Well i don't know about jumping to a new Star System "soon" in this case Pyro but there is defiantly something in what he's saying about Port Olisar, along with the Gas Giant its orbiting, Crusader, it is a very old asset, it looks it and it was only ever a place holder, somewhere to spawn into the Stanton System.
In 4.0, Q1 next year Crusader is due to be replaced using cloud tech, it is going to be a giant ball of gas, like, well, Jupiter., it will have its own floating city or station thing in the upper atmosphere, so what will happen to Port Olisar? well a couple of years ago CIG made a short teaser video of Port Olisar getting attacked by the Vanduul, the UEE's nemesis.
In 3.7.1 there are two little Easter Eggs, in the Ships Terminals room there is a faint radio transmission that plays sometimes, sometimes its what sounds like an alien voice, other times its a human voice that says "Stanton....
Broken static ..... a Great Injustice....
Broken static...." and the Space Station HUR L5 is in a destroyed state.
Something tantalising is brewing.