******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******


I last played during last years free Expo access, quite liked just running around exploring the city and looking around the ships.
Could anyone please tell me if there's much new content to explore this year, not looking to actually do missions or play the game proper, I'll wait for full release for that (I'm a very patient person)?
Also, any idea what kind of performance I'd likely see with my 4 year old PC (980 Ti, i7-5930 6-core @4.5GHz and 16GB Ram)?


I last played during last years free Expo access, quite liked just running around exploring the city and looking around the ships.
Could anyone please tell me if there's much new content to explore this year, not looking to actually do missions or play the game proper, I'll wait for full release for that (I'm a very patient person)?
Also, any idea what kind of performance I'd likely see with my 4 year old PC (980 Ti, i7-5930 6-core @4.5GHz and 16GB Ram)?


If i'm not mistaken since then they have added Arccorp a full city planet with it's moons, rest stops which are different types of stations, new vehicles (all of them can be tried out for free during this free flight) and many other things like first person mining and stuff.
In secember comes a further graphics update, a new planet, and some more performance optimization. at the moment i think you'd be looking at 35-40ish FPS
You can actually look it up here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/telemetry
Don't fancy getting banned just yet ^^^ :p


I last played during last years free Expo access, quite liked just running around exploring the city and looking around the ships.
Could anyone please tell me if there's much new content to explore this year, not looking to actually do missions or play the game proper, I'll wait for full release for that (I'm a very patient person)?
Also, any idea what kind of performance I'd likely see with my 4 year old PC (980 Ti, i7-5930 6-core @4.5GHz and 16GB Ram)?


That hardware is fine, not too dissimilar to mine, the only thing i would suggest is you install it on an SSD.

Performance is really not bad at all, well... its all relative, if it was CS:GO it would be pretty bad, for what you do in the game its quite smooth. Other than around large city areas especially at this time of year with the EXPO and the Free Fly event, a combination of the servers getting hammered around area 18, this years EXPO and the 100 or so ships they have dotted around there, its kind of a cheat, all the ship that they are going to show are hidden around Area 18, everyday they flick a switch to take you to a new location for the different daily displays, with that much stuff crammed into one area it really takes its toll on performance.

Once you get away from all of that, performance is good, it makes some of us wish the EXPO over sooner rather than later :p

If you want to go flying around exploring there is quite a lot to look at.

Crusader, https://starcitizen.tools/Crusader the Gas Giant with its Port and Moons, its the starting point when you play for the fist time, you wakeup at Port Olisar.


Its Moons are Yela, Daymar and Cellin, Yela has an abandoned asteroid base in its belt, Grim Hex, tho it is occupied. Daymar a blown up small station. all the Moon also have outposts and such on the surfaces, some hidden, like drugs labs, they are high value trading but its dangerous, Cellin has a security outpost, you can go there at your own risk to hack and wipe your criminal record.

Delemar, https://starcitizen.tools/Delamar is a large asteroid with a base, 'Levski' https://starcitizen.tools/Levski

Hurston, https://starcitizen.tools/Hurston Lorville https://starcitizen.tools/Lorville

Its Moons

ArcCorp. https://starcitizen.tools/ArcCorp_(planet) Area 18 https://starcitizen.tools/Area18

Its Moons

Various space stations. about 10 of them. for example

MicroTech is the missing planet, coming in the next patch, just weeks away now... https://starcitizen.tools/MicroTech_(planet)

After that its on to a new system, Pyro. https://starcitizen.tools/Pyro


To get around you will need a ship, obviously, you Quantum Jump from place to place, there are tutorials on Youtube.

Quick example for you here, its time stamped URL, i also recorded todays EXPO but its just MISC, a bit meh, the URL skips past all that, i have not gone far, just to the two moons around ArcCorp, landed on the last, it starts at the ship terminals where you call your ship, a quick spin round Area 18, fly out of atmosphere and jump, as you can see the performance around area 18 is abysmal, but once away from there its fine, i got interdicted twice and had to fight them off, so a bit of ship combat too :)

1440P eventually.



To the spilled over twitter mob, i have frustrations over this game, mainly about how long its taking, the fact that development goals keep getting pushed on..... its already taken too long, but we are where we are, its not by a long way dead yet, its still pulling in 3+ million $ a month, enough to pay 500 people $7,000 a month, its not going anywhere, you're wasting you're time if you're wishing it away.

Other than that if you thought you were going to get a completed game this year you're insane, if you think you're going to get a completed game by the end of next year think again, no chance... 6 years ago Chris made it very clear he wanted to change the scope of it massively, he also made it clear the game would take a long time to make, maybe what he should have said is "A Decade" and to be frank that is not an unreasonable time frame for what CIG are doing, this game is literally 10 times or more the size and complexity of a 2 year cycled EA Battlefield game, take just two of the currently in game largest ships, the 890J and Hammerhead, there are as many unique assets in those two ships put together than there is on a BF-V map, add to that the games technology complexity of SC makes any 2 year cycle EA game look like child's play.

This year we got two planets with its moons, a bunch of large ships, some new game mechanics and some tech updates, to me its come a long way this year. i'm looking forward to next year, and the year after.
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Mtom, thanks very much for the info, very useful.

Humbug, I hope you copied and pasted that and didn't type it all out just for me. :D
Thanks very much, sounds like there's quite a bit of new eye candy for me to explore.

I'll have a wander about the city pretending to be Rick Deckard complete with internal monologue. LOL
Whats the aim of the game? Is it an open world 'make up your own adventure'? I bought a ship waaaay back when but havent really bothered downloading the game.
Whats the aim of the game? Is it an open world 'make up your own adventure'? I bought a ship waaaay back when but havent really bothered downloading the game.

Yeah that's kinda the aim, a sandbox game where you can do what you want. Keep in mind it's not ready yet tho.
Mtom, thanks very much for the info, very useful.

Humbug, I hope you copied and pasted that and didn't type it all out just for me. :D
Thanks very much, sounds like there's quite a bit of new eye candy for me to explore.

I'll have a wander about the city pretending to be Rick Deckard complete with internal monologue. LOL

No problem :)
theres a 5 day free fly event on at the mo
I tried a free event previously. by the time that I had downloaded it and figured out how to play the game the event was then over! and now its been that long that I cannot remember how to play and will have to re-learn all over again.
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