******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Some interesting updates this month in regards to the roadmap and what has been added and the monthly report.

Big update to what is shown on Roadmap with new teams and how to view what is happening for the year:


Monthly report, the images and vids in here give some nice scope of what been worked on.


EU PU Gameplay Feature Team
  • Environmental Gameplay - New activities that are focused on gameplay in the environment. Expanding interactions with objects placed around locations and new dangers in the environment, both natural and human-made.
  • Long Distance Probing - This feature will allow players to launch quantum-traveling probes that can detect signatures at extreme ranges far beyond the reach of ship scanners. The signatures can ultimately be used to identify point-of-interest and plan quantum travel.
  • Loot Generation T0 - Implementing the systems that generate containers throughout the persistent universe (crates/lockers/boxes) that contain dynamically populated randomized loot.
  • Loot Generation T1 - This system deals with the generation of lootable containers throughout the world, their contents, and how they can be accessed/broken into.
  • Mining Gadgets - Mining Gadgets will help to modify the rock and assist the player with mining a Deposit. The player can attach a device physically to a mineable deposit in FPS to modify its stats, making mining either easier and safer, or quicker and riskier.
  • Resource Management - This system will handle resources for stations, settlements, cities, and all other locations. It will also unlock Engineering Station gameplay for ships, letting players manage power, CPU, fuel, shields, coolant, etc.
  • Ship To Ship Refueling - Implementing the systems that will allow players flying specific ships to refuel other ship and get paid for it. The player can fill those specific ships' fuel tanks from a station using an updated Rearm, Restock, Refuel interface at Landing Zones and Space Stations.
AI Content Team
  • Illegal Goods Dealer - The ‘Goods Dealer’ is a new roaming ‘Vendor’ AI behavior that brokers illegal products, located mostly wandering around shadowy and secretive areas, this dealer trades without a license or permission and is always on the lookout for security.
  • Shops and Patrons - Vastly expand the interactive usables needed for an assortment of shops and patrons. We will be populating dozens of shops with the ‘vendor’ behavior previously seen in the bartender. This will include the Coffee Stand, Pizza bar, Kiosks, and more
LZ-1 Content Team
  • Increasing Player Hab Number - Increase of Player Habs to 100 per landing zone.
Modular - MTL
  • Hospitals T0 - Encompasses all tasks, including design, art, audio, and tech required for the implementation of the first hospitals in the persistent universe.
  • Area 18 Hospital Interior Location
  • Levski Hospital Interior Location
  • Lorville Hospital Interior Location
  • New Babbage Hospital Interior Location
  • Orison Hospital Interior Location
  • Building Interiors - Create gameplay-focused layouts to fill the interiors of the various buildings in landing zones.
Planet Tech Team
  • Basins - Basins form a critical part of water systems across planets and are home to many forms of flora and fauna. Adding them to the work-in-progress rivers system will further improve the quality of our planets.
  • Rivers and Roads - Procedural generation tech to create rivers and roads placeable by artists across planets.
  • Terrain Snow Displacement - Implementing the tech required for impressions in the snow when a person or vehicle impacts/travels over snowy terrain.
  • Underwater Rendering / Caustics - Underwater rendering is a key point of water tech. Adding them will increase planet visual quality and realism for underwater flora and fauna.
UI Feature Team
  • Generic Ship Screens - UI - Generic UI screens that can be used in all future ships.
  • Map and Radar System Rework - An overhaul of the underlying system and associated UI for the Starmap, radar, local area map, and minimap.
  • Options Screen Rework - An overhaul of the Options and Settings screens. The system will be converted to Building Blocks, styled to match the updated frontend screens, and include an improved control setup screen.
US PU Gameplay Feature Team
  • Persistent Habs - Work that grants players the ability to have their own Persistent Habs.
  • Persistent Hangars - Work that grants players the ability to have their own Persistent Hangars. This will also bring changes to the Cargo gameplay loop by allowing players to pack their grids manually.
  • Selling - This feature deals with the ability to sell items back to the shops. Players will have the ability to sell items from their local inventory to the shop using our Building Blocks Tech. This will also support a generalized loot system that will fill lockers and enemy's backpacks with a random assortment of items that can be looted and then taken back to shops to sell for money.
Vulkan is still on track for June.

3.14 shaping up to be one hell of a patch, so is the q4 one tbh but i feel the Q1-Q2 2022 will be the 4.0 one with pyro, server meshing and some of the salvaging gameplay.

The real Crusader, Built with the new gas cloud tech, that place holder ball in space is finally gone and the Orison Landing Zone, looking forward to that, and then Pyro, yes.

Does anyone know if the single player game is still due soon ?

No one knows, to be brutally honest it will happen when it happens, any speculation is completely pointless, but it will happen, eventually.
The real Crusader, Built with the new gas cloud tech, that place holder ball in space is finally gone and the Orison Landing Zone, looking forward to that, and then Pyro, yes.

No one knows, to be brutally honest it will happen when it happens, any speculation is completely pointless, but it will happen, eventually.
i do believe the game will be feature complete in 3 years. i did predict 2024 that this game will have most of teh core features done(salvaging, medical gameplay, exploration)

2 of the above is being rolled out across 3.14 and 3.15/3.16 t0 and if you look closely on the tracker, they are working on new scanning tech and a lil quantum drone u can send out affar and scan a place remotely!

im calling it now, this game will be a masterpeice and many who doubted it will jump onboard in 4-5 years time.

This will be the new "World of warcraft" best popular MMO in the future as you literally can do whatever the **** you want!

Dont like flying ships but just wanna be a bad ass halo/destiny type guy? sure fps in planet and moon side!

Like mining? sure we have it(Even now its viable)

Like dog fighting? sure we got you covered.

Like exploring new planets/ bioms, caves etc? sure we got you too!

The list goes on.

Its multiple games rolled into one basically!

Heck they will even add base building akin to valheim/fallout 4! what more do you want??!?!?!
i do believe the game will be feature complete in 3 years. i did predict 2024 that this game will have most of teh core features done(salvaging, medical gameplay, exploration)

2 of the above is being rolled out across 3.14 and 3.15/3.16 t0 and if you look closely on the tracker, they are working on new scanning tech and a lil quantum drone u can send out affar and scan a place remotely!

im calling it now, this game will be a masterpeice and many who doubted it will jump onboard in 4-5 years time.

This will be the new "World of warcraft" best popular MMO in the future as you literally can do whatever the **** you want!

Dont like flying ships but just wanna be a bad ass halo/destiny type guy? sure fps in planet and moon side!

Like mining? sure we have it(Even now its viable)

Like dog fighting? sure we got you covered.

Like exploring new planets/ bioms, caves etc? sure we got you too!

The list goes on.

Its multiple games rolled into one basically!

Heck they will even add base building akin to valheim/fallout 4! what more do you want??!?!?!

It being free ?
i do believe the game will be feature complete in 3 years. i did predict 2024 that this game will have most of teh core features done(salvaging, medical gameplay, exploration)

2 of the above is being rolled out across 3.14 and 3.15/3.16 t0 and if you look closely on the tracker, they are working on new scanning tech and a lil quantum drone u can send out affar and scan a place remotely!

im calling it now, this game will be a masterpeice and many who doubted it will jump onboard in 4-5 years time.

This will be the new "World of warcraft" best popular MMO in the future as you literally can do whatever the **** you want!

Dont like flying ships but just wanna be a bad ass halo/destiny type guy? sure fps in planet and moon side!

Like mining? sure we have it(Even now its viable)

Like dog fighting? sure we got you covered.

Like exploring new planets/ bioms, caves etc? sure we got you too!

The list goes on.

Its multiple games rolled into one basically!

Heck they will even add base building akin to valheim/fallout 4! what more do you want??!?!?!

It to be finished before graphics cards are 6 grand a pop.
i do believe the game will be feature complete in 3 years. i did predict 2024 that this game will have most of teh core features done(salvaging, medical gameplay, exploration)

2 of the above is being rolled out across 3.14 and 3.15/3.16 t0 and if you look closely on the tracker, they are working on new scanning tech and a lil quantum drone u can send out affar and scan a place remotely!

im calling it now, this game will be a masterpeice and many who doubted it will jump onboard in 4-5 years time.

This will be the new "World of warcraft" best popular MMO in the future as you literally can do whatever the **** you want!

Dont like flying ships but just wanna be a bad ass halo/destiny type guy? sure fps in planet and moon side!

Like mining? sure we have it(Even now its viable)

Like dog fighting? sure we got you covered.

Like exploring new planets/ bioms, caves etc? sure we got you too!

The list goes on.

Its multiple games rolled into one basically!

Heck they will even add base building akin to valheim/fallout 4! what more do you want??!?!?!

The new "WOW" - Biggest lol of the week, congrats. WOW peaked at over 12m subs by the way.

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