I started at Area18 and despite its ruggedness and generally looks pretty battered it has some really good shops that are literally right outside your habitat. I think if i could do it again i would probs start at Area18 having visited the other places now.Installed the 3060Ti, updated SC. I may get on later or tomorrow, where the best place to set to start at?
Installed the 3060Ti, updated SC. I may get on later or tomorrow, where the best place to set to start at?
I noticed today after checking event viewer that im getting a lot of these Kernel eventtracing error codes. The game runs fine, no crashes now that i've reset everything to stock with XMP1 enabled for my ram. Really weird, its on windows 11 as well.
Yeah let me know matey, i had some driver issues as well after realising i may have installed some win10 drivers for my win11 install lol but i've corrected that now and those error bugs have gone.Area 18, just because you have lots of shops there, Loreville has no shops and you don't want Orison, you can change that in game anyway.
I'll check for that later my self.
Area 18, just because you have lots of shops there, Loreville has no shops and you don't want Orison, you can change that in game anyway.
I'll check for that later my self.
So apparently the errors im getting has something to do with Anti Cheat, does SC use Anti cheat? Any idea how to fix this, i'm starting to wonder if this is the cause of all my BSOD's lately and not my clocks.Area 18, just because you have lots of shops there, Loreville has no shops and you don't want Orison, you can change that in game anyway.
I'll check for that later my self.
Yes there is anticheat I noticed the logo as I updated it yesterday.So apparently the errors im getting has something to do with Anti Cheat, does SC use Anti cheat? Any idea how to fix this, i'm starting to wonder if this is the cause of all my BSOD's lately and not my clocks.
Yes you lose everything at a reset, I'm keeping the mindset that I'm not playing the game I'm an early access tester, albeit paying for the access thereby acting as a backer. Although you see the memes it's really the only way fans of certain genres or for games pushing the limits will get them made. Publishers just want a big return yesterday. I'm in the same boat as you, I've dabbled with it a bit but I'm essentially starting from scratch.New to SC, gave the free play a go before committing to a starter pack. I'm a bit late to the SC world, but after trying it out, I decided to give it a blast.
I assume I will lose access to the ships/equipment/money from the free play trial when it expires and be left with just the starter pack setup? Dont want to get too comfortable so early into the game...
Exactly and then they bomb. I think I've done enough reading around to be confident they are genuinely pushing the boundaries of what can be done. This will be beneficial to gaming as a whole driving other developers to strive for more and pushing average hardware upwards. One benefit of the slower progress is server technology has improved at a huge rate, especially with AMD pushing hard.To reinforce that point a bit. I was trying box delivery missions with a couple others yesterday. Between us we must have tried almost at least a dozen missions and not even half of them were successful due to game crashes. Frustrating but as Troezar said, no other game is trying to have the scope that SC is. And we already know what happens when big names get involved with these kind of games, a date gets set and they get pushed out ready or not.
Not to mention after the free week there is also a big patch coming in 2-3 weeks time which will again be a complete wipe so something to keep in mind.Yes there is anticheat I noticed the logo as I updated it yesterday.
Yes you lose everything at a reset, I'm keeping the mindset that I'm not playing the game I'm an early access tester, albeit paying for the access thereby acting as a backer. Although you see the memes it's really the only way fans of certain genres or for games pushing the limits will get them made. Publishers just want a big return yesterday. I'm in the same boat as you, I've dabbled with it a bit but I'm essentially starting from scratch.
To reinforce that point a bit. I was trying box delivery missions with a couple others yesterday. Between us we must have tried almost at least a dozen missions and not even half of them were successful due to game crashes. Frustrating but as Troezar said, no other game is trying to have the scope that SC is. And we already know what happens when big names get involved with these kind of games, a date gets set and they get pushed out ready or not.
An artist tasked with the job of adding a different turret to an already existing asset in the game is not someone who is going to add any value in a server team.Or, instead of using resources/money to employ a person/team to create that asset (which is not needed at this point in time) reallocate it into the server team (which is needed), bonkers idea right?
Hey guys, I'll ask this here since I expect there's some other recent VKB purchasers about.
I ordered two sticks from them last month and got sent a text from UPS asking for the £44.50 before they could deliver. Fair enough. Took delivery the next day.
Then a few weeks later I received a second invoice from UPS asking for another £34.01, listed as "charges" which is also apparently eligible for interest and a late payment fee as I received the invoice six days after the payment due date.
Has anybody else had this?
I've been in touch with UPS a couple of times to find out what's up and I just get offered help to track my parcel.
Well i suppose that makes me feel a little bit better that im not alone in this. I do get the hangs as well though they are rare and oddly usually when im on the metro line going from commons to the spaceport/hangers.I do get them.... interesting.
Yes, SC uses Easy Anti-Cheat.