******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Worth a watch to understand a basic of the tech in some areas and also what makes a little difference from some others out there with tech etc. It shows the difference of tech even if similar to other games about why it is still different and pushing what a games engine can do.

The gas cloud side for instance and how they have got that to work is certainly impressive. The idea on how they proc gen planets using humidity, temp and altitude is also clever and certainly allows for much greater design than we have with say NMS or ED.

Would like them to work on how they get those humidity and temp settings by having it adjust based on distance from the equator for instance so you can have greater variation rather than it being more planetary wide as it is at moment.

In terms of the feature etc, might be a little bit of a gimmick but it's been in game to some point for and was shown/stated in like August 2017 and it is a third party software they have brought in and then worked on updating it and the code and improving over time.

The first video to go with that, for those who haven't its worth watching before that.


And the written article for those that prefer as well as a little bit more at end about what is to come. This gives in my opinion a better overview of where Star citizen is at and it's current state than some videos out there just looking at what's been wrong. It states what's missing but gives great detail in what's been happening too.

Have looked at the coments? second most up voted comment.

Amazing. I just watched part of the video you've posted about "gas clouds", and the claim volumetric clouds like this have never been done before.

I'm really really sorry mate. You've been misled by CIG. At least I hope you have.

Object containers? Not new. The only reason it's hyped is because every piece of technology that CIG use is presented to the backers as new and revolutionary. Which comes as a surprise to developers who have been using the same things for years ...

Volumetric clouds in space games? Not new (Elite Dangerous for example has an entire procedural galaxy as close as possible to our own, and has had swirling volumetric gas clouds of various colours and densities at Lagrange points, some with lightning storms, for a couple of years now. But CIG has just invented this?)

Uhgg... this is why Game Devs generally don't bother to push boundaries, i mean, if you can fake a load screen with cinematic visual effects why bother with a really complicated billion+ KM 64Bit Precision game world? If you can use screens space volumetrics to fake Million KM gas clouds and it looks "good enough" why bother with something physical that you can actually fly into....
Have looked at the coments? second most up voted comment.

Uhgg... this is why Game Devs generally don't bother to push boundaries, i mean, if you can fake a load screen with cinematic visual effects why bother with a really complicated billion+ KM 64Bit Precision game world? If you can use screens space volumetrics to fake Million KM gas clouds and it looks "good enough" why bother with something physical that you can actually fly into....

Shhh don't take it away from them haha. It is silly what some comments are. I did read them for a laugh, then moved on. Zero context but the crazies defending CIG (or at least how they try too) doesn't help either. So normally ignore the comments section completely tbh.

Edit: And didn't even understand object containers. Never stated the object containers were new, pointed out how CIG and SC utilise them is very different though.
Shhh don't take it away from them haha. It is silly what some comments are. I did read them for a laugh, then moved on. Zero context but the crazies defending CIG (or at least how they try too) doesn't help either. So normally ignore the comments section completely tbh.

Plenty to complain about RE SC but for crying out loud i do wish people would stop pretending they know what they are talking about to bash game developers for things they have done that actually IS good.

Sometimes this 'community' is poison, when CryTek started to fall apart a lot of people took an almost perverse glee from it, why? CryTek put a lot of work and R&D into game development themselves to push boundaries, when CryTek started to fall apart it should have been a sad day for this 'community'
Plenty to complain about RE SC but for crying out loud i do wish people would stop pretending they know what they are talking about to bash game developers for things they have done that actually IS good.

Sometimes this 'community' is poison, when CryTek started to fall apart a lot of people took an almost perverse glee from it, why? CryTek put a lot of work and R&D into game development themselves to push boundaries, when CryTek started to fall apart it should have been a sad day for this 'community'

The CryTek thing was always about the management and the owners in fairness. Screwing over the devs etc, I think a lot had enough of CryTek because of the company itself, not the devs working for them. The devs still there are clearly still talented, but working for a company whom is known not to pay wages, be on brink of collapse etc is disheartening to say the least. And tbh they have good games but that is really FarCry 2004, Crysis, Crysis 3, Ryse: Son of Rome & Hunt:Showdown. Anything else has been a little meh or sold to other companies (FarCry series). Crysis 2 was their worst game to date which I didn't get into at all compared to the first and third.

And yeah the management and decisions etc CIG go through has been pretty poor. But actual dev side and what the developers do is pretty sweet. The physics refactor that Chris worked on himself has already started to help with things as well but people think he cannot code and just puts his nose in to kill stuff (he does at times, but hey his vision and all that) but he is actually a really high end programmer whom gets things done when he sits at a task.
The CryTek thing was always about the management and the owners in fairness. Screwing over the devs etc, I think a lot had enough of CryTek because of the company itself, not the devs working for them. The devs still there are clearly still talented, but working for a company whom is known not to pay wages, be on brink of collapse etc is disheartening to say the least. And tbh they have good games but that is really FarCry 2004, Crysis, Crysis 3, Ryse: Son of Rome & Hunt:Showdown. Anything else has been a little meh or sold to other companies (FarCry series). Crysis 2 was their worst game to date which I didn't get into at all compared to the first and third.

And yeah the management and decisions etc CIG go through has been pretty poor. But actual dev side and what the developers do is pretty sweet. The physics refactor that Chris worked on himself has already started to help with things as well but people think he cannot code and just puts his nose in to kill stuff (he does at times, but hey his vision and all that) but he is actually a really high end programmer whom gets things done when he sits at a task.

CryTek formally thie leading engine developer wanted, desperately to hang on to its very talented devs, you know, a few weeks ago i fired up Crysis 3 for the first time in years and noticed some very familiar names in the credits.

I don't believe anything that CryTek did in not paying their staff was malicious, we don't know the ins and outs of it but i think what probably happened was Crytek making promises to its staff "we just need a little more time" when you're at that point its a rock and a hard place, if you don't have the contracts you can't pay your staff, if you don't have the staff you can't get the contracts, with that you just have to try and work it out to survive.

To me the whole thing was just sad.

Its good that CIG took on Crytek's staff and Crytek themselves found some money to continue in a much reduced capacity, i feel somewhat good for them both.

Now bring back Crysis...
Plenty to complain about RE SC but for crying out loud i do wish people would stop pretending they know what they are talking about to bash game developers for things they have done that actually IS good.

Sometimes this 'community' is poison, when CryTek started to fall apart a lot of people took an almost perverse glee from it, why? CryTek put a lot of work and R&D into game development themselves to push boundaries, when CryTek started to fall apart it should have been a sad day for this 'community'

"Some men just want to watch the world burn".
To be honest starcitizen is starting to look graphically outdated and with new consoles coming out this year it'll look severely outdated by the end of 2021.
To be honest starcitizen is starting to look graphically outdated and with new consoles coming out this year it'll look severely outdated by the end of 2021.

Compared to what though? There doesn't appear to be much more yet that take things greatly further. Certainly not when you look at scale to graphic fidelity anyways.
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