Was a great sale, allowed me to get all the ships that I think I want, as well as loads of CCU's in case I change my mind.
I had a lot of store credits saved up after buying the Polaris when it was on sale and melting it (Just so I have the option to buy it in the future.)
The only ships I had before, that were set in stone were the Carrack, Caterpillar and the Reliant Kore.
This sale allowed me to just about complete my fleet. After the sale, I think I pretty much have everything I want for the full game.
- 300i
- Reliant skirmisher (Or Kore, haven't decided yet)
- Cutlass Black (might swap back to the Drake Herald which I originally had during the sale)
- Prospector
- Sabre
- Merchantman
- Constellation Aquila
- Caterpillar
- Carrack
Picture form:
Every ship is LTI
The plan is to have the cutlass black in my loadout for now, but i'm waiting to see the final look, instead of just the grey box version briefly shown
Took me a while to figure out the loadout I wanted, even went at far as downloading the pictures for some of the ships I was considering and stitching them together to create the ship loadouts with the total amount I would need for them.
Spent far too much on this game! I really hope the game is everything that I have always wanted, but it really is shaping up to be just that!
EDIT - Forgot to add the 300i to my loadout, bought it again as it was the first ever ship I pledged for, plus it is getting a rework soon!