I could not agree more with this
The flight model used to be very good, Ship NPC behaviour was not bad either, from 3.0 onwards they set about butchering what was almost perfect, for two reasons, A, CR wanted close quarters combat, so the brought down accuracy range and made the ships handle like a panicked Cat on ice and B, people complained "It was too difficult" so they tried to dumb the whole thing down and add console style aim assist, in a PC exclusive!!!! if you find it too difficult to learn how to use a complex flight system and how to anticipate target lead angles and distance get a ####'### console.
Since 3.0 they have been trying to fix what they broke while never giving in on CR's WWII in space dream and a dumb down learning curve.
Want to have a laugh?
I recorded this last night in 3.7.1, which is now Live BTW.
Important bit at this time stamped link. this is the state of it right now.
Full video.