******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Just had a look on the recruitment thread. Seems everyone is anti piracy. Could be tricky if there are no pirates ;) I can see there being tears when it turns into Eve 2.0. I get the feeling there are a lot of people just wanting a space sim and are not prepared for the PvP aspect.
anti piracy? mate there is many pirates and grievers in game!
Very eventful so far. Crashed a few times landing, got a criminal record for landing in the returns place and shot down at a space station and ended up in prison. All is trying to do was travel to a different location. What with the ship controls and steep learning curve is going to need a lot more polish to be mass market.

Just need to get rid of this criminal record now!
Very eventful so far. Crashed a few times landing, got a criminal record for landing in the returns place and shot down at a space station and ended up in prison. All is trying to do was travel to a different location. What with the ship controls and steep learning curve is going to need a lot more polish to be mass market.

Just need to get rid of this criminal record now!

If you serve your time (expedite it by mining for them) then when you get out the criminal record is gone.

If you want to get rid of a criminal record before you've ended up in prison, then go grab a crypto key (only place I know of personally is from grim hex but there may be others) and then go find a security post to hack. There's Kareah but that's a nightmare for people straight up murderin' or there's a security outpost on Lyria and one on hurston I think. You'll have to take out the turrest and murder some guards, then try to hack the computer with the crypto key and hope no one gets you in the mean time.
If you serve your time (expedite it by mining for them) then when you get out the criminal record is gone.

If you want to get rid of a criminal record before you've ended up in prison, then go grab a crypto key (only place I know of personally is from grim hex but there may be others) and then go find a security post to hack. There's Kareah but that's a nightmare for people straight up murderin' or there's a security outpost on Lyria and one on hurston I think. You'll have to take out the turrest and murder some guards, then try to hack the computer with the crypto key and hope no one gets you in the mean time.

I think prison actually sounds easier! Enjoying it so far, maybe it's need but there fight controls via a keyboard and mouse are horrible. Far too much sim for it to become a popular game. I think they'll have to dial it back a bit if they want large numbers of players at retail, which I'm assuming given the very large investment. I think next year will be interesting as it sounds like the game will be fleshed out a lot more.
Really you think controls too much. I'm a super casual gamer especially when it comes to flying but the basics of getting from a to b with flight ready, call Comms to get out hanger and take off with space bar and wasd for directions seems simple enough to never be called a SIM and almost arcade in style if you want.

Can you get to sim level and go deeper with controls yes, but that should not be needed for basics. The other two things to remember, N for landing gear and B for quantum travel and now you have all the controls you need to get around in a ship in the verse.
Really you think controls too much. I'm a super casual gamer especially when it comes to flying but the basics of getting from a to b with flight ready, call Comms to get out hanger and take off with space bar and wasd for directions seems simple enough to never be called a SIM and almost arcade in style if you want.

Can you get to sim level and go deeper with controls yes, but that should not be needed for basics. The other two things to remember, N for landing gear and B for quantum travel and now you have all the controls you need to get around in a ship in the verse.
Spot on
Oh technically I suppose you could add
  • Space bar strafe up
  • Control strafe down
  • F4 to go third person
  • Hold z to spin camera in third person
  • Mouse wheel for throttle control
  • Left and right mouse buttons for weapons
All these add up to really nothing more than similar controls to no man's sky though and if anyone claims that's a SIM well.
Oh technically I suppose you could add
  • Space bar strafe up
  • Control strafe down
  • F4 to go third person
  • Hold z to spin camera in third person
  • Mouse wheel for throttle control
  • Left and right mouse buttons for weapons
All these add up to really nothing more than similar controls to no man's sky though and if anyone claims that's a SIM well.

Your coming from it from the wrong angle. That is simple to hardcore SIM users. It's a lot more than the average player is used to. Also the ships have roll, pitch, yaw and move more like a helicopter in a weightless environment. Much more than an "arcade" experience. You also forget Q and E and X.

I'm just giving my impression, as a new user, to the have as it stands. It's very easy to crash and time out of your landing permission. I'll persevere but to keep new players at retail it will have to be quicker and easier with less chance of crashing or ending up incarcerated in your first ten minutes of play. Not what the hardcore fans want but many games have had to bow to playability for financial reasons.
Your coming from it from the wrong angle. That is simple to hardcore SIM users. It's a lot more than the average player is used to. Also the ships have roll, pitch, yaw and move more like a helicopter in a weightless environment. Much more than an "arcade" experience. You also forget Q and E and X.

I'm just giving my impression, as a new user, to the have as it stands. It's very easy to crash and time out of your landing permission. I'll persevere but to keep new players at retail it will have to be quicker and easier with less chance of crashing or ending up incarcerated in your first ten minutes of play. Not what the hardcore fans want but many games have had to bow to playability for financial reasons.

I have never played a sim in my life tbh and am coming from someone whom plays NMS as my only other flight game. Oh in terms of Q,E & X I know what Q & E does, yeah forgot but then that same as NMS as well but what does X do?

In terms of a complete Arcade game (NMS) controls are the same pretty much throughout for instanc. What are you find or beliving makes this beyond simple out of interest?

Time out of landing? I don't think I have actually seen that happen tbh. I took 5 minutes to land at a station cause couldn't see the marker but never timed out for landing permission, I get it might be a bug. The crashing, I get if it a bug but again I do honestly struggle to understand why you wouldn't be able to land okay. You strafe down with control and landing gear down and you good.

Edit: What I was just wondering then, is what do you think needs to be done to make it less "Sim" for instance?
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Your coming from it from the wrong angle. That is simple to hardcore SIM users. It's a lot more than the average player is used to. Also the ships have roll, pitch, yaw and move more like a helicopter in a weightless environment. Much more than an "arcade" experience. You also forget Q and E and X.

I'm just giving my impression, as a new user, to the have as it stands. It's very easy to crash and time out of your landing permission. I'll persevere but to keep new players at retail it will have to be quicker and easier with less chance of crashing or ending up incarcerated in your first ten minutes of play. Not what the hardcore fans want but many games have had to bow to playability for financial reasons.
its not meant to be an arcade game.

Its suppose to have some realism and challenge to it.

Good luck doing a bunker mission and realise you will die after getting him once or twice like a mili-sim like SQUAD game and having no regen health.

You expecting Halo with arcade controls for flying ships?
I have never played a sim in my life tbh and am coming from someone whom plays NMS as my only other flight game. Oh in terms of Q,E & X I know what Q & E does, yeah forgot but then that same as NMS as well but what does X do?

In terms of a complete Arcade game (NMS) controls are the same pretty much throughout for instanc. What are you find or beliving makes this beyond simple out of interest?

Time out of landing? I don't think I have actually seen that happen tbh. I took 5 minutes to land at a station cause couldn't see the marker but never timed out for landing permission, I get it might be a bug. The crashing, I get if it a bug but again I do honestly struggle to understand why you wouldn't be able to land okay. You strafe down with control and landing gear down and you good.

Edit: What I was just wondering then, is what do you think needs to be done to make it less "Sim" for instance?

I was following this guide. The time out might be a bug but it definitely has some messages coded into the game. I find the controls overly sensitive. My mouse and keyboard are just set up fairly middle of the road, not super twitch sensitive. Works fine for everything else. I plan to get 2 X T16000 joysticks eventually as it just seems more intuitive than a keyboard mouse for flying.

To be honest I think some auto docking/auto pilot function wouldn't go amiss, at least the option, but make you more vulnerable to attack to encourage manual control.

That's just my experience, I may be the only player to ever have an issue :)
I was following this guide. The time out might be a bug but it definitely has some messages coded into the game. I find the controls overly sensitive. My mouse and keyboard are just set up fairly middle of the road, not super twitch sensitive. Works fine for everything else. I plan to get 2 X T16000 joysticks eventually as it just seems more intuitive than a keyboard mouse for flying.

To be honest I think some auto docking/auto pilot function wouldn't go amiss, at least the option, but make you more vulnerable to attack to encourage manual control.

That's just my experience, I may be the only player to ever have an issue :)
Docking will be semi automatic by the way when that comes in-game
Docking will be semi automatic by the way when that comes in-game

That's interesting, I hadn't heard about that. I'm looking forward to see what they add over the next year. Some great ideas. I also read that weight is a factor in your run speed and checked in the console to find my weight with gear and current run speed. It's that going to be fleshed out later with gear having a weight?
That's interesting, I hadn't heard about that. I'm looking forward to see what they add over the next year. Some great ideas. I also read that weight is a factor in your run speed and checked in the console to find my weight with gear and current run speed. It's that going to be fleshed out later with gear having a weight?
there will be ship to station docking which will me semi automatic.

Also yes weigh does affect ships and does affect your players stamina a bit
there will be ship to station docking which will me semi automatic.

Also yes weigh does affect ships and does affect your players stamina a bit

I'm liking that attention to detail. Shaping choices through real world mechanics rather than arbitrary restrictions.

What happens with ammunition? I know you can carry a finite amount on you. If you run out I presume you have to go and buy more? Would make for a very different kind of PvP.
I'm liking that attention to detail. Shaping choices through real world mechanics rather than arbitrary restrictions.

What happens with ammunition? I know you can carry a finite amount on you. If you run out I presume you have to go and buy more? Would make for a very different kind of PvP.
Yup you run out of ammo.

ALso on your ship too if you use cannon weapons.

Yes the attention to detail is out of this world really and despite many and i mean many slating this game as a majory scam, there is equally if not more people that actualy love this game and its direction.

This time next year we should see another star system called PYRO and some of the tech pillars on its first iteration done.
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