******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Your missing the point of them being targets, not deadlines. The targets are and will always be optimistic as they are designed not to have any slippage in them. They are the date expected should everything be working 100% all the time.

The targets set by software companies I have worked with for instance always assume 100% output from all the team, don't take into account, sickness of members of staff, holidays, delays waiting on 3rd parties, change of scope. Those are all non factors in the target systems that as far as I am aware almost every company uses.

These are internal targets that they are wishing for. They will never hit those target dates as a whole if you take it as 3.0. However if you split up each section then you will see they are hitting smaller team targets and missing others. There is no way this will change to the point that they will release 3.0 sized updates on target dates.

Now when they start doing smaller updates with 3.1 or 3.2 those dates should be more accurate as they have relative less content and thus less likely for creep to set in with what will be done unless they change scope of whats in those updates as a whole.

This is why I don't believe any criticism can be given and why we should never expect them to hit these dates. The only reason we are seeing them in the first place is people wanted to see what progress was happening behind the development.

If the patcher is updated as expected it could be that we then have things a lot more as 3.1.1, 3.1.2 being dropped on the odd week, month or similar with much more minor updates/bug fixes ect and that is what will be hit on time much more often because they are going to be single team or single item/bug updates and so we may not even see them feature in the main schedule but they could be on a much more finite schedule.

I'm not missing the point at all, if they are setting their own targets and consistently missing them, then they should be a little more generous when setting them next time. They are well aware the community is watching progress keenly and wanting them to start hitting them.

You don't get a free pass because it's an aspiration to hit something, not when you repeatedly fail to do so. I'm a fan of the development but I'm not going to keep silent over frankly poor scheduling and project management, which is the only real reason for consistently failing to meet targets regardless of which industry you are managing in. I don't care whether you believe criticism can or cannot be given, it will be and in many cases it's justified. That doesn't mean backers will demand money back etc. It's about keeping some form or pressure on them to keep delivering, you can be a fan whilst still being a customer expecting results.
So I'm guessing because they hit some targets we ignore all those that are missed? Hmm.

If I set myself a set of targets and year on year continue to miss those, I'd expect those paying me to do the task and importantly set my own date for completion to ask questions. That's not deluded.

I'm happy to be done with the convo to though. It's clearly going nowhere.
CIG like to keep SQ42 under wraps, we know almost nothing about how far along they are with it. Heck I remember the cast reveal back in 2015 as a few of us OCUKers were in Manchester for it - that blew our socks off but I don't see it as impossible that those first 10 episodes land this year.

Roberts has a habit of surprising us, sometimes good, sometimes not so good but he always likes to have something to show at these big events so I'm sure we'll get a taste this year.
3.0 has been pushed back again, new dates are:

Evocati: 21/06/2017
PTU: 06/07/2017
PU: 21 -27/07/2017

No point in updating the completed features list as it is not far from the same, the same things that pushed it back the last time pushed it back again with none of them done, in fact what they haver done is add more features, again.

Its more than a little worrying that what they added to the feature list after the last delay are now causing these delays along with the original same things causing the release to be pushed back once more, and yet they add yet more work to what they already seem to be struggling with.
They just don't seem to be able to commit to anything, its concerning because this development has been going on for some years now with nothing actually to show for it.

check the differences here...


I'm shocked.. oh no wait I said it'd be delayed, expect another delay too although only a day or two next time that's how it usually goes.

Delayed because of content that want even proposed in there previous update, which is basically adding an excuse. They are clearly doing the usual and working on something for the reveal at gamescom which is dividing available staff between what they want us to have now and what they want to keep under wraps. Happens every year about this time.
I suspect many would have preferred in hindsight if they'd taken a Frontier Developments approach and just completed a basic space sim then built upon it. One problem with delays is that everyone will reduce the tolerance for something that isn't the greatest most mind boggling good game created ever… personally I'm not too sure if this will ever meet expectations now even if it is truly amazing.

I've really enjoyed the development to be honest, just wish I could get over my damn chest infection so I could sit at the PC and play lol
Avoid the market buddy. Go in at the base level and then decide if you want to throw more at the project or not, but always bare in mind it could all be money down the toilet! Interestingly though due to exchange rates and TAX we pay compared to some market sellers there is very little in it at times now.

Between us we have several of most of the ships, OCUKers are in a mixture of orgs but tbh I think we're still all really under the same umbrella. Orgs in the game aren't the same as traditional clans so in my case I don't see the point in owning lots of specialised ships when I know other OCUKers with them who I can crew with if/when the game ever launches :)
Nox is the first ship I've bought in almost two years. Rest have been via melting existing ones.

Didn't want to melt any of my auroras though! Probably a daft idea not to though!
^^ Hey Niko, it's me your cousin.

Want to go bowling*?

*In space

Think most SCers who have more than the basic package are long time gamers to be fair. Most of PAGAN are over 35 from what I can tell and we've several geriatrics like Worzel who are clearly in their 80s and still going strong.
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I don't see how tbh, its not like having many gun options in FPS ruins those. Just means he has more ships to start tweaking as all of those come stock, which will immediately start being behind the times when time rich people get playing.
Hi All. I've been an avid Elite player for some time now as I love a good space SIM. I started following SC at the beginning but I've lost touch since. Do you guys think this game is ready to pick up yet? I'm desperate to play it but don't like the thought of ruining my experience too soon with a buggy game..... Thanks

Right now it's far from a complete game, it's essentially split modules for testing various parts that will be pieced together to make the game.

Does that mean it's not fun? Absolutely not, I prefer playing these modules with friends than Elite Dangerous and I backed Elite back in kickstarter. I would suggest if you do back it playing with friends first and ideally hopping onto an SC discord and having a chat with those who know more and firing questions at them. If any any doubt dont' back..

but I love it. Even the test PU (persistent universe) is far more amusing than anything I've done in Elite, crewing a ship with friends is fun and I can't wait to get my hands on 3.0 which expands what we can test.

Right now though it's more of a showcase for technology than a game, a series of mini-games really which are slowly starting to piece together.
Hardly a big deal, was discussed in the Starcitizen sub yesterday. The bank they've borrowed from (don't think we know how much) only deal with the wealthy who have at least £1,000,000 in tangible assets. IMHO it's a repeat of last years drama where CR had to come out and explain economics to some backers who were getting their knickers in a twist.

I doubt Coutts would have touched the business if there was a hint of trouble tbh. Interestingly this is only the UK branch, not the US based LLC that's getting the loan.

I do wonder if they've enough cash to complete though it has been a bit of a mystery to me for a couple of years how they could afford paying so many staff. I know in the UK they got a ton of help from the government in grants etc and that's why they based F42 here but elsewhere I doubt it was as much.
remember the loan was likely at 0.25% pretty good going and if funds are needed that's about as good as you'll get anywhere. The currency market with us paying in dollars also impacts positively just now.

edit: not sure how the American system works but I'd be surprised if CIG US didn't have some form of loans.

like I said it's a repeat of last year's drama
star marine was essential regardless of popularity as they didn't have a Scooby how to pull it off but imho they have. they need PU elements soon especially core game mechanics like mining and jump points.
Doesn't need a defence, this is the garbage we have every year and every year CIG explain it.. then people forget.

We can theorycraft all we want what the loan is for, it may not even be to do with funding the studio.
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