******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

That ships in game already and the cloud tech Is in but not at that detail yet.

We kinda waiting on server meshing before pyro can be added in the game

Oh I know I'm just being realistic, Pyro is likely end of next year when the 2nd star system comes online along with the gen 12 renderer, Server meshing and vulkan... although I can see it getting pushed back to 2023... and then 2024.

That’s what I think of Star Citizen generally every time I think about it for the past 8 years :p

Anyone read those Star Citizen emails? We any closer to SQ42 yet? 2022 maybe?

I'd like to see SQ42 in 2022 and maybe even the proper persistent universe not long after but I can't see it happening, They've had roughly 7+ years now and for the amount of money they've received, 300+ Million, And the amount of people working for them, There's really very little to show for it.

Personally I'm writing off this project as an extended demo that will likely end with an announcement around 2024 stating that development has gone on for over a decade with no beta in sight, They've run out of funds etc etc...
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A whole second system?

Not long to go now then. :cry:

Yeah I know lol XD

I'm hoping that Pyro will be their final hand crafted system in place before the other 98 pop up with pre-configured parameters and then maybe now and then CIG pick random planets to do something special for like cities etc... otherwise it's going to be 1 system every 8 years so in roughly 800 years real time we'll have the rest of the game ROFL
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There are 3 other star systems currently in the works that we know of, Pyro, Nyx and Odin. All hand crafted.
By the time SC is fully out warp drive will be old fashioned and we'll have artificial wormholes :D

3.15 is now live. Remember this is a full reset so back to the beginnings you go! Some quirks this release with handling the rewarded/purchased items (bar ships) so just remember that I guess when taking stuff on ships with you... otherwise I guess enjoy and keep on trucking.

New Features Location - Hospitals for Orison, New Babbage and Grim HEX - Clinics for space stations (no Port Olisar) - Unmanned Missile Defense Turrets for space stations and underground facilities

Gameplay - Personal Inventory T0 and Asset Manager APP - Loot Generation T0 - Healing T0 and Actor Status T1 - Incapacitated State - Death & Regeneration - Injuries - BloodDrugLevel (BDL) - Medicinal Drugs - ParaMed Medical Device & Multi-Tool Medical Attachment: - Medical Beds - Hospital Gameplay - Infiltrate and Defend Mission - Eliminate Specific (Lawful / Unlawful) - Eliminate All (Lawful / Unlawful) - Eliminate Boss (Lawful / Unlawful) - Bombs

Ships and Vehicles - Crusader A2 Hercules Starlifter - Origin 400i

Weapons and Items - CureLife ParaMed Medical Device - Greycat LifeGuard Multi-Tool Medical Attachment Core Tech - Added Ship Server Crash Recovery


- Orison V2 - Port Olisar Relocation - Arena Commander and Broken Moon Revamp - FPS and Ship Combat AI Polish - Law System Updates - Quantum QOL - Assisted Gimbal Updates - VJoy Updates - Tobii's Gaze Based Target Selection - Joystick Profile Updates

Ships and Vehicles - Aegis Gladius Gold Standard - Aegis Sabre Gold Standard

Weapon and Items - Backpacks are now a standalone armour item Core Tech - Optimisations for Planet Terrain and Ocean Tessellation
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so that beginners guide... i think it looks like it is shaping up nicely.
I hope it is just because it is unfinished but i dont like that after the ship is destroyed (20min 40s) all that is there is a tidy box with the guys loot.

imo the ship should be there still with damage (which you can fix) or even if ruined i want to see a shipwreck. like i said i hope its WIP.

also as i will be unlikely to have mates playing this.... i also hope if i have too i can get an npc to come and rescue me and am not reliant on other players
so that beginners guide... i think it looks like it is shaping up nicely.
I hope it is just because it is unfinished but i dont like that after the ship is destroyed (20min 40s) all that is there is a tidy box with the guys loot.

imo the ship should be there still with damage (which you can fix) or even if ruined i want to see a shipwreck. like i said i hope its WIP.

also as i will be unlikely to have mates playing this.... i also hope if i have too i can get an npc to come and rescue me and am not reliant on other players
Salvaging gameplay is what you are asking for :)

Everything in this game is WIP
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