So I haven't backed this yet but Star Marine is something I'm very interested in, is it a stand alone game? Is it out fully yet? Sorry for the stupid questions.
Its a stand alone game in the sense that it stands separate from the main, but its all in the same download, part of the same packaged.
Its not complete, right now there are two maps and two modes, modes are "Last Stand" which is capturing a control point and "Elimination" which is everyone for themselves.
Its space FPS so battles with gravity and outside in 0 G.
Its looks stunning.
Performance in Frame-rates terms is pretty good for the visuals, at 1080P with maximum IQ i'm averaging around 60+ with a GTX 970 but its very heavy on V-Ram, its not yet completely stable and the netcode can cause lag.
Its Alpha but quite playable and a lot of fun.
It will continue to get worked on and improved, they did have a "Mega Map" but its not in this release, taken out to try and get this out by Christmas, which still looks 50/50 if that will happen or not, its in selective player testing right now.
If you don't mind it being unstable, like the rest of the game its a test version.... then yes its worth getting to see it grow.
If what your looking for is something polished and finished then no, absolutely not, its far from polished.
If you want in i think the way you do that is to purchase a package as you would for Star Citizen.
If you do use my referral code it will give you $5 worth on ingame credit. not that you need such a thing right now. once you bought the package there is no ongoing cost.
Edit here... the only one i recorded and its an older version, the UI is now completely different, and early bugs gelore...