these days, just money for new ships :D

I didn't grab much in the sale, only a Vanguard to BMM ccu and a Dragonfly. Currently my fleet consists of:
Freelancer DUR
Vanguard (w/ BMM ccu)
Super hornet
Xi'an Scout
Star G

I've also bought a couple of hoodies and shirts, so those also bump up the total spend as well!
I'm going to stop reading these posts they make me want to buy more!

I'm going to have to reinstall this and jump in with you guys as it sounds like you have an array already.

Star marine looks fairly decent however the video wasn't the best it could have been. Maybe just a distraction from the main game?
Wow some serious money been spent on this game! I only have a game package, just waiting for star marine and I'll reinstall it
You can shoot people up already... Your weapons go live the instant you exit the docking airlock.
There's a bunch of delightful folk hanging out at Port Olisar by the landing pads, who love to gun down peeps as they walk/run to their recently-fetched ships.

There's also a base or two where the cargo bays have lost gravity and your weapons are live - It's like Zero-G Lazer-Quest or something.
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