******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Hmm, might go back to using mouse and keyboard, plugged my stick in and its WAY too sensitive to fly properly. I've set the sensitivity in the ingame settings to 0.10 but its still so reactive that its nigh on impossible to make an accurate turn

EDIT: wait no...I put the sensitivity sliders all up to max and it actually has made it less sensitive. So its ok now. I must have got it wrong thinking that the lower the number the less sensitive, seems to be the other way round

EDIT2 : Nope, confused again, was flying along and suddenly all my controls reset by themselves, my throttle stopped controlling my throttle, my roll and yaw controls reversed. Cant get to grips with the stick, will swap back to mouse and keyboard, just finding it much easier to fly with M/K

EDIT3 : Having said that, got into a fight with M/K and got slaughtered, whereas I was able to win the fight using stick. Maybe I just need to spend an hour or two setting the stick up, there are SO many settings for stick controls in the options that its going to take a lot of trial and error to get things comfy for me.
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The controller config needs a lot of work, my PC frequently has a 360 controller, additional mouse etc plugged in by my daughter, most of the time this results in my SC config going wonky - hence me losing patience a little with it just now. KB/M are fine especially if you use gimballed weapons - not so good with fixed wing stuff, that's where a stick come into it's own.
The controller config needs a lot of work, my PC frequently has a 360 controller, additional mouse etc plugged in by my daughter, most of the time this results in my SC config going wonky - hence me losing patience a little with it just now. KB/M are fine especially if you use gimballed weapons - not so good with fixed wing stuff, that's where a stick come into it's own.

After much fiddling around in the settings, testing things out, making little adjustments, I finally got it all working how I wanted it to with my stick :)
See here for custom Graphics https://www.redacted.tv/custom-user-cfg-guide-star-citizen-alpha-2-x/

As i understand it at this point once released it will be free to play, so you earn ships and weapons in game, with some things buyable with real cash, tho apparently not ships, the school of thought i think is what ships you buy now you get to keep once the game is live, or the value of it,- IE the money you put in is converted to ingame credit, those options may be a choice given to you.

Whaat? Have i just woke from a 6wk coma and we're already in April? ;) Never has it ever been said to be free to play (the MMO, at least). Its a pay once platform. You want the MMO, you buy that. You want the campaign, you buy that.

Why would they be selling 3 version of the game, SC only, SQ42 only, or both for $15 more, if they werent 2 complete retail-like titles.
The rest is about right, for what we know, and what we dont know is only where they draw the line on things ie $50/week limit on cash-shop, or $50/day. Selling starter ship bundles going up to a $150 Hornet, or $300 Constellation. We dont really know the finer details, just that few ships will be sold as starter packages, and the you'll buy them in-game. Whether you're buying them with UEC bought from the store is another matter, and that $/time limit will help clarify that. The best system ive heard ages back would be to cap what you can purchase based on recent in-game earnings. If they put a cap at 1m UEC you've earned 1.5m UEC in the last week, you're doing just fine. If you've earned 0.5m then you can buy upto 0.5m. It lets time-constrained players progress slightly faster if they wish, without giving hardcore players another way to 'get ahead'. Its still at the mercy of CIG setting a sensible cap though.
Oh thats a nice screen.... perfect for 2.6.1D, i sneaked in a short session very late before bed, it seems to be nicely polished now.


I might not be on now this Saturday, DPD Local messed up and didn't deliver it to me yesterday. So now i have to wait until Monday as they wont allow collection from local depots. I had it in my head that i would be playing SC this weekend on it and well im now a bit gutted that i won't so not entirely in the mood for it currently, might feel different when i wake up though :D so i will check the thread then and check discord and see who is on :)

I might not be on now this Saturday, DPD Local messed up and didn't deliver it to me yesterday. So now i have to wait until Monday as they wont allow collection from local depots. I had it in my head that i would be playing SC this weekend on it and well im now a bit gutted that i won't so not entirely in the mood for it currently, might feel different when i wake up though :D so i will check the thread then and check discord and see who is on :)

Pussy, Man up and deal with it :p
btw for those wish orgs spectrum permissions seem to be wonky by default on some sections - such as a general section only org owners can access etc which makes no sense so a little checking is probably best.

Pussy, Man up and deal with it :p

I did actually end up planning to get on, but ended up having to build someones kitchen..... fun fun.

but also why so mean :(
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