******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Swapped my Missiles out for 16 Rattlers, because #### yeah! :D

Ta very much. Now I get to try out something that would have taken me ages to get at my rate anyway.
It's probably better if you try out mine or someone else's before comitting the creds to anything. You may prefer one or dislike both :D

Swapped my Missiles out for 16 Rattlers, because #### yeah! :D
I also kitted out the A2 with Attritions on everything for more rapid fire braps if anyone want to fill the turrets.

Will be until the inevitable reset in the next few weeks anyway. lol
Yep, it's why I don't care about the cash :D
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I'll try and jump in next time you are all playing. Been pretty busy amongst other things recently, plus kinda saving myself for 3.18. Expect I'll be playing a lot next patch if it plays reliably!
It's probably better if you try out mine or someone else's before comitting the creds to anything. You may prefer one or dislike both :D

I also kitted out the A2 with Attritions on everything for more rapid fire braps if anyone want to fill the turrets.

Yep, it's why I don't care about the cash :D
I’m happy just learning another ship, something more challenging. This reset, please say you get to keep your ships?
Yes, you keep whatever is in your hangar that's bought with actual cash or through whatever gift promotion.
In that case, are you as generous with hard cash as you are credits? :D.

I mean it is what it is I suppose. At least by then I will have learnt the ropes hopefully, so should be able to make money much easier.

So you literally have your starter ship again and that’s it?
Its all good. When 3.18 drops can just all do a chunk of bounties and such together. It soon adds up or a decent mining and salvage operation as a team come 3.18 live. Be plenty to do and just earn as play. Plus plenty have big ships in game so can just borrow and fly together too :)
Saw Xenothreat mentioned on Discord, alongside the fact they've dropped the player count back down to help PES performance. The player count change is ominous! I hope they can keep the higher player counts and get Xenothreat and PES to actually work properly by the time it hits the live PU!
Saw Xenothreat mentioned on Discord, alongside the fact they've dropped the player count back down to help PES performance. The player count change is ominous! I hope they can keep the higher player counts and get Xenothreat and PES to actually work properly by the time it hits the live PU!
Dropped it to what?

Last night it was 100 players still in the ptu
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