******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******


well said. let people enjoy it

Some people will always want to force their opinions on to others, ignore it and move on.

I'm a disgruntled backer as to the painfully slow progress which is more to do with CR rather than the many talented individuals working at CIG. People labelling it as a scam are doing the hundreds of people who are working on it a massive disservice. **** poorly mismanaged? Absolutely! A scam? No sorry I don't buy that for a second.

I do have to question why those with no skin in the game are so vociferous about their dislike for it though. As I've said before people can do what they please with their money and nobody should really be questioning that. I backed quite significantly way back in 2014 (and some of the other guys in our org who are on here can attest to that), do I regret it? Nope but I am disappointed that we don't have more to show for it now, though I will admit the stuff they have produced is generally quite impressive I just wish there was more of it and definitely more of the core gameplay systems (salvage etc.).
Things they took out with 3.9 from 3.8 can tell you. Stability and SLI support :p

stability is not a feature. SLI i am not aware of such.

Did they take out object container stream? arcorp? the new flight mode?

Nope, they took nothing out and added new stuff.

Thats my point, they keep adding and improving, not removing stuff
But it’s way, way short of what they should have by now. Anyone who disagrees is blind or truly devoted to the church of RSI.

No one has ever tried anything approaching the scale, scope and ambition of SC before so what is your frame of reference for what 'should' be in the game at this point of its development.
Folks... I logged into my account which I havent done for years.
I back this back in 2013 :eek:
Anyhoo, I thought Id give this a whirl now seeing as more and more people are trying the Alpha out....

I would be evergrateful for some help, because I have no clue what happened to the stuff I backed way back when... I thought I backed several ships but I cant see to find these...

I went into the hangar (Selfa hangar?) but my ships arent showing up...

What do I need to do exactly?

I can see in my account area where it says "my hangar) Ive got a lot of stuff listed in my pledge like 17 million reward, 16 million reward etc etc

I also came across "Colnel LTI" containing my ship Hornet F7C in the "Aeroview" Hangar which i guess my be my ship?

Also what is "Buy Back Pledges"?
I have two items listed here "Arbiter LTI" and "Digital Bounty LTI".

Oh and what is UEC Vs REC? I have 35k UEC and 5k REC.

Bit confoozed :)Sorry for many questions!
No one has ever tried anything approaching the scale, scope and ambition of SC before so what is your frame of reference for what 'should' be in the game at this point of its development.

Scale? You must be joking right, where's the endless galaxies promised? Tell me how many planets there actually are in SC?

It's actually light on content, but at times looks fantastic which I think beguiles the already beguiled even further, but if you look at SC objectively it's very shallow.
Scale? You must be joking right, where's the endless galaxies promised? Tell me how many planets there actually are in SC?

It's actually light on content, but at times looks fantastic which I think beguiles the already beguiled even further, but if you look at SC objectively it's very shallow.

Scale refers to the fact that there are no loading screens because it's all in 'real' space, with everything existing at once within a massive area. You actually travel those distances, and all the people in there are doing their thing.
It may not seem like a big deal to you, but that isn't something that's easily achieved.

Yes, it's overdue. However, the tech development to make this all happen is progressing pretty nicely. You'd know if you actually played the game.

If endless glaxies are what you want and the metric you judge it by, then play a procedural game like ED.

I won't deny that it's slightly light on gameplay content at the moment, but that doesn't mean that there's nothing to do or that people are too blinded by the pretty stuff to notice.
Do you honestly think that people have been playing for months or years and it's all because it looks nice?
With ED once you get out of one of the core systems everyone starts in its completely void of human players, it really is just repeating the same thing over and over again alone.

I don't want a game with a vast play area because you can never have enough players to populate that area, with that its not an MMO even with 10,000 players on the server if you never actually see anyone while exploring.

I'm happy with just a few systems if they are packet with content and human players.
Scale? You must be joking right, where's the endless galaxies promised? Tell me how many planets there actually are in SC?

It's actually light on content, but at times looks fantastic which I think beguiles the already beguiled even further, but if you look at SC objectively it's very shallow.

You should play no man's sky.
Folks... I logged into my account which I havent done for years.
I back this back in 2013 :eek:
Anyhoo, I thought Id give this a whirl now seeing as more and more people are trying the Alpha out....

I would be evergrateful for some help, because I have no clue what happened to the stuff I backed way back when... I thought I backed several ships but I cant see to find these...

I went into the hangar (Selfa hangar?) but my ships arent showing up...

What do I need to do exactly?

I can see in my account area where it says "my hangar) Ive got a lot of stuff listed in my pledge like 17 million reward, 16 million reward etc etc

I also came across "Colnel LTI" containing my ship Hornet F7C in the "Aeroview" Hangar which i guess my be my ship?

Also what is "Buy Back Pledges"?
I have two items listed here "Arbiter LTI" and "Digital Bounty LTI".

Oh and what is UEC Vs REC? I have 35k UEC and 5k REC.

Bit confoozed :)Sorry for many questions!
Check the website. Login and see your hanger there
Scale? You must be joking right, where's the endless galaxies promised? Tell me how many planets there actually are in SC?

It's actually light on content, but at times looks fantastic which I think beguiles the already beguiled even further, but if you look at SC objectively it's very shallow.
Light in content? There's like 50 moons and 5 actual planets or more spaced out pretty well and each planet is huge!

Plenty of stations around too
Folks... I logged into my account which I havent done for years.
I back this back in 2013 :eek:
Anyhoo, I thought Id give this a whirl now seeing as more and more people are trying the Alpha out....

I would be evergrateful for some help, because I have no clue what happened to the stuff I backed way back when... I thought I backed several ships but I cant see to find these...

I went into the hangar (Selfa hangar?) but my ships arent showing up...

What do I need to do exactly?

I can see in my account area where it says "my hangar) Ive got a lot of stuff listed in my pledge like 17 million reward, 16 million reward etc etc

I also came across "Colnel LTI" containing my ship Hornet F7C in the "Aeroview" Hangar which i guess my be my ship?

Also what is "Buy Back Pledges"?
I have two items listed here "Arbiter LTI" and "Digital Bounty LTI".

Oh and what is UEC Vs REC? I have 35k UEC and 5k REC.

Bit confoozed :)Sorry for many questions!

I keep an eye on the game through Boredgamer's channel

He's always keeping up to date with the latest happenings and has a very good guide (that also get's updated) for new and returning players. Check it out ;)

No one has ever tried anything approaching the scale, scope and ambition of SC before so what is your frame of reference for what 'should' be in the game at this point of its development.

Perhaps delivering on the original features promised and finishing what they started out to do and not add another new feature every few weeks that adds to dev time. I don't think it's a scam but it's a textbook example of feature creep and an incoherent development path.
I bought a basic starter pack...a few years ago, now? I was excited for a while and still have the pack, but I’ve given up actually waiting for it. If that makes any sense. One day I hope to be surprised with the announcement of a non beta release. Until then, this thing has just gone on too long now for me to take much notice.
Things they took out with 3.9 from 3.8 can tell you. Stability and SLI support :p

Just to let you know it's never had SLI support ever since it's started development. With that I've had more stability in 3.9 than anything since about 3.3 so each to own. I couldn't get into 3.8.1 or 3.8.2 at all but been fine playing for hours at time. Just stop pushing your agenda on here when your not interested and stop trolling the thread. If you don't like it move on instead.
Perhaps delivering on the original features promised and finishing what they started out to do and not add another new feature every few weeks that adds to dev time. I don't think it's a scam but it's a textbook example of feature creep and an incoherent development path.

What has been added in the last 5 years that wasn't on the original design intentions since then? Just wondering cause the stuff they have added to date has been part of the development intention for a long time now.
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