******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

it's a mix, they have always had staff dedicated to ships as it's always been a huge focus. if you look at sales over the years it has taken them a while to really exploit them to fill potential. which is all about bringing in funds.

nobody is forced to buy anything beyond the basic package. it can all be earned in game later
You should always be able to get a ship in game. doesn't mean you can always buy from a dealer though, may need to steal it. I can't think of any ship that's been on sale that won't be able to get except potentially the newer version of the hornet for squadron 42 although that's never been sold.

Bear in mind that the ships are purely to fund development, post release that option most likely won't be there are they'll be raising funds for continued development via other means.
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This is the funniest post. Bold and capital letter words and stating opinions as facts is always fun to read. Yeah there are some minor points in what is being said but the credibility and similar goes because there is a lot of missing information that unless you follow it then it's not known as you actually have to research to give facts and not repeat what bad journalism state etc.

Ah well, I will be happy to enjoy 3.0 at end of August/Early September when it's out.

Also if anyone hasn't watched the mocap series of videos yet, well worth a watch. Seeing the cast, the details in what is going on and the premise there has really shown why I feel that it is going to be worth the wait.

You know I took the time to read this earlier and thought I'd point out some of the most glaring mistakes in CATs post, I've no axe to grind as I've no idea who it is to be honest.

You do realise that when a game was first announced for release in 2014,then 2016 and then 2017 its delayed??
They've been up front about this being a long term project since the start, is it delayed absolutely but does it matter to backers? That's the real question and no I don't think it typically does anymore. Those who haven't backed can whinge all they like, those who have backed and are fed up can get refunds. I don't see the issue.

Its like a cult of personality around this bloke - so what he made a good game decades ago.
Peter Molyneux gets the same treatment as does David Braben, personalities in the gaming industry are few and far between. A cult? No he's just popular with a set of people and a likeable person who loves games.

This is the problem with early access and kickstarter games - the fans don't actually criticise the companies for doing crap like this and its why things like Spacebase DF9 never really got finished and so many other kickstarters have fizzled away.
Most kickstarter projects fizzle away because they have no way to pay for an increased scope, whilst people whinge about Star Citizen using ships to raise funds it's proven a very effective method of keeping money rolling in, in addition to subscribers paying to keep monthly shows coming out - which means those ship pledges can go straight to development. If you look at most KS projects now the successful ones typically have some method of raising funds post KS ending.

All this time they have tried to shut down any criticism of this game,and yet now years later,seriously,are they still at it??
They don't shut down criticism, on their own forum, the subreddit where they have some influence etc. They go after those who are purposely spreading BS and generally breaking the law. The sites who have redacted articles have done so after checking sources post release after being contacted by CIG and realising their sources were unreliable at best. However those moaning that you can't criticise them on their own forum, that's not true, how you go about it is important and if it seems like a flame thread or is siting sources which are unreliable then I think you'd struggle to find any company anywhere that'd allow that content to remain. It's not unique to CIG for example OCUK do it too.

No amount of massaging the facts,changes things - the game has over $150 million funding and everybody I know in real life(not the internet) is laughing at it,ie,its basically vaporware with some bits released to “show” its not “dead yet”. Even if it was released this year it would be years late,and what kind of release?? A game with only a fraction of what was promised I suspect.
Modular development means no complete game early on to test. Those involved in the process have been aware of this since 2014 at the latest.

None of the fans seem to ask the question why they used Kickstarter and not use more traditional funding methods??
This one really highlights the lack of knowledge over Star Citizen and CIG by the poster.
1. CIG were asked to use Kickstarter by the community in 2012, initially they were only fundraising directly through their own site.
2. From day one it's been about avoiding traditional funding methods e.g. publishers.

In the end its no point trying to talk about it anymore - if people want to throw their money away on all these projects or live in hope for years,then good for them. Then instead of admitting they might have been conned,or at the very least strung along for years,they shoot the messenger.
Or perhaps it's adults being adults and spending their money how they want to? What a terrible thing. We could be blowing $100 on a skin for a knife in counterstrike and nobody would bat an eyelid. Like many in the community who have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours playing the various modules I'd be disappointed if the game went to the wall today but I have to say I've had more fun in SC in the past couple of years than any other game which is out, including all of those AAA publisher backed games. Heck my second and third choices would be Rimworld and ARK, neither of which came from a mainstream studio and both of which are still being made.
DS I don't usually comment on, no point and not worth the effort. It's a developer who's never put out anything even comparable with the worst indy devs and leaves them in a buggy mess. It's incredibly ironic that he's become some sort of mascot for trolls of CIG given his history.

Also as someone who's done a fair bit of project management in recent years what we're seeing is a scope that until fairly recently kept growing. I put blame for that squarely on CIGs shoulders even if it was the community that was pushing for it. Since they halted, or at least slowed that expanding of scope things have progressed much faster. Early management wasn't good, I even state this in one of my videos but they've massively improved. One of the biggest problems has been the need to create tools to make things work or break and improve cryengine which they've done time and again.

It would have been easy for them to make a bloated Freelancer, they've already gone way beyond that. I'm not convinced they are being straight with us on long term timescales yet though. That's my one main area of annoyance if I'm honest but I'm use to it.
People make fun of DS, an equal amount make fun of CR. I can't even read the words scope and fidelity anymore without chuckling. I'm not here to write essays because no matter what I write it won't be enough. As a bystander though CIG have given me 0 reason to have any faith in them, quite the opposite actually.

I have only one question for you and most SC fans. When is the tipping point? When do you say enough, sth is wrong here. Is it this gamescom? Year 2020? 2025? 2030? There must be a limit for everyone.

You talk about progress but there has been none for a while. When the game gets patched with some content then we can talk about progress. Then we can even see whatever they made is actually good or bad. Like the abysmal flight model and dogfighting we've had for years for example.

I see progress week by week and I'm not even that obsessed unlike many with keeping up to date on the project now. I'm more interested in playing what we have than seeing what's coming next. I'm in Evocati, as is Humbug and several others on here who get to play the latest updates when they come out, just like 3.0 etc.

Tipping point - varies, depends on what progress is being made and a bit like a broken record now but I do see it happening or I think I'd have passed my tipping point. I was relatively fed up with delays back in early 2014, I've since slowly been won back over but if I don't see the first 10 chapters of Squadron 42 by 2020 I'll probably be past my personal tipping point unless there's huge advances (and I mean bloody huge!) on Squadron 42.

However being past my tipping point doesn't mean I'll ask for a refund, I've played well over 1000 hours on SC already in the various modules and had an obscene amount of fun doing so. I already have value for money, I'd just be disappointed if others didn't get to play that too. I've got a whole new band of guys online to play with now as well many of whom I'd never have met without SC.. depends where you place value and personally cash is worth less to me than time and people.

If you want a slimmed down history of SC, I've done 2012 and 2013 on youtube already. It's from y my, admittedly biased (pro-CIG) viewpoint though, not a neutral although I do think I'm reasonably non-fanatical when it comes to most CIG staff. Mark Abent is off limits though, he's a god.
Yeah I do watch the videos. I don't think it is a scam but I also don't think it will be a great game when its out. I don't question all the developers doing their best for the project. I've never met a developer who is not proud of his work and doesn't want it to be good and proper. The madmen at the top though, they are a whole different story...
I don't see anything that CR is trying to do as new. He had promised some great stuff but the chances of them being in the game are dwindling.

What is 3.0 for you or even the final game? Will you be ok if there is no seamless transition when descending to a planet? Will you be ok if there is a loading screen to enter a base? Will you be ok if you get 15fps when someone enters the instance? They are still selling deep exploration vessels for real money when the game is now known to have only 10 (could even drop to 5? 2? who knows) systems in its release.

Seamless transition is likely to happen, size of instances is the bigger problem. netcode has been endlessly worked on and we've still to see progress on it. But then again we've never really been asked to test it either. It's been a work in progress since 2014/15 and honestly I lost interest in keeping track on it but it's a big problem if it can't be worked out. Humbug is far more into the technical elements like this, don't ask him about the engine - you'll be here all day!
KS accounts for something like $5 million our if $150 million +

they also would have hit the funding goal without it but may have then went to private investors rather than continuing to find raise via their own site. Interesting that it could have worked out very differently
I know this has been asked many times before but:
What do I get if I purchase it now? The website seems to indicate that there's multiplayer and singleplayer squadron 42 stuff.
Does that mean the multiplayer bit is me in my spaceship, bimbling around trying not to annoy anyone? Docking and trading is in the game?
If I die or break my ship do I lose it?

1. What you get is the opportunity to download a huge client 30GB+ and trouble shoot modules which will hopefully be part of the main game if/when it's released.
2. It's not a game. Let's make that clear now, it's FUN in groups but not something I'd recommend. It's split into several areas just now.
Crusader - Small solar system which you can explore but there's not an enormous amount to do bare a couple of missions and stuff you decide to do on your own, like dodging asteroids and visiting a handful of locations. It is multiplayer though so if you have a couple of friends you can crew a ship (pilot, gunner etc)
Arena commander - single or multiplayer modes like fighting AI, PVP, racing, free flight in different arenas
Arccorp - explore the test planetside town module.
Star Marine - FPS module for testing the pew pew mode mechanics.
3. Insurance currently doesn't matter, if your ship blows up you need to wait a little while to get it back, or alternatively steal someone elses or crew their ship etc. Or stow away on it and kill them mid flight.. :)

Version 3.0 is coming in 4-6 weeks, or there abouts. Honestly suggest holding off until that's here as it changes quite a bit.

If you want to keep up to date BoredGamer is a good source, he trims the fat so you don't have to wade through tons of videos etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evyl3h5hxC4
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