******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Can only guess really!

Not all backer packages no, they split the package a couple of years ago (which was one of crytek’s complaints in the lawsuit as it happens).

Back when they split, they had around 2 million backers... Let’s say by now they have 2.5ish million that have “preordered” S42 for the sake of argument (they currently have 2.7million backers last I saw, so assuming about 70% of these new backers have also bought S42).

If (if!!!!) they manage to actually make a very decent game they could theoretically manage to sell a couple more million if you compare to other extremely successful PC titles. If they go on to next gen consoles with SQ42 (which is now perhaps a viable option, it wasn’t back in 2012) they could sell more over the next few years too and also potentially hook some more interest over to star citizen on PC as a happy side effect.

Let’s say they hit it out the park and manage to sell another 2 million after release, at $60 a pop for the released game that’s a revenue of 120 million bucks, with no publisher to take a cut - would certainly give some breathing room. Even 1 million more copies (so for every 2.5ish interested people that already bought, there was 1 who decided to wait until there was a released game) 60 million bucks revenue would also not be too bad! Anecdotally I have zero friends that own it, and a few friends that like the idea of both games, but sensibly won’t buy until there’s actually a game. Consequently I think the ratio of 2.5 current backers to 1 potential backer is fairly easy to believe personally.

Of course you could also cheekily argue that a lot of people that “bought” years ago have aged since then, probably like me a lot of them have young kids and can’t game as much anymore! A whole new potential market that weren’t even 12 years old back when the Kickstarter launched are now available to exploit for more sales!

Ultimately we won’t know how well it’ll sell until they actually launch it, but any extra revenue from it being launched is better than nothing. I suspect the marketing power of having big names like Hamil etc will garner a lot of mainstream attention, they just have to not screw the game up. There is also the matter of the next chapters which are already planned but can’t launch, sell and profit from those until the first one is out the door.

People with kids now would be more interested in SQ42 ie a single player game tay can pick up and play whenever they are free.

I do hope SQ42 is a very good game and i do believe tht that SQ42 wont be just one game and thats it. It wil be released in chapters if i am not mistaken?
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iirc you had to be in the first 500k to buy a pledge to get the 1st and 2nd episodes
think that's why i bought in around the 400k member count

i dont see me buying any further of sq42, PU is where my interest will be, but if they can at least get theatres of war working ill feel like iv bought the most expensive BF version ever
im just badly in need of seeing something knock my socks off
im holding out for 4.0 before i go back for some real game play
That video must have taken freaking ages to make! I almost feel bad for watching it at 2x speed lol.

I have to say it was good to see though, I thought I was maybe imagining things but the game does actually look quite noticeably better.

One thing I noticed too is that previously I would get poor frame rates and only around 75-80% utilisation of GPU, with generally around 30% CPU and no CPU threads bottlenecking... now I still get fairly poor frame rates in a lot of areas but GPU is maxed right out to 99-100% so whatever was limiting my utilisation before seems to have been solved. Now I just need a bigger GPU!
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im just disappointed we are not further along, but iv spent loads of time within the community so im happy as long as i dont look at what iv spent

though my drake mouse pad just arrived lol
Found my invoice email for this game yesterday. 36 euros on 1st July 2014.

By time this game is released I'll be 40 odd years old. Bonkers.
Has a lot of potential but the performance isn't there, it needs to be smooth stable 60 FPS minimum for the Battlefield / CoD type of game that it is and its nowhere near that performance last time it was tested.

A lot of people played all sorts of ArmA MP modes (even with constant drops under 30), so... :D

Joke aside, I doubt the performance will get where it needs to be before the Vulkan implementation and server "stuff".
That video must have taken freaking ages to make! I almost feel bad for watching it at 2x speed lol.

I have to say it was good to see though, I thought I was maybe imagining things but the game does actually look quite noticeably better.

One thing I noticed too is that previously I would get poor frame rates and only around 75-80% utilisation of GPU, with generally around 30% CPU and no CPU threads bottlenecking... now I still get fairly poor frame rates in a lot of areas but GPU is maxed right out to 99-100% so whatever was limiting my utilisation before seems to have been solved. Now I just need a bigger GPU!

I noticed that last night, some areas on MicroTech are brutal.

Such a pretty planet tho.


This little guy is a must now....


The problem with games that take years and years is graphics. You couldn’t get away with a game who’s graphics were cutting edge five years ago and release it now so you end up having to redo it which just adds to the delay. This does look good but I think at some point someone has to tell Roberts ‘enough, no more feature creep, no more great ideas about adding x or y, we need to freeze it, work with what we have and then release. The other stuff can be added later.
The problem with games that take years and years is graphics. You couldn’t get away with a game who’s graphics were cutting edge five years ago and release it now so you end up having to redo it which just adds to the delay. This does look good but I think at some point someone has to tell Roberts ‘enough, no more feature creep, no more great ideas about adding x or y, we need to freeze it, work with what we have and then release. The other stuff can be added later.
There's no more feature creep in the last 4 years
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